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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. I think he's doing it on purpose to be cool. From a NUFC fans perspective - there's nothing wrong with the basics of what we think he's done with the accounts. If he was going to go on a spending spree he would do the same thing. The negativity for me is that it's an indication he's not wanting to sell. A business posting large profits with little growth screams "come and get me" to investors. Keeping it in the club is an indication he wants his own assets to have loads of cash and increase his wealth. You do yourself no favours To say there is nothing wrong is a bit of an over-simplification, context is quite important when judging Mike Ashley and NUFC.
  2. Aye - Jabba ain't paying that. Not if McClaren quits we won't.
  3. To be fair Mojo you seemed to miss TCD's point. You're both saying the same thing.
  4. The just how bad is Alan Pardew debate was utterly pointless during the time he was here. Now it's being re-litigated after he has left the club.
  5. Been playing on my mind much of the day, this. What a good film. Polic just talks to himself these days.
  6. I lived in the midlands in the late 70's and early 80's and heard much more day to day racism than I ever did up here. We were terrible as a fan base but away from football racism wasn't a massive problem from my experience. Ethnic population probably played a part in that.
  7. Howard Gayle in 1982 was apparently the first black player for us in the top-flight
  8. Stats seem to be what average managers use to replace their complete lack of knowledge.
  9. I'd be content with McClaren, which says it all because I really shouldn't be.
  10. He's so sexy when he gets the ball on the left hand side of the edge of the 18 yard box.
  11. More of a lookalick than a lookalike... lickalike surely?
  12. http://s16.postimg.org/p320xif6d/Forty_Licks_Disc_1_cover.jpg
  13. It does appear the club have been very supportive of him during his time here. He hasn't repaid that support on the pitch.
  14. Do they? Most with an ounce of sense will be aware of the Myriad of problems that culminate in our 'no-shows'. Look who was Captain when we beat the Champions elect this season. The common denominator in such games is shambolic, unorganised half-hearted defending and an epidemic of head dropping after the first goal. And bugger all attacking threat, poor team selection, backwards coaching, etc. To be honest I don't even know why I'm bothered. He's crap, everything's crap, pretty churlish to get bothered by your bluster when the whole club stinks.
  15. Do they? Most with an ounce of sense will be aware of the Myriad of problems that culminate in our 'no-shows'. Look who was Captain when we beat the Champions elect this season.
  16. 0-4 against Villa at home Aye, back Carver to thrash those Mackems 5-0 minimum Not been so excited for a derby since before Pardew! Carver knows what we want, and we'll thrash their own goal defenders Have you got your ticket? Refused to fund Ashley by buying a season ticket Good choice. Must be canny expensive coming from Pakistan too. Called a proxy I know it is. Why would you be running through a proxy? Because it's best to use proxies and not give private location info out Cool. Well I don't like people running through proxies because it's always some w***** trying to get round a ban. Bye. Worst catchphrase ever Wullie
  17. Refusing to prop up a greedy and toxic regime is not the same as glory supporting.
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