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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Also worth noting that Cup winners qualify for Europe regardless of league position.
  2. It's maybes a generational thing, but to a lot of us middle-aged/older folk the FA Cup is important. By all means mess about with the League Cup team if you must, but we should be giving ourselves the best shot we can at the FA Cup. Especially this season. For the last f**k knows how long I've been told by "sensible" people that the Cup must be sacrificed because being in the Premier League at the end of the season is the most important thing. I'm sure if we so get European football in future the same people will be telling me we have to throw the FA Cup for that reason. No relegation worries this season, only the league and a quarter final in a cup that Man City always win anyway. By all meand use frimge players, just not 7 at once. It pisses me off that we didn't play a stronger team.
  3. Was brought in (admittedly at a right premium) to do a job which was help keep us up. More than contributed to it and can be thanked for his efforts, but don't want or expect to see him starting many more games for us. As others have alluded to above, when he played for Burnley and Leeds he seemed to be a decent finisher if nothing else, but appearances can be deceptive and in reality he's a bit of a donkey at this level.
  4. I know we're not allowed to take the piss out of him for being a gloryhunter Man U fanboy, but he doesn't help with things like not updating his twitter bio. Got changed within seconds when he went the other way.
  5. If anyone is stupid enough to agree to go on these "fan channel" videos then they deserve to be called a cunt to be honest.
  6. For as long as I can remember, any attempt or initiative to punish professional footballers for behaving like complete bellends will fall down the first time it has to be seriously enforced. Referees shit themselves and back down, pundits spout lines about damaging the product if too many players are sent off or suspended and footballers, by and large, continue behaving as they always have done.
  7. I get what you're saying. I don't share the view now because the novelty of seeing Newcastle near the top of the league hasn't worn off and it's funny pissing the likes of Klopp off. If we're still carrying on like that in three years time I suspect that I will find it tiresome.
  8. A lot of the yellows were avoidable tonight (for both teams.) Thought Bruno, Overgaard and probably Xhaka were all worthy of yellows but for some of the others he got conned by player reaction and with the Almiron one surely he can just walk across and say "look just pack it in son" before going to his card? Very inconsistent with what was/wasn't a free kick as well, particularly towards the end when he gave everything to them and nothing to us.
  9. I know sunderland fans that openly take the piss out of RTG with things like the "gravy-stained mag" patter. Completely disown it.
  10. Yep. The high press lasted for about 3 and a half minutes before we clicked it was unsustainable.
  11. It's like Saturday in reverse, when we aided and abetted Leeds time-wasting by getting involved needlessly. And extra dickhead points go to Gabriel for physically hurrying Willock off the pitch after Arsenal's sub took his own time walking off.
  12. Think that first one might be minutes since we scored at the Emirates ?
  13. Yep. Seemed more interested in refereeing the game than in things he could have a direct influence on. Bit like Klopp was for the first hour when we played Liverpool. It's what you want to see as an opposition fan. Didn't think we were actually that bad tonight, was expecting Joelintons usual going down for treatment 5 times etc bit it never came.
  14. I do wonder if that's why there wasn't a check for a pen, because VAR knew before it came in that the ref had made a mistake awarding the free kick? Two wrongs making a right or something. Other than that, there's no good reason it wasn't reviewed like. Other than the officials were incompetent.
  15. First one was a yellow second one the refs got conned by the defender rolling around
  16. All valid points like. End of the day, SJP is rocking when there's a big game on or excitement around the place or the rush of a feelgood factor. 5:30 kickoff also seem louder (can't think why ?) so I'm not having it that when the atmosphere is crap it's because of the stadium design. Also, I'm not convinced that the design of L7 drives the acoustics away from the ground. Sirting in the Gallowgate itnseems like the large roof is like a massive amplifier bouncing sound down, especially in the corner. Remember Partizan brought about 30 fans for the CL qualifier in 2003 but sounded like 3,000 and comfortably outsang the rest of the ground. Like others have said, when there was a singing section up there in 2009/10 it was heard loud and clear in the Gallowgate.
  17. Definitely a lot of this going on on Saturday like.
  18. Either a) they needed some sort of moment of "debate" to drag out the halftime discussion or b) they think there is some sort of invisible forcefield that caused the ball to rebound back onto Daka as opposed to Pope having blocked it. Either is thick as mince.
  19. I hate Sissoko more for not stopping that counter attack dead in their half and taking a yellow for the team.
  20. I heard that's why none of them bothered on Monday. At that moment in time they were all busy enthusiastically lobbying. Lobbying seyson marra.
  21. This was my interpretation as well. Had mixed feelings about it. On the one hand I was surprised that members didn't get the chance to vote anyway (including a "none of the above candidates" option.) But on the other hand I kinda get why the rules are set like that, if positions need to be filled for it to function and there's a lack of competition to get them filled then might as well get the willing folk in for what is an unpaid role that (from the outside looking in) is a massive ballache. Although I know you will have a better understanding of that than me. After the takeover I thought the Trust would probably blend into the background anyway, fulfilling the role of more of a democratic supporters association rather than a "trust" (which is really what the pledge scheme represented in my understanding of the word.) The kind of body that could lobby the club on fan-centric minutiae eg ticket pricing/allocation, serving better beer on matchdays, whether the bogroll is of the optimum thickness etc. And maybe getting involved in representing complaints by individual supporters or when incidents happen like Leeds (a) last season. Turns out it's going to be another vehicle to massage the egos of various Tf "characters." It's a shame but also feels kinda irrelevant for want of a better word. Like someone said above, it's not like the owners are going to actually give them any influence or take advice from them on anything of consequence.
  22. That's wank on a number of levels, but om a subconscious level I can't stop hearing "Compendeyim" in that smug tone mackems put on subconsciously when they know how to use a word that's longer than three syllables.
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