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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. I would keep him with the first team squad for the rest of this season. Loan next season.
  2. lets have your views then ....... Given them many a time mate. Suffice to say I'm not exactly known as Ashley's biggest fan on here. However I'm not going to engage in a discussion with you until you've proven to be capable of anything more than pointless and incessant whinging. For ages now I have bigged Ashley up......but this window will show everyone of his intentions. He had his chance last summer to build on his success....he didn't dee this.......we had a big chance to show our intentions.....but we didn't. now the club have realised what every fan knew in August.......will they put it right? I know where my money is The slide this club has gone on since the Summer is inexcusable. It is supreme folly to attribute the majority of it on the inability to add players over the summer. That being said, our current incumbent has shown himself incapable of arresting the slide that the club is on with the players he has at his disposal. The only viable option is for Ashley to provide the funds to strengthen in this window. A failure to do so will be a damning indictment on his tenure and representative of a reckless gamble on our future. The real worry is that investment does not guarantee a halt to our decline.
  3. Its a shame because we should really be a decent cup side. A talented side with many potential game winners who should benefit from the more open games in the cup. We have an imposing stadium with vocal fans. On our way to not winning anything again.
  4. Rangers application and commitment in training clearly paying a handsome dividend.
  5. how many games (minutes) till the 'we're shit and we're sick of it' chants?
  6. #DrivenBy: The Manifesto | Chevrolet FC :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish:
  7. he really is. Was a tit all game last year. Reminds me of that Grimsby player who smashed Shearer.
  8. Co-commentator suggesting Ameobi has been going down? He's been kicked every time you stupid fuck.
  9. This coverage is doing no favours for my hangover. At least I have a sixty piece prawn platter in the oven.
  10. Hope he learns something this season.
  11. If that was true we wouldn't have signed anyone (or anyone who was any good) in the past couple of years. Progress may be slow with transfers and the haggling approach may well be to our detriment, but the side is getting there. Do you think our trophy cabinet would be any fuller had we signed Debuchy in the summer? Do you think the only reason we have turned out such turgid mediocre football all season, and lost 7 of the last 9 is because of Danny Simpson?
  12. The first XI assembled under him here is very good. If he could get a decent manager in I think I would be pretty happy with how things are going (all the ridiculousness of the past aside). In fact with a good manager I think we would have everything that a non-super rich club could hope to have in terms of the premier league. Trouble is he won't get a good manager in any time soon and if he does it will probably involve an immense slice of luck. I think this undermines any real claims that can me made of the summer representing a missed opportunity for 'kicking on' up the league. I'm not saying we shouldn't have bought defenders, we should have done but what's the rush really. We haven't won anything since 1969 and that wouldn't have changed with Mike Williamson being demoted to 4th choice centre back and Danny Simpson being made second choice right back. For me the real shame is that for all the talk of a long term plan the youth side of things seems to be a shambles. The coaching structure seems incredibly ad hoc and there is no tangible footballing blue-print running through the lower levels.
  13. Just remembered Cabaye getting suspended in this game last year. The match was just classic Newcastle at their awful inevitable best. That suspension just topped things off nicely. Think we will win this.
  14. He's got no left foot to make that square pass. He can make passes with his left easily. Crossing is another matter but I have seen him use his left to pass instinctively. Far more likely that he thought he was going to score.
  15. Pardew out would probably mean Kinnear in, and I'm not even joking. This is exactly it. Ashley's Rolodex of managers has so far turned up Kinnear and Pardew. They are hardly likely to inspire many potential appointments as things stand. Let alone the fact that the guy any new manager was replacing had been given the security of an 8 year contract.
  16. The only thing thats too good to go down is my Mother.
  17. At the end of the day, if we stay up - it's all cushty to Ashley. I get the feeling that any real success is nothing more than a bonus. Our team has no fight and is going down with a whimper yet his job still doesn't seem in danger at all. Thing is, we're not in the relegation zone as it stands and Ashley won't be even tempted to make a change until we are. 08/09 may have persuaded him otherwise as we slumped badly second half of the season, that coupled with the new TV deal and I think he will at least be considering it.
  18. First they came for Simpson and then Obertan, but I did not speak out because I wasn't Simpson or Obertan. Then they came for Williamson, because I wasn't Williamson I said nothing. Then they came for Gutierrez and Ameobi, but I did not speak out because I wasn't Gutierrez or Ameobi. Then they came for me. And there was no one left to speak for me.
  19. Thank fuck we have some time to sort this out. Fuck me I feel sick. Horrible stuff. Knee jerk perhaps but this season has been fucking terrible to watch. Just awful.
  20. http://www.stockphotopro.com/photo-thumbs-2/stockphotopro_219663MKQ_no_title.jpg done.
  21. Pardew is a fucking idiot. Seriously. Some of the best players we have had in recent memory serving up this crap. Simply not good enough. His arrogance is reminding me of Fat Sam. The way so many of us can see whats wrong but he just carries on regardless. Needs a fucking bollocking from the board.
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