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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. I assume it would be against the club rather than any one director in a personal capacity.
  2. So presumably you're offside if, for example, you're in an offside position when your team-mate shoots, the ball is cleared off the line by a defender and falls to you? Would a deflection off a blocked shot count as offside as well, if that is an "attempt to stop a ball which is going into or very close to the goal." I'm sure football used to be a simple game!!!
  3. This is it. It's completely at odds with the offside law as was for donkeys years. But it is a change in either the law or interpretation of the law which has been around since at least the beginning of last season.
  4. The clip of these two managers That argument looked like a scene from the Northern League, not professional football.
  5. All joking aside, that's someone on the verge of a breakdown and a little bit worrying.
  6. https://twitter.com/JLauder91/status/1478806874359312384?t=HZZjfHhe-z8cZl3VYMc_EQ&s=19 The new regime has only been here a few months and has its "sugar puffs" moment already. Must be doing something right!
  7. at these three in particular as someone already mentioned, pre-madonna is horrifically widely-spread
  8. Have you ever invented a sex toy that can also effortlessly remove mould from the bath seals? If not you'll need an affiliate link to one. This is my understanding of the internet.
  9. Tbh I think the point Southampton have made re: transparency is a very valid one. Unfortunately the PL really seem to have a problem with the T word and Newcastle fans know it more than anyone. Tbh I'm not sure why Southampton as a club are so keen for their players to be allowed to be in direct contact with a squad who has covid in its bubble. Seems they're risking being in the same situation themselves in a week or two if the players contract it from us. I get that fans don't see it like that and just want the game on against weakened opposition and if the boot was on the other foot we would be wanting the game on. The transfer system in itself is unfair. Remember Bellamy scoring against us two weeks running for two different clubs in 2008/09. We went down by 1 point in the end. At least you lot don't have to worry about that!!
  10. 1st week 2 or 3 permanent signings 30-50m Reckon the first deal is the most important. Get that done in good time and make it a good player (eg Trippier.) Once the first one is in that will show we mean business and that Newcastle is a club you can have a good career at. The rest will follow.
  11. The Spurs songs make a lot of sense to me. Lots of fans of shit lower league teams adopt a top flight team to take an interest in as well as their own club. See also: "Mags in the away end marra."
  12. He's extremely limited with the ball, and never been blessed with pace. But what he will do is look after a 10mx10m area of the pitch and lose very few duels, either in the air or getting skinned, within that area. Gives a bit of solidity to the defence and with 2 clean sheets all season (and both against Burnley at that) that's not something for us to be turning our noses up at. I'd have him ahead of Ritchie in a 4. Goes without saying that if he's still here next season then it's all gone terribly terribly wrong.
  13. I absolutely bet there is a hierarchy, and you're right the likes of Dean and Marriner (see also previously Graham Poll) have proper egos on them. Again, they've created their own problem here though. The VAR isn't supposed to be overruling the referee, they're supposed to be suggesting the ref take a look at the footage. But they're in a situation where they've overturned every single review, so now there's an expectation that as soon as a ref goes to the monitor they will be changing their decision.
  14. I know you're playing devils advocate, so please don't think it's aimed at your comment per se. But the "he had already started sliding and couldn't stop himself" argument makes it worse. How many times do we see a player sent off and the specific rationale is given as "he was out of control of himself therefore it's a dangerous tackle." If you can't stop yourself from sliding then that must count as not being in control of yourself surely? They just need to put their hands up, admit they got it wrong and stop trying to bullshit everyone. Would probably get more respect as well if they did.
  15. I'm not trying to be a dick by the way, I genuinely just don't get it.
  16. This is the bit that I'm still not fully understanding. In the hypothetical scenario above, can the PL stop the funds being paid into the club's bank account if it doesn't agree with the sponsorship deal? Pretty sure that isn't legal. Surely they only have jurisdiction in respect of what the club spends its money on, and by definition that is an argument that can only be had months down the line once the financial statements have been drawn up?
  17. See what I don't understand about this is how the PL has jurisdiction to dictate who can or can't sponsor NUFC, as opposed to whether that money is used to give NUFC an unfair advantage. Eg Aramco agree a massive sponsorship deal and the club decide to piss it away on solid gold sprouts at the xmas party (or something else as frivolous/ludicrous) then what business is that of the PL?
  18. If nothing else, gives us scope to spend spend spend now and argue about it later.
  19. Was thinking about this yesterday and reckon I can think of one practical use for VAR that would improve the game. As soon as a player receives a caution or retrospective ban for simulation then their name is added to a list. Any penalty which is awarded or card given for a foul on a player in this list is subject to an immediate mandatory full VAR review. So the likes of Maddison would know in advance that they're going to be scrutinised and it therefore takes away the incentive to cheat. The existence of the list is a deterrent against diving to begin with. You stay on the list for as long as you're a PL player. So on our team, Miggy would be properly fucked. Although I reckon Wilson would have enough sense to modify his behaviour appropriately. Probably a million things wrong with this that I haven't considered tbh.
  20. Hopefully they melt away into the background. In the short term I reckon some will go more and more whacky/unhinged as they get more and more desperate for attention and relevance. Could see Wraith going full on Icke/"lizard people" actually now I think about it.
  21. Said exactly this at the time. Don't get why he wasn't standing over Maddison shouting, calling him a cheat and at least making him shit his pants a bit. Also, the more you carry on, accuse him of diving, tell the ref he has cheated, basically make a scene about it, the more likely it is that VAR will at least take an interest. But no, just a shrug of the shoulders and a "cheers ref."
  22. I was always sceptical, but thought I'd give it a fair go and see what it was like. Even worse than I thought, we're three (?) years in, it's had a chance and it's still shite. Needs binning off (but won't because someone somewhere is making money off it.)
  23. This is a massive game. Real opportunity to close the gap on teams above us. But lose and it all looks a bit daunting with the fixtures coming up. I can't get too carried away when I think about Vardy and Madison up against our flimsy defense. Reckon btts is the banker bet here like.
  24. Iro the fans, it's something that's going to become more and more prevalent. Over the next 20 years we will have a greater proportion of at-risk people attending matches than we have ever seen in this country. The population is generally aging anyway and those who are retired have more disposable income than previous generations to spend on things like going to the match. Football tends to produce moments of high excitement/drama/tension and that heightens the risk further. I've been thinking about this since the Spurs game when my initial instinct was that I found it hard to stomach that a) the game initially continued for several minutes whilst an individual was being given chest compressions only metres away and b) the game kicked off again. But having reflected, finishing the game really was the right thing to do. I also think the PL would do well to look at implementing and rehearsing a pre-defined protocol for when there is an incident in the crowd because I don't think it's going away. The above is, of course, before we even take into account the potential effects of long covid or vaccines (delete as applicable dependent on if you wear a bronx or tin hat to the match.) Tl;dr- should be a defib kit under every seat in the East Stand imo.
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