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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Denial of the possibility? No one would deny it's possible. People are just saying they don't think it's what happened. Who denies possibilities, anyway? Ironic that such a complaint comes from one of the most absolutist posters.
  2. Sol Campbell thread for a start. Who was discriminated against so much he got how many England caps again? Black and mixed race/dual heritage are overrepresented (as a population percentage) in terms of the current England Playing Squad. Hardly corroborative to discrimination. If there is a debate about racial discrimination Sol Campbell is not a part of it.
  3. It's quite hard to get accreditation as a football fan tbf.
  4. Pardew surely? He'd have masterminded it all with his hands tied behind his back and a blindfold on.
  5. Signing Shawcross would be a radical departure from the 'transfer model'. Exactly the sort of player we need but I can't help but think it would be money better spent elsewhere, particularly if Remy goes on to new pastures. Abdoulaye Faye cost £2.25 million. Then again we should have plenty of money to spend in the summer.
  6. Don't bet on horses that share your name 'King Edmund'
  7. Didn't have him down as a smallholder.
  8. Yeah sure, but when someone as successful as Sol Campbell trivialises the racial discrimination problems facing blacks today in order to promote his book he can fuck off.
  9. Every club has had problems with racism. A lot would depend on where you're sat in a ground as to whether you were aware of it.
  10. If a person isn't as successful as they might have been it doesn't mean that they must have been discriminated against.
  11. Aye. Yeah. I can totally buy Pardew seducing him at a casino though.
  12. I don't dispute that we are able to sign some good players. I think our difficulty arises in keeping them for a prolonged period. This obviously makes it hard to build much and progress. Probably why people have no patience with the MA approach.
  13. In a nutshell I'd be surprised if Remy stayed with us. I think he will either go to a club that will pay him more money or a more successful club (who will probably pay him more money).
  14. Ok well I think there is probably a hierachy of needs for a footballer. Top Concern is probably money. Next probably is competitiveness, chances of success. Then Stadium and Fans. Again if you're a good player, why stay at NUFC?
  15. Seriously what are they? Shine a light on them.
  16. Ultimately deciding to go to a team that were at the basement of the PL. The real difficulty is, if you're a good player why would you stay at NUFC? No obvious reasons.
  17. No signings, selling our best player, Kinnear as DOF (I know he was appointed before he signed).
  18. Paddy are doing places 1-5 today on the coral cup. Any tips?
  19. No. Lost to Norwich in the Final last year.
  20. Kemen is such a pro. OTT celebration to distance himself from the handball.
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