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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Posts posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers



    No, let's. He missed 3 games and we got 0 points. In the next 3, against slightly better opposition we got 4 points. Direct correlation there.


    Its completely flawed statistical analysis. If you want to hang your hat on it, in order to further your point that he has been poor but shouldn't be dropped, so be it.


    I'm out.

  2. Both went on to look very crap. Bassong has only looked a good player again 3 years later. Bassong was good for such a young man but he wasn't that good.


    Without Ba's goals we would've been in the relegation zone, no doubt in my mind.


    With colo on the pitch we where heading for 3 points. IMO we would've won had he not got injured. We also lost the 3 games he was suspended for after L'pool.


    Yes, had Colo not made those two mistakes it would've been an excellent performance? Had we scored 3, it would be noted but overlooked like our poorish closing down of Chelsea's goals the week before.


    I agree Pardew's systems haven't benefited the whole team but IMO some of his senior players have let him down. Especially the spine of the team + Jonas.


    The point about Beye and Bassong wasn't about what they amounted to after that season but the relationship between good performances and points.


    I shouldn't have used the Sunderland game as an example as I forgot he was subbed off before their equaliser  :thup:. Nevertheless it probably wouldn't take too much research to find an instance of Colo playing well and being on the losing side in our colours.


    I didn't say excellent, I said good, as in solid, competent etc. There has been debate as to the fault for the goals hence why I phrased it in the manner I did.


    Anyway, that's just what I felt about it all.

  3. Poor defeding is poor defending.



    "He let Bale get the ball, move on".


    Aye, getting sent off for no reason and missing 3 games, who cares though?



    Oh he's not physical. That's not a problem in the Premiership.



    Never he said he's looked a shambles. But he been under-performing, you see the difference? We have been poor as a team and as indivduals largely. Colo has been poor, can we just admit that? Never said he's unfir or declining but I do think one of the reasons for his own personal dip in-form is the issues that make him want to leave.


    What is your last question about? We wouldn't be 15th had he performed like last season. same way we wouldn't be 15th if Cisse had scored 15 goals this term. We wouldn't have finished 5th with this season's Cisse. He's a valuable member of the team, his performance directly correlates to points ffs.

    He's one of the biggest differences in us winning/losing points.



    Come again? The season we were relegated our two best performers were our right back and centre back. Ba was near the top of the scoring chart this season and yet how many points separated us from the relegation zone when he left? Fair to say Ba was a valuable member of the team, did his performances have a direct correlation to points?


    Another case in point, the Sunderland game away this season (arguably Colo's greatest in a NUFC shirt). How many points did we get? There may be an indirect correlation with points obtained and the performances of a centre-back but the primary objective of football remains scoring more goals than your opposition. And I know you can trace an involvement to certain goals or certain incidents to back-up what seems to be a particularly semantic point (see below) but its far harder to measure his contribution to the team in the context of 90 minutes of a game. I.e. what would have happened had he not been playing.


    Im not sure why you've found it necessary to go to such lengths in posting about Colocinni (and not every other member of our starting XI this season), your point seems to be he's been poor this season but doesn't warrant getting dropped. Fair point many may feel. Doesn't really warrant a huge amount of elaboration though.


    Quite simply the team has not played well this season at all. This has had far more to do with how the team has been set up, coached, and to a degree as a result of the injuries suffered IMO.  A poorly performing team means that the margins of error for players are reduced and individual incidents receive far more focus than they would ordinarily.


    Though I don't think it was a poor team performance take last Saturday, had we beaten Spurs I can imagine many people saying Colo had a good performance barring the goals, goal or whatever. Instead its he had a poor game. What he has been guilty of at times this season is a couple of lapses of concentration and frustration. He's been a ball playing centre-back in a team that has kicked the ball away for fun, playing alongside Mike Williamson, and part of team bereft of confidence that invites so much pressure onto itself. Mistakes are all but certain to occur in that environment. He has been considerably exposed this season by poor team play in a way that wasn't the case last season. Dont feel that his performance levels are necessarily dropping to any tangible degree.


    Anyway more than happy to agree to disagree.  :thup:


    Moved from Mapou thread.

  4. Feel sorry for him, but I dunno how to feel when I hear about people and sporting organisations donating 40,000 quid for his care or 125,000 quid for flights, accommodation and rehab in the US. Think there's probably worthier recipients of cash like that than one alcoholic.


    There almost certainly are, but thats kind of a matter for the people who are giving away their money.

  5. Do youths still play these games? As in, outside amongst all the health and safety risks and paedophiles?


    :lol: see the Facebook thread in general chat, things done changed. You have reminded me of a particularly nasty P.E. teacher we used to have who used to moan that kids would rather play computer games than be out playing football. Unfortunately living in the countryside the only pitches that were available to be used were the school pitches and despite only ever really needing one pitch (there were 4 btw) the same P.E. teacher used to forbid people from using any school pitches outside of school hours.

  6. @TheLeeJordan: "If that is the top team in Italy, I'm glad I don't tune in, Juventus have been so average, it's unreal."


    from bbc site lol. Bet that's the narrative now. Brilliant away leg performance from Juve, defend strongly (and cynically) and destroy them with the limited chances. That's how you get to the late stages of the champions league, not pluck heart courage and bullshit


    English fans can't fucking complain. Chelsea last season?

  7. Celtic deserve something from the game if they can continue like that. So unlucky to be behind.




    Shhhhh, the English on here don't like Celtic, because their supporters don't like them...  :hmm:


    Why do you care if people like Celtic or not?


    I just find it funny that everybody wanks over Juventus, when they're just a bog standard Italian boring team with a genius in midfield. As a club Juventus is despicable. I don't mind Celtic, fairly ambivalent about them, but they have looked the better team. They get a hard time on here tonight for all the wrong reasons.


    Juventus have a long history of having very good players. Think a fair few have people have nostalgia for them following the good old days of Football Italia (on Channel Four over here in the 90's when Italian Football was in its prime). Additionally its considerably easier to romanticise Italy than it is Scotland.


    Tonight Celtic have been nothing other than blood and thunder. Which is fine in its own way. Italian teams have always done the bare minimum too.

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