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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. From Wiki 'The film currently has a rating of 0% on Rotten Tomatoes based on 9 reviews.[14] On Metacritic, the film has a 1 out of 100 rating based on 7 critics.[15] It is one of eight films in the history of the site to carry the lowest rating; the previous films being The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence), Not Cool, 10 Rules for Sleeping Around, inAPPropriate Comedy, Chaos, The Singing Forest, and Bio-Dome.'
  2. Milner and Ings. Liverpool don't appear to want to challenge for the title.
  3. Managerial appointments have held this club back something terrible.
  4. Ireland renowned qualifiers for World Cups.
  5. the league is full of irritating cunts so vagisil makes sense.
  6. Trappatoni deserved to be a part of that tournament.
  7. Game was rigged? FIFA didn't want to run the risk of getting into difficulties over a lengthy court case.... Or you know Ireland could have just ponied up a cause of action against fifa, ref incompetence cost them money. Fifa appoints ref etc
  8. Fuck off with this love-in with HBA man
  9. Unbelievable, I would be interest to hear your take on how McClaren actually won that league with Twente. Was it simply his management genius, did he inherit a great group of players ? Did he just get lucky ? What style of play did they adopt, always negative or positive, attacking or dour ? Equally why did he fail on his second time around ? My brother in law has a FC Twente season ticket. He says that although McClaren came in at just the right time (decent squad, owner willing to spend) his experience and motivation skills were crucial in their winning title bid in 2010. However, he has also said that the football was very result oriented (read boring) with clean sheets the main priority. This was his downfall in his second stint in charge, as results were disappointing and the football on display wasn’t much better. Interesting thanks man, I'm still no more convinced about him, sounds like a pardewesq philosophy then of keeping it tight at the back and hoping for a bit of magic, great Pardew was shit scared of the job. I don't think McClaren will have the same fear.
  10. To paraphrase Stewart Lee, it's like watching a monkey throwing it's own excrement into a fog horn.
  11. Blanc seems to be a rank average manager.
  12. I only tended to see them when it was on Sky when it actually mattered, twice against Boro, against Wolves towards the end of the season with both after a play off place, and in the derby against Forest. They were startlingly bad in all four games. Suspect there was a hint of the flat track bully about them. They should have beat QPR in the play off the year before like. They played very well in that game I thought, looked like a good side. Long time ago now.
  13. What lessons? Don't want to sound like a dick but the club is set up to stay in the Premier League, which it did. There's nothing credible to suggest Ashley desires anything other than more of the same. 3 relegation scraps in 7 years show that they aren't learning. It's all about hitting the bottom line, spending as little cash as possible whilst continuing to openly lie to supporters, offering hope..... when there is none. I agree but that is his business model working as far as he is concerned.
  14. What lessons? Don't want to sound like a dick but the club is set up to stay in the Premier League, which it did. There's nothing credible to suggest Ashley desires anything other than more of the same.
  15. What about Vieira? I've read "Viera" hundreds of times today. He's his non-union Mexican equivalent.
  16. Yeah £3,000,000 compo for Alan Pardew tough lesson to learn.
  17. The only optimism in this next appointment comes from some vague notion that they will look to placate fan unrest. McClaren may be deemed insufficient in that regard.
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