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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. They said on Twitter they had spoken to some people from the original group earlier today. Supporters for Change - as it was back in the day. The principles of staying away from games will have little or no bearing as it did then. The fact McKeags etc all pretty much worked and lived locally made them very reachable by the support. Interested to see what you think might work, if anything? Get relegated and stay relegated. Perhaps go as far down as the mackems. As long as the cash cow is surviving every season then there's not one single chance he'll sell up and move on. In the next 3/5 years we'll drop again - just hope we don't come back up. Or make his association to NUFC so toxic, that it affects his other businesses. Getting people to stay away from the games has always proved difficult, however a full stadium, carrying out well organised forms of protest, particularly in high profile televised games will definitely have an effect in my opinion. Apathy and the 'why bother' brigade are going to be the biggest hurdle to overcome though. Sadly I don't think our supporters have the discipline, focus and bloody-mindedness to carry out largescale protests and sustain them in the medium/long run until he sells.
  2. And then demands top dollar when anyone tries to buy the club. So so frustrating.
  3. Nicked for my signature
  4. Agree with most of this apart from the rafa bit. You're dead wrong there. See, Ashley has done a grand job of dumbing down expectations, stamping out hope and ambition and ensuring the fan base "knows our place" (ie a bottom half/yoyo club.) Eleven years of this shite has ground people down- the younguns know nothing different. You are probably right that it's all in vein and rafa will likely leave in high dudgeon at some point in the next 12 months. But over the last three years he's given some self respect back to the club, he's reminded us we don't have to - and shouldn't- accept mediocrity and hopefully he's stirred something in the younger generation of fans as to the potential of this football club Say rafa had gone in the summer of 2016 and the usual yes man appointed none of that would have happened. We might have come back up we might not, but we would have continued to operate the same (club and fanbase) regardless. If nothing else Rafa having been here the last three years should make life a lot more uncomfortable for ashley when he leaves than if he hadn't been here. I hope the above makes sense and I don't come across as too much of a bellend.
  5. Youre obviously not that frustrated if you continue to attend and help fund the decline of NUFC . Yes there are many teams worse off ( Hartlepool , Gateshead and Sunderland come to mind ) do you really want to measure our status by comparison to such small clubs ? How low are your horizons ? Youre not happy but youre happy enough to continue to fund your own unhappiness ... It would seem that for you the pleasure is simply funding Ashley in order to watch any old shite ... did you have the same attitude in the Seymour / McKeag era ... did you not get behind the SJH takeover at the time ? Did you not notice the difference under the SJH regime ? Or are you just another fucking muppet ? Mate. Even though I probably exactly the same sentiment when it comes to what is needed you have absolutely bot all clue about how to go about creating unity and solving this. Aye, everyone has their own justifications or reasons for going to the match and whilst you might disagree with them you kind of have to sort of respect their decision. Going around trying to shame them and/or labelling them as selfish or cunts etc isn’t really the right way to go about things. There’s no consistency to it either, if you want to go with Rafa in charge it’s acceptable but if he walks it’s not? It’s still the same owner, still the same lack of ambition, still the same unwillingness to compete financially with teams around or even below us. As great as Rafa is he can only do so much when the club actively don’t want success beyond surviving relegation each season with as small as possible outlay. I personally won’t be spending a penny on the club as long as Ashley is there but it doesn’t make me more of a fan than those that do. Whenever one of these protests or movements come around too many fans get on their high horse and slag other fans off. It would be great if every fan was on the same page but it’s never going to be realistic and trying to convert the others via abuse is never going to work. all true and relevant especially the last sentence. Must say though not sure why some see any protest as a great opportunity to get on their soapboxes and shout about how they go to all of the games home and away, always have and always will. That's super, but we're trying to make a point to the owner here so please pipe the fuck down.
  6. They're probably thinking "what can I do" ? I'll get me own coat
  7. The only real hope I have for Rafa is that when his contract is up he walks away without taking any silencing payments, and.then proceeds to lay out in public in excruciating detail what a horrendous devious lying ballbag of an owner Ashley is. If nothing else there are sections of the media and our support that really need to hear it.
  8. People really need to get over the Liverpool thing. He was just a naive guy from across the pond.
  9. I don't think it will. I think in this scenario everyone will be intent on giving rafa the sendoff he deserves. Over the following summer, some will drift away without making too much of a fuss and others will renew regardless. As long as we're in the premier league I don't think Ashley will be too fussed either way.
  10. Or he has actually realised that low budget shops only have so much milage in them then they trail off eventually. Especially with his online business, there is far more choice for on-line shoppers. Where the high street is a bit more limited to SD or JD. That, but don't you think it's funny that he didn't stick to expressing the company's 'new' direction strictly from a retail perspective. The bloke imho is taking the piss & trolling the supporter/fan base (of NUFC). Clearly taking the piss, but then again he has been for years and still a sizeable proportion of our support base doesn't accept this to be the case. Full on Stockholm syndrome. A not-insignificant element of our fanbase still think he somehow saved the club financially ffs!!
  11. No it'd be from a distance possibly a rooftop. In a way it's a shame there aren't any schoolbook depositories or grassy knolls in town. The co-op building and hippy green just don't have the same ring to them.
  12. Someone should have told him it mattered on Wednesday then when he conceded two and kept passing directly to Croatia players then!! In all seriousness he's had a very good tournament-a superb game today btw- but not a perfect tournament. All of England's players have had very good tournaments, all have played their part in a great team effort. If anyone stands out for me it's the player who led the line in a team that didn't create lots of chances and is likely going to get the golden boot. I can see why people could disagree but don't see how it's that outrageous it's something Adrian Durham would say as a wind-up which was the original comment.
  13. Kane Englands best player, i assume you were just going all Adrian Durham here to provoke an argument. I find it hard to pick one standout player, but why not, he's got 6 goals and I thought he was good against colombia winning freekicks when we needed to relieve pressure. For the record I was far too pissed last saturday to remember it so if anyone particularly stood out against sweden it will have passed me by. Who do you think England's best player has been like?
  14. Just had a conversation with a mate of mine of the red and white persuasion. We were talking about today's game and the world cup and he opined that the best two players were Pickford and Henderson. I said that I thought Kane was England's best player overall but it was a great team effort. Which is when he said that he didn't mean England, he meant the best two players in the whole competition. Thought he was joking or something but actually got quite angry when I wouldn't agree. Are they all being like this??
  15. :lol: The whole reason this fixture was even a possibility was because of their demise. Prevented them the chance of what would doubtless be their biggest crowd and highest gate receipts of the season. I'd be furious if I was the "don"
  16. Would go down well with the locals on a number of levels that one!!
  17. You jest but I wouldn't put it past our sponsors who are always on the lookout for some top corporate banter.
  18. Is he discussing transfer business on Twitter??? Worse- he seems to be openly inviting twitter to contribute to the club's transfer policy.
  19. Asoro? If Asoro is off for £2m, we should bid £3m. Bags of potential and a snip at that price. We could even offer to send him back on loan for a season for the bantz. That would cause riots among their fanbase ??
  20. I know I'm just being silly here but being really greedy, get shot of Atsu and keep Ritchie and Murphy as back up for the wings. Could even end up with something crazy like genuine competition for a place in the starting line up. Or better yet, the ability to rotate the squad without risking completely knacking up the game plan. That would cost more money and we know the fat man will never agree to that. Also requires Ritchie being satisfied with warming the bench for large chunks of the season, which I doubt he'd go along with. You both make good points, which sum up the uphill battle of trying to improve this football club. The prevailing culture at NUFC is such that watching the pennies is seen as a priority and the idea of having three players of genuine first team quality (Murphy being the odd one out) to rotate between / fight for two positions is seen as something of a luxury or something players won't agree to. At other clubs, who do daft things like try to progress in the cups, it's seen as the bare minimum.
  21. I know I'm just being silly here but being really greedy, get shot of Atsu and keep Ritchie and Murphy as back up for the wings. Could even end up with something crazy like genuine competition for a place in the starting line up. Or better yet, the ability to rotate the squad without risking completely knacking up the game plan.
  22. To be fair if your mind set as a Footballer is to put a low release clause in every contract. So you can make a easy escape if things don't work out, then you've got the wrong mentality to succeed. At the end of the day I trust the manager. To be fair, he signed for us because he didn't want to be on Dortmund's bench any more, and was wary of not starting for us. And sure enough, that's how it turned out. So it turns out he's more a player who chucks his toys out of the pram when he's not starting. The problem is, he's not a "starting in the PL under Benitez" level player yet, so if he wants to start, then he can start for someone else. Of course, a sneaky future fee clause would be a good idea, because if he does get a starting position, and blossoms like many think he might, then he'll be worth a canny wedge in the future... A future fee clause would be good for us but assuming the buying club have even a small level of competence it's a non-starter due to the low release clause. In an ideal world we'd maybe persuade him to go on loan for a season and get some game time under his belt. Unfortunately we seem to be fumbling down the back of the sofa for transfer funds again and every penny counts.
  23. Translation of the bit in bold: "it's a bit of a one-off for supporters of clubs at this level to get up for an overnight stay and night out in Newcastle."
  24. Good korea move no?
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