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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. it’s not their problem, it’s football’s.
  2. Talk to me about rat investment.
  3. They desperately need a sort of margin of error approach, like Umpire's call in Cricket. If a linesman doesn't flag and you're within a margin of error seems like a goal could stand.
  4. Sterling gains no discernible advantage from his offside position. It really doesn't seem in the spirit of the game to take these types of goals away. I mean its miles apart from when Aguero stood two yards offside against us and headed the ball in from a free kick.
  5. Yeah, he even said he found everybody bar one idiot to be a good laugh. Was good humoured about it after the event.
  6. With our squad give him 5 loaves and two fishes.
  7. Nothing compares 2 u is up there like.
  8. you mean our country tis of thee?
  9. She will be after watching those highlights.
  10. Ginola and Robert had the benefit of playing in decent sides that didn't have to work quite so hard off the ball to make up for their shortcomings. Maxi should play for us and will play for us for the foreseeable.
  11. He’ll eventually realise it wasn’t a woman at all but actually his own picture of a pizza he made.
  12. easy there thirsty Mike. You’ve seen how he describes his cooking this woman will be ordinary.
  13. I swear this game has given me a hangover. One of the most irritating things is that when we were shit (at various times over the Ashley period) it's exactly the sort of game we would have lost 0-1 at home.
  14. In hindsight I wish we’d used our Chelsea performance today and our Everton performance v Chelsea
  15. A nice press is good and all, but we still have a blinding absence of quality.
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