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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Posts posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Im not sure if I have much of a problem with this to be honest.


    I mean its shit and all but at the end of the day it hardly gives the same advantage as it does in cycling. There is still room for plenty of talent to overcome any performance enhancement. Indeed in many respects its not performance enhancing so much as physical enhancement.


    Would far rather the game addressed financial imbalance as opposed to chemical. The biggest threat to the game as it stands.

  2. Saw him driving past the ministry towards the training ground this morning. He looked angry.






    Smelling cockney blood hopefully. Rip em a new one tomorrow, Cheik



    Id rather he stayed calm and won the ball without picking up a yellow card.  :lol:


    This has reminded me of his cameo at home against Norwich. Hilarious and terrifying in equal measure.

  3. How many people are herping the derp in regards to this man? Seriously :lol:




    No Shola starting though, pls.


    On this point do you think we could now legitimately play without a CF? And would we be better off if we did? I raise the point because if we were to have a real tilt at the Europa Cisse would be playing every game increasing his risk of injury. If Cisse gets injured Ameobi is our CF.

  4. The only 2 things I want to think about JFK were the Simon Bird c*** rant and calling Zog "Insomnia"


    The first one upset SBR and the second lost us a good young player.


    Pre-Levenson man, just too far ahead of its time.

  5. He's a strange old man like. Clearly a total and utter deluded fantasist like. He was nothing more than an utter embarrassment during his time here. His post match interviews man, one sticks out, Fulham away for some reason or another he'd decided to pick f***ing Cacapa and when he was made a mockery of by Andy Johnson, he spent the entire post match interview ranting about how the ref had cheated us, despite awarding us a clearly offside goal.


    Initially he started fairly well. His appointment came as a bit of a boost, obviously came in, added a bit of stability (:lol:) by us actually having a manager and gave the players a much needed kick up the arse. After that though we were horrific, 2 points from a final possible 18 says it all. No chance he would have kept us up, the senile old f***er but having said that, I think the best would have struggled to keep that shower of s*** up like.



    his average points per game would have kept us up that season. Not that it matters at all. As I have said above think things turned out for the best.


  6. I find it hard to have much malice for JFK. To me he is the book-end of a bad chapter from NUFC that started with the Robson dismissal and ended with relegation.


    He kind of summed up all the bad decision making that had gone on in the club throughout all that time. His tenure was the the final scene of a farce that had gone on for years.


    I know he says plenty of dumb things still but he applied himself here fully, to the point of jeopardy to his own health. Just always seemed like a normal guy albeit one completely out of his depth but trying his hardest. I can see why some consider him nothing short of an embarrassment. Perhaps its only because things have turned out the way they have that I'm unable to hold very much against him.


    Do you think things would have turned out the way they have if, as he suggests, he would still be our manager to this day?


    Almost certainly not but i'm happy for him to have his delusion. I do think that he would've kept us up that season. I think we needed the relegation to a certain degree and if he had kept us up it may well have been to the long term detriment of the club.

  7. I really want to be able to trust these guys.


    Some good points. Optimistic about his references to a solid foundation next season. Suggests that there may not be big player sales in the summer.


    The only negative I can really take from it is the comments re: Europa League. I hope it doesn't mean we'll continue treating it as a red-headed stepchild now that we're this far in.


    Agreed. Given that last week we beat a team that can be considered amongst the favourites for the tournament we really should be attacking it.  On a side note Rich your sig is so depressing this year. Really hits home how poor we have been.

  8. I really want to be able to trust these guys.


    Some good points. Optimistic about his references to a solid foundation next season. Suggests that there may not be big player sales in the summer.

  9. I find it hard to have much malice for JFK. To me he is the book-end of a bad chapter from NUFC that started with the Robson dismissal and ended with relegation.


    He kind of summed up all the bad decision making that had gone on in the club throughout all that time. His tenure was the the final scene of a farce that had gone on for years.


    I know he says plenty of dumb things still but he applied himself here fully, to the point of jeopardy to his own health. Just always seemed like a normal guy albeit one completely out of his depth but trying his hardest. I can see why some consider him nothing short of an embarrassment. Perhaps its only because things have turned out the way they have that I'm unable to hold very much against him.

  10. Brazil look like a bunch of players who can't be f***ed to run around a lot.



    Ronaldinho, Neymar, Luis Fabiano, Paulinho all flew in two days ago from Brazil after having played domestic games. I don't think it's a matter of being f***ed to run around, it's more a fact of lack of energy and for Ronaldinho it's a matter of being f*** old and a c***.


    :lol: wasn't having a go at them mate. My vocabulary more than anything. Lack of energy call it what you want. Stark contrast to England who are pretty intense this evening. Doubt we will see this sort of application in our next qualifier. 

  11. All the non-footballing stuff about Ashley Cole really has overshadowed his monumental contribution to the England team for years. One of the most consistent performers we have had and one of the few to show his class on the biggest stages.

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