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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Posts posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Controlling possession is one thing. Having decent possession is another, more basic problem. Barely a period after the first goal where we had the better of the ball for even a couple minutes.


    What do you attribute it to out of interest? I think its partly down to our lack of movement and also at times I feel we try to play the ball forward at every opportunity. Last night we didn't seem to have any desire to have possession for possessions sake.

  2. Its our inability to have the ball do the work that is proving a major hindrance when we are in front.


    For most of the first half yesterday Metalist pressed aggressively. They couldn't have kept it up for the entire match and yet once we had taken the lead we could not control possession. When we do hold onto results it seems that often it is by virtue of backs to the wall rather than controlling the tempo of the game and draining our opposition.

  3. Southampton is more important, imo. Play the reserves + first team players in need of match fitness.


    So we're effectively waving the white flag? They're nowt special but easily capable of beating our crappier players on their own turf. They'll be delighted tonight.


    Pretty much. We're still not out of the woods yet, and I don't want to risk our place in the top flight for a tournament we're most likely not going to win.


    But yeah, it's a massive dilemma.


    This season.

  4. I'm happy to overlook this match as he's had two "goals" wrongly disallowed, but the fact still remains that he still keeps missing easy chances.




    Only so many times it can be "unlucky" or a "good save" he was hardly against Buffon tonight but had 2 or 3 chances saved that he could have done better for. Finished the second ruled out brilliantly mind.


    We are going to need his goals in the league and in Europe, he needs to really start finishing more of the chances he is getting.


    Just have to be patient. He's trying it, will come and at least he is applying himself. Its getting frustrating but he's all we've got.

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