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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/1964/saylorfeel.jpg
  2. Would've been nice to see him at a team that didn't have so many good strikers.
  3. The games bereft of characters and its a shame he's gone, even if media coverage of him gets a bit sickly.
  4. He's a great player and in 10 or 15 years when he becomes the new Maldini or Facchetti, with 200 or 300 Inter games under his belt, in that moment I'll remember his debut," Mourinho says. "In my view Santon is a right-back who can also play in midfield, ­principally in the position currently taken by Javier Zanetti. His versatility will be very important in his career. For example, Beppe Bergomi played as a centre-back, on the right or left and now Zanetti can play pretty much anywhere. All this is because they have character and ­confidence". Mourinho on Santon. Probably been posted before but I just feel its worth reminding ourselves of the potential he still has.
  5. Jonas has always responded well to periods of time on the bench during his time here. On the Jonas/Santon point I feel that a decent winger or forward would mean it wouldn't be necessary for Santon to bomb on so much. Something that ought to lead to tighter defensive displays from him.
  6. I'm looking forward to him coming back and getting back to basics. An imperious player at his best and he will be much better off having viable passing options in midfield. Him Cabaye and Sissoko would be one of the hardest working midfields in the league.
  7. Thinking that he may be shackled by his own 'meticulous' preparation. You know the thing with the dossiers and chatting to players about how their opposite number plays, what their habits are etc. Think this leads him to be far too inflexible and doesn't allow him to come up with a plan b. This isn't supposed to be an excuse for him either.
  8. The way he surges forwarded reminded me of early Rob Lee. Great to have a powerful runner in midfield.
  9. So why can't Pardew change game's at HT then as clearly proven by the stats? Why can't he counteract to when the opposition make changes? why would he change things at half time in a game we're dominating? He didn't his team talk was " more of that". Lambert changed things because he had to. Pardew struggled to come up with an answer to their changes....but the best alternative I have heard is Sammy Ameobi would have made all the difference. Clearly that is bollocks. Do you not think it's a worry that in successive matches he's seemingly been outwitted by Brian Mcdermott and Paul Lambert; two managers under massive pressure and with significantly less talent at their disposal?
  10. N'zogbia jealous of actual French internationals. Cabaye didn't even have to sign for Wigan in order to get selected.
  11. One of those brilliant moments when football just makes me laugh in sheer unbridled joy. Wonderful to enjoy this again.
  12. I would be more than happy for Campbell to be getting a run out when we are winning games but at the moment we are not winning games. Just feel like its too soon for him to be coming into a side essentially to rescue it. Its good that he is training with the first team squad and I think he should be loaned to league one/championship. I would prefer the championship but I'm not sure he will get an offer and or sufficient game time. Probably wrong thread.
  13. If he goes I will be quite happy to go on what the club has to say about it. It may for example speak in terms of praise and understanding which would make me think he has legitimate private reasons to leave. It may say very little other than confirming his departure. In that case I think we can draw inferences from the relative silence. His time here has given no suggestion that he would act without the utmost professionalism. That alone buys him the benefit of the doubt until the situation has been resolved one way or the other.
  14. Whilst there may be nothing in the allegation it would be symptomatic of the sort of lifestyle he apparently leads. People who are trying to get their heads down and apply themselves in order to rescue their careers don't generally find themselves in these situations. Doesn't seem to have the desire to change his life in order to become a better footballer. A shame for him, but his actions reflect upon our club. For what its worth, precedent arguments are entirely redundant. He will have a contract which has a misconduct clause in it (standard football contracts have these clauses IIRC). A non-defaulting party can always choose whether or not to enforce any contractual provisions in the event of the other parties default. We may well have affirmed Barton's contract because he had a tangible benefit to the team. The two cases aren't comparable in that respect.
  15. just want the word CONFIRMED to appear in the thread title. Then I can get on with my life.
  16. http://assets0.ordienetworks.com/images/GifGuide/dancing/1tumblr_lgp6q5NhE21qcjtu8o1_500.gif
  17. Viggo Mortensen and Colo's Dad come to SJP. Re-enact the 'Prestige Worldwide' pitch from Stepbrothers.
  18. "At Newcastle they are telling him to wait until May but the thing is that I don't know if San Lorenzo are going to be able to wait until then." So we have a player with years to run on his contract, who you want to buy for next to nothing, but only if you can do it in the next few days.
  19. Like Arsenal in the mid 00´s? What if they all speak French....
  20. Depends if Cisse stays fit at this moment in time.
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