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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Aye. This. For all the cult of personality he is an exceptionally limited footballer. Having him as plan B is one thing. Having him as plan B when plan A is so ineffective is a problem.
  2. So we bring on a target man and take off one of the few players who consistently delivers decent balls into the box. Obviously.
  3. Swansea remind me of us under Sir Bobby; fast paced, direct and easy on the eye.
  4. yes, but only the tournaments. Difficult because it allows small FAs to generate revenue.
  5. Fuck off Senegal you haven't got the bollocks. We can make life way more difficult for you than the other way round.
  6. It's all about money if we offered enough we could get anyone. In golf for example Ashley has done some very lucrative deals with some big players and Keegan was paid a pretty penny. Moot point however.
  7. we even have a room full of people studying our opponents in meticulous detail every week. Maybe we should look a little closer to home in the same detail.
  8. has 'legitimised' so many peoples views on football.
  9. This the sad thing is if we persist with this containing grinding approach its easy to see us drawing 3 games in a row. If we went and played as we can, uninhibited and slick we would at least win one in three and be just as well off.
  10. Yeah sorry i've been dead ill today I wasn't trying to say his finishing has been any good.
  11. Quite. That being said he was in good form at the time. I was discussing the best platform for getting him back to form. His play, finishing aside has been woeful at times this season. I don't think you can excuse that.
  12. We need Cisse back on form as soon as possible. The problem is a 4-4-2 offers him/he offers nothing so I can't see him getting enough chances to develop his form (he was in form when he came from Freiburg IIRC). I miss Leon Best. That being said the 4-4-2 nearly paid a dividend in the second half. We are better than West Ham to a man. Why do we bother playing the percentages, thats what shit teams do to guarantee a sufficient amount of points to keep them in the division. We finished 5th, its not good enough.
  13. Fat Sam looks like a fucking bus driver.
  14. His best position is in midfield. He may however add more value to our side as right back for the time being. That said with our injuries in midfield he should be being used in midfield. I think over time he will help us become a better footballing side.
  15. One thing that I will say is that with Pardew given a long term contract we should hopefully see the end of a lot of knee-jerk 5 year contracts. Think of the amount of players over the years who have been given 5 year contracts that were agreed by managers (and or board members) who ultimately were present for a mere fraction of the contractual terms that the players signed. Hopefully now the only players given long term contracts are part of Pardew's long term thinking, or as a necessary evil for inflating sale price.
  16. Of course they can. Whether they should is another matter.
  17. Impossible to read that without getting that song in your head.
  18. He never learned how to use it to full effect playing on the shoulder, but to claim the guy isn't fast, is a completely mental thing to say in public. Seem to remember a game against Blackburn(?) when he passed a through ball to himself? Just remembered when he hit the bar against Liverpool, I was mortal as f*** in the away end and couldn't believe it, came from nowhere, such a strange player. I was sat with the home fans (Dad is a Liverpool fan) and had managed to keep nice and quiet all day. Not hard as we were 3-0 down and it was a typical Anfield performance. Then along comes Martins with that effort and I jumped up screaming.
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