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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. As a full back maybe, but he is a wonderfully gifted footballer.
  2. I think there's a little more to it than that in this case. Yes, it should be arrested on suspicion of being involved in the gang rape of a woman, not yet charged with any offence. fyp
  3. Feel that a lot of the feeling here is down to the way the club has taken liberties in the past. My feeling is that this has the potential to be a shrewd signing. However, because of the way the club has been run (particularly this summer), it is tempting to see this signing as more ad hoc madness.
  4. Ankgrucu or something? Didn't they announce it before he signed and IIRC he even played in our next game.
  5. I don't deny Butt had some good times with us. However, by the end he was a bloody train wreck. For all that Smith was limited, crap and unlikeable I never felt his being on the pitch did us as much damage as our persistence with Butt, particularly in the relegation season. Each to their own.
  6. Butt's presence on the pitch harmed us more than any other player I can recall.
  7. Have you seen the size of Tino's dong? The world would hear the screams if he forced himself on a woman. It wouldn't be rape, it would be attempted murder.
  8. Police bailed till September it would seem. So basically we either sign him with the risk of him being guilty or we stay clear. I can see it now, we sign him he goes down with staring in the face obvious evidence or if we stay clear he gets found not guilty. He may not even be charged (though I suspect he will be). I doubt he will get convicted and we'd probably get a season out of him before his case was concluded.
  9. Police bailed till September it would seem.
  10. Bring some movement to the side then.
  11. Agreed, that doesn't mean he isn't capable of very good/very bad displays in those positions. If we're going to have young players coming through it makes sense for players that aren't first or second choice being moved on.
  12. Except nepotism, cost and favours of course. If we were trying to get the best deals above all else do you really think Mike would appoint Kinnear? Really? Mike Ashley a self made billionaire militant businessman. Doubtless getting the best deal possible will be part of Kinnear's remit but to say that the best deal comes before everything else does not reconcile with giving the job to Joe Kinnear. Its that simple.
  13. His assist for Ba at the Emirates was probably my moment of the season.
  14. Simply put, Marveaux makes better decisions.
  15. @lee_ryder Kinnear apparently unhappy with St. Etienne double bid. Better talent domestically #nufc
  16. It would be like the McDonalds step-Dad advert. He's come in, we all know he's fucking our mothers so offering to fix our bike is small consolation. Then we get the McDonalds offer.
  17. Full of emo kids this place at times As though we didn't spend a whole season going backwards . Although at least that actually happened, rather than speculating that it might.
  18. I think this is the one thing JFK isn't. I don't think you can spend 5 years in the UAE, then a couple of years in Nepal and India. Along with the Crazy Gang having a fair few black players, surely he would have slipped up and said something iffy by now. Gerraway man, he was going over there specifically to be racist. He's the Jimmy Saville of racism.
  19. I hope the person who pays the 20k hates Macclesfield and uses the time to ruin their season.
  20. Nope, its just part of the perception of him being old fashioned and offensive.
  21. I'd agree if it wasn't for that fact that they were very sloppy yesterday and didn't deserve a 3-0 win and the fact that they've played Tahiti, Nigeria and at the moment only the 7th best team in South America. For me they're the greatest national team in I don't know how many years, but I don't think they're as good now as they were in 2010 or 2012. They're still the best team in the world, but I haven't seen this Spain side be so ineffective and be so sloppy in possession as they've been lately. There's five national sides at the moment who could all win the world cup in my opinion if Spain keep being as ineffective and sloppy in possession. Spain, Germany, Argentina, Brazil and Italy. (in that order) To be honest I wasn't really commenting on their possession play which may well have deteriorated. They are just working exceptionally hard. I do think there are a number of very capable teams on the world stage now. Like I say next year should be brilliant.
  22. Shearer is in the early stages of this tbf http://www.marcusevanskma.com/admin/uploads/timhealy%20-%20new%20(small)_1.jpg
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