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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Am I allowed to say that was horrific cheating by Iran at the end, or would that be racist?
  2. Lucas Cominelli would like a word (@SAK , you'll definitely have to Google that one!!)
  3. Could do with a home draw against nee-one flash that'll interest tv. Me mam is taking the bairns to Cinderella at the Theatre Royal on the Saturday and if there isn't a match on I'll struggle to find an excuse to avoid going as well.
  4. This. The central defence in general tbh. But particularly Maguire.
  5. Co-commentator questioning if Neco Williams was covering ignoring that Hennessy is kickboxing ?
  6. Has anyone seen a Qatari or Saudi "in peyce" yet?
  7. VAR be using the time to try to see how it can find a penalty for Argentina somewhere in there.
  8. Tbf, they think anyone that supports them is a fucking legend and anyone that supports us is worse than Hitler. Any other bollocks about locations or sportswashing is just how it's dressed up.
  9. "Rules violations." Sounds disconcertingly vague.
  10. Yep, this seems similar to my recollection of events. I don't know what piece of evidence the club had got hold of, but it was clearly something big and clearly something that the PL really really really didn't want in the public domain. This is purely speculation on my part, but I reckon that if it ever does come out then the PL might decide that the "legally binding assurances" of no Saudi control have been breached and try to fuck us over again. The whole episode shone a light on how dodgy an organisation the PL is and how it is not fit for purpose of regulating issues like who gets to own football clubs. Just because we got our own way doesn’t mean the system doesn't need wholesale reform.
  11. It all got a bit murky in the end- if you read the PLs statement on the takeover, it I'd carefully and painfully worded so as to avoid any admission of separation being proven. They've received "assurances" that the state won't control the club and decided to come to an agreement to allow the sale. Imo they got the carrot of the Saudis compensating Bein for piracy and the stick of the CAT hearing backing them into a corner and made the best decision for themselves.
  12. Ultimately, PIF are responsible for Newcastle United- not the other way round. If the Saudis decide they want to align themselves with western values more then great, but it is unlikely that they will do so as a consequence of owning the football club. And if they don't, it certainly shouldn't reflect badly on NUFC or on Newcastle fans for supporting the club - end of the day I'm a fan of NUFC, not PIF or the Saudi state. The club has its own culture, which is inclusive to all, which the owners should respect (and so far have done.) For example, if the club stopped supporting rainbow laces or allowing unmarried women to attend games etc at the request of the owners (they won't by the way, that's not why they bought us, I'm just speaking hypothetically) then that would make me seriously question if I wanted to continue to support the club. There's nothing about supporting the club that means I have to inform the internet 8 times a day that "AcTuAlLy KhAsSoGhI wAs A tErRoRiSt" in support of the owners, and those that do are fair game for ridicule.
  13. The Man Utd team of the 90s knew every trick in the book and they weren't shy of using them. It was explained away with euphemisms such as them having "a competitive streak", "wanting it more" and "just refusing to accept defeat."
  14. Particularly enjoyed Murphy putting the ball down for a corner (which should have been given btw) and pretending he didn't know that it was a throw that had been given. Before a) putting his hands up, explaining politely and slowly that it was a misunderstanding and b) asking the referee if he's sure it wasn't a corner. Whole charade took a good 30 seconds.
  15. Get on with it you cunts. Schmeichels crack is awful as well.
  16. We look so much better with this lad in the team, particularly in a quick transition to attack. Bit of an unsung hero imo. Also love that he's clearly loving playing for us. Must have been a ballsy move for a young Londoner to move himself to the other end of the country, leaving one of the top clubs as well. The easy thing to do would have been to sit on the bench there and playing the cup/Europa games but he chose to push himself, take the plunge for first team football and fair fucks to him.
  17. Regardless of anyone's views, we need to let this protest pass off peacefully (so long as that's how it is carried out.) Otherwise we'll all be made to look like a massive bunch of cunts.
  18. Which for a huge proportion is more important to them than being liked themselves.
  19. Took the bairn to his Diddikicks, which was still on. He enjoyed it. Some people, eh.
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