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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Posts posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Hopefully he and Mapou will get the start for the Europa match and we get to see them begin to gel.


    Play Mapou and Saylor together if we are looking long-term.


    Its not prudent to see Taylor as a long term option with his injury record unfortunately.

  2. Sissoko and Cabaye had both played (near enough) full matches this week. Think that showed. Also very annoying the amount of times little pulls were completely ignored.

    Cabaye was good tbf, Sissoko looked a bit laboured 2nd half but he did well for our goal.



    Yeah wasn't saying they were terrible but thought they both looked a bit leggy at times. More of a worth remembering sort of thing than seeking to have a go at their individual performances.

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