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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Enjoyed that ‘they’ve got Elias’ celebration from Big Jow
  2. This. Also ridiculously strong and would be handy defensively.
  3. Our goal difference is a good indication of our consistency. Win tonight and it's four on the spin which would be a great run to have put together.
  4. He is terrifyingly quick with the ball. His headed assist was fantastic and given the midfield is looking better at making intelligent attacking runs then you'd expect him to be amongst goals and assists more often.
  5. Looking at the table it feels like 2 from 3. 7 points from the next three would be great. We could live with 5. Man Utd have to play Spurs shortly after we play Spurs.
  6. He really should be first choice for England.
  7. Sounds like another one for Mike.
  8. What was so good about her?
  9. I like how Gordon looks to give the ball quickly. Just needs to take a little moment more to guarantee it goes to man.
  10. Tht is a really well worked goal. Isak, Bruno, Maxi showing their undoubted class in the same move.
  11. As frustrating as this is it's always great to think about just how far we've come.
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