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Everything posted by flyingscotsman

  1. Great idea for a protest tbh. Exactly, especially as I think I'm right in saying that cup games are not included in the price of a season ticket? Which does away with the excuse that it's a waste of money to go to games you've paid for... Think the club will realise this though and do those really cheap deals which (understandably) lure people in
  2. always wondered how it would play out if one of them ever called out 'Magcatcherhutch' on writing like a retard. Lots of swearing and non-specific threats of violence it seems- aka business as usual!!! the "we have champions league fans" bit got me hahaha
  3. Good to see harps winning against the bastards
  4. Couldn't have happened at a worse time tbh, losing our best player a week before one of the biggest games of the season can never be good...
  5. PS fuck off sam you fat fucking overpaid, overrated, overeating wanker
  6. been chain smoking fags for the last 15 minutes my poor heart, this is torture
  7. Daniel Sturridge. That dance
  8. But it's very uncouth to be yobbish whilst one is watching the Gooners play squire Brilliant hahahah
  9. Motd last night, our game had 6 goals, 2 red cards and 2 penalties and we were 4th in the order? I know it was stoke who no one is really interested but I can guarantee that if Man United vs Stoke or anyone else had finished 5-1 with a few sendings off then it would be on first, pisses me off
  10. Is it possible to get an assist for an own goal? So for Bardsly's one the other day, the fella who crossed it, is he credited with an assist or what?
  11. anyone else think gomez on the far left looks an absolute spitting image of Giroud?
  12. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/the-sacking-of-paulo-di-canio-sunderland-football-clubs-crucible-moment.825779/ Not sure what to make of this, a poem perhaps?
  13. Proud of the lads, no doubt that we'd have won if it had not been for the red card which is infuriating. Also, what the f*** was Mariner doing at the end and with all the ridiculous yellows he gave.. Utter bellend
  14. Brought up in Brighton in a family with literally no football interest but my neighbour was a Geordie and always had me round to watch games and sent me NUFC calenders every Christmas and the like, been hooked ever since! Geographically Newcastle are the furthest away club I could have chosen so I've only been to a handful of home games but been to quite a few away games in London when my neighbour could get me a ticket. Haven't been to a game since Fulham away 2007/2008 as my neighbour moved away and as I'm only 17 it's hard to get the money together to get to any games at SJP but I've been saving for a while, main issue is the cost of the bastard trains and accommodation tbh. Can't imagine ever supporting anyone but NUFC though
  15. flyingscotsman


    Mignolet has been confirmed his move to the scousers
  16. I dislocated my shoulder, playing in goal too actually and its kept me out of any sport for 6 six months now, absolute b****** of an injury and could need surgery to stop it happening again
  17. Players chewing their shirts before or during a game. Leaves a horrible wet mark. Noticed benteke doing it a lot
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