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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Posts posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. If Jonas was holding Jose's hand defensively, Jonas has been coddling Davide.


    Aye Jonas was certainly coddling him on saturday in arguably his best ever performance.


    Defensively, can you name me a game where he's played well without Jonas on the pitch?


    Champions league vs Real Madrid. Seriously though it becomes pretty hard to remember specific games and who played etc. Particularly when talking about 2 of our sides most ever-present players. I'd rather just go off what I have seen recently of Davide irrespective of who is playing in front of him.


    Kudos to you if you can remember his specific performances without Jonas in front of him, but any comparison you may wish to embark upon is ultimately going to need to address who was actually playing in front of him as well as who was he up against.


    At times he is a good defender. At times he doesn't concentrate enough and can be a little lazy getting back. At times he is a bad defender. At the moment he is playing well and has considerable potential.


    EDIT: What I can say without a shadow of a doubt is I have seen some very good defensive play from him that is entirely independent of whether or not Jonas is on the pitch.

  2. It'd be great if he could develop his ability to cross with his left foot. At the moment, defenders can shepherd him down the outside without too much worry about the consequences.


    He has said that with the arrival of Debuchy he will dedicate time to improving his crossing with his left foot as he knows now he will be on the left side for the foreseeable future. He did ping across one very good ball into the box with his left in the second half against Chelsea. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come.

  3. Finishing wasn't there today but his turn and pass for Gouffran for our second was vital. He played the lone striker role very well today and is actually pretty effective with his back to goal. Works hard too.

  4. Havent read the thread covering half time and 1-2 but going to assume the usual anti Pardew bile was in force? Fwiw i dont think it was us changing after HT but them stepping up and the goal in particular we stood off too much. Love seeing us looking to attack so much with Sissoko(unbelievable) and Gouffran both always open on the counter. Great team performance aside from a ropey 5 minutes defending.


    Sissoko  :smitten:


    Yes, it gets silly at times but emotions run high in matches.

  5. He's a great player and in 10 or 15 years when he becomes the new Maldini or Facchetti, with 200 or 300 Inter games under his belt, in that moment I'll remember his debut," Mourinho says.


    "In my view Santon is a right-back who can also play in midfield, ­principally in the position currently taken by Javier Zanetti. His versatility will be very important in his career. For example, Beppe Bergomi played as a centre-back, on the right or left and now Zanetti can play pretty much anywhere. All this is because they have character and ­confidence".


    Mourinho on Santon. Probably been posted before but I just feel its worth reminding ourselves of the potential he still has.





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