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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. I do have some concerns that if we go on an aggressive recruitment drive this summer we are going to have an influx of high quality players and a manager tasked with keeping it all together whilst acheiving on field success. Not sure Howe would be brilliant at that given his relatively low profile. Worse problems to have I know. Howe deserves the opportunity to take the club forward and I'd be disappointed if he wasn't given it.
  2. We're going to be that annoying team with nothing to play for but still 100% professional and up for it.
  3. They were terrible against us. They might get the odd result from it, but as I said, it reminds me of us under Kinnear.
  4. Everton haven't looked better under Lampard IMHO. They are just blood and thunder, little else. No control of the game, no plan. If you want to call today a plan then by all means do but it wasn't much of one.
  5. Everton are playing like us under Kinnear.
  6. Scarface would have been a different movie if he’d spent a year consolidating.
  7. The Brazillians were good, with Bruno MOTM and again looking comfortably the best player on the pitch. Another good performance from Krath. ASM had a frustrating first half but grew into the game and is showing some promising signs of maturity.
  8. Fucking hell this guy is the real deal. His distribution is incredible and he is always on for a pass. Keeps producing moments of absolute quality too.
  9. Not sold on us chanting fuck off to the championship.
  10. It looked promising yesterday that there were little pockets of attacking play that started to click.
  11. You can win the league with Simpson playing full back. Targett is a lot better than him.
  12. Deserves credit for the sea change from Leicester away.
  13. He nearly got an assist for Targett in the first half (header straight at keeper) with a seriously sexy ball.
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