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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. What? Don't think all our bids are genuine. You think the clubs plan is to sign all of them listed? Must be really panicking. They are probably all genuine tbf. It's the smart thing to do, as they're not all going to be successful (barring some fortune that has been untypical of our season so far!). We always have the option to retract the bids if the selling clubs all accept them and the players are all keen on the move here. It just makes sense to have a few irons in the fire should any one or more of the deals break down with the end of the window fast approaching. Don't think they're fake bids though Pardspeak has become the working language of the Forum.
  2. The medical is for insurance purposes; you probably don't want (or even can't? I'm not sure about regulations) to sign a contract without insurance in place. Maybe we should start doing our medicals in France... Should just build a runway at Clairefontaine tbf.
  3. Marveaux won't do much. He might set up a goal though. Also he helps us keep possession whereas Perch implicitly invites pressure onto us.
  4. It was arrogance that led to the demise of Souness and Allardyce. Seems to be ineptitude with Pards. Not saying either of the above were competent.
  5. ITV is just awful at everything. A damning indictment on modern day Britain.
  6. That Swansea team playing in League One was one of the best teams I have seen. Look at Wigans first XI the fact they are in the Premier League Speaks volumes for his ability. Its the old getting players to play above their level. Imagine Ben Arfa, Cabaye etc playing above their level. Also we'd be a decent footballing side. That being said im not sure he'd have any immediate impact and thats what we need at the moment.
  7. He looked pretty despondent yesterday.
  8. "I thought we missed Check today. I felt we were just lacking a little bit of steel in that midfield."
  9. So he f***ing should, brought this defeat on himself. wasn't sympathetic at all mate. Just think that may be telling. Least I hope so.
  10. 3 years today Lovenkrands scored our equaliser against West Brom making the decision to play 3 days after his Father's death. One of my favourite NUFC memories. Does anyone have a high res image of his celebration after scoring that goal? Would be much appreciated.
  11. Right on. We need to add a no shop provision to our bids. Yep. Exclusivity would be helpful to us. I think it's nonsense that our bids are getting highjacked or shopped to other clubs after we get them accepted. Really poor on seller if that's true. Our policy of backing down in "auctions" doesn't help either. We don't even low ball bid and increase to our "ceiling" it seems. We just offer what we can pay max, say to the seller take it or leave it, f*** off if the deal requires any brain work. Obviously these deals aren't going to be clear, cut and dry anymore. We aren't even adapting to these changing conditions either ffs. Bollocks. You haven't got a f***ing clue what goes on in these negotiations and neither has anyone else on here.
  12. Exceptionally lucky that when football underwent its early 90's expansion we had Keegan at the helm.
  13. To be able to sit down on a Saturday and enjoy watching NUFC.
  14. Its well documented the signings we need this window. The board can only be accurately Judged at the end of the window. However we won't ever get enough information about how transfer dealings take place to know whether their inability to get the necessary signings in quickly in the window is excusable. My suspicion is that it isn't, but, I have had more than enough of the amount of posts on here that just make assumptions and then masquerade them as fact (on both sides of the debate). What we have been crying out for a considerable time is a window where we recruit about 5 squad players. Talk of a strong starting 11 is all well and good but we have systematically removed squad players and that has been to the detriment of the club for a significant period. The sheer lack of depth (or options) ought to be seen as neglect on behalf of the board.
  15. http://cdn.wwtdd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/tommy-lee-jones-is-not-amused.gif
  16. Davide said he would spend time working on his left foot crossing now Debuchy has signed as he knows his long term position is left back.
  17. With City at least it looks like an effort to get Abu Dhabi good publicity hence things like the regeneration project around eastlands etc. With Abramovich god knows, ego probably One of the best toys in the world surely?
  18. What a great match that was. The atmosphere in the Stadium, particularly the second half, electric.
  19. ...and other people justify us not having the amount that we should have. It's not about a sense of entitlement, most of us know where we are, but there's something wrong in football when we're missing out on players to QPR. Not just us either. Yes, there is something wrong in football, the way clubs with rich owners can buy success. If you believe there is something wrong, why support any club, let alone one which doesn't compete against smaller clubs in the market ? Do you believe that all businesses should be hamstrung by the same rules because the unsucessful ones have poor directors and managers ? Football is a BUSINESS - like it or not. Good bsuinesses prosper, those with problems or under-capitalization eventually go under - look at HMV and Jesspos.. It's a sport. Good businesses prosper. We are now being run as a business and we are starting to prosper in a business sense. All football clubs should be hamstrung by the same rules. Its a sport, it should be fair. The question why support any club is becoming more and more relevant. The only reason for the vast majority of fans is an irrational love for a particular team usually born from locality. Success is now a by-product of luck first and foremost. The game is bigger than the prize. But whatever, it is what it is.
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