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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Where? Wasn't any near me, with loads of people also having to stand on the stairs. Below you guys behind the goal was empty. Shocking really. Going off at a tangent, what was really weird was at the other end of the stadium every seat directly behind the goal was unsold as well, literally a block of about 20 seats the same size and shape as the goal. Very odd.
  2. Yes, and we should have had a free kick in anyway. Free kick for the first goal was an awful dive too, plus Bannan should have been sent off. After seeing the refereeing last night it seems fairly obvious who this league is all about and Brighton are in for a rude awakening next season when they're a small fish in a big pond and they won't be given such an easy ride.
  3. The Ref came over to the sidelines and the 4th Official had a tablet with him and repeatedly told him the correct rule; the Ref was having none of it or didn't have the balls to admit he was wrong. It was a complete farce, Rafa was absolutely livid. There was only 1 person in the whole ground who thought it should be a free kick to Burton. I'd have that idiot made to explain what exactly went on, why he wouldn't change his decision and then I'd suspend him for a month. Shelvey lost his head for the next 5 minutes and lunged into a couple of challenges; the consequences if he'd been sent off and we'd not won could have been the difference between going up or not. You can't have huge outcomes being heavily affected by a Ref not knowing a basic rule. It was chaos; I've seen nowt like it. Yep, each of the three officials involved on that side of the pitch should be interviewed separately to establish what conversations took place. If it comes out that the referee was shown the laws of the game but wilfully refused to apply them correctly then that goes beyond being simply a horrendous mistake and really is a sackable offence. I don't agree with the second point mind. The referee isn't responsible for the way players react to his decisions. Part of being a (good) professional player is having the mentality to carry on in the face of adversity and not allowing your focus to get distracted.
  4. Murray is such a fucking cheat like
  5. You would get 10p Well no.... Well they're hardly likely to survive are they? Hence you get 10p.... (red face....) He's suggesting betting a tenner on them doing the miracle and staying up in which case you win a grand. Does it really need explaining? If i'm wrong i guess cp40 will have to explain it to both of us. Doesn't work like that. They might be 1/100 to go down, but the odds on them staying up will be much less than 100/1-call it the house's edge.
  6. Absolute howler from this bloke, in fact from the whole officiating team. Compounded by Stroud's egotism in refusing to be corrected when shown the laws of the game by our staff and probably a dash of enjoying being the centre of attention at a big stadium. Needless to say he is not fit to referee again in the professional game, however I'd accept it was essentially an honest mistake. Still not nearly as bad as that Steve Martin from Forest- he was just out-and-out cheating.
  7. This would explain it surely. Essentially he's spotted encroachment from a newcastle player because a burton player is whinging about it, but has decided to ignore the encroachment from half the burton team including the player stood in front of him complaining. Very odd there isn't a line in there for "both teams encroaching" mind. How does that explain it? Because I didn't read the table properly that's why
  8. This would explain it surely. Essentially he's spotted encroachment from a newcastle player because a burton player is whinging about it, but has decided to ignore the encroachment from half the burton team including the player stood in front of him complaining. Very odd there isn't a line in there for "both teams encroaching" mind.
  9. That's it. Even when they did it it wasn't original or witty, fans of other clubs have pulled similar stunts for years. Why some of our support feel the need to copy them, and then attempt to justify it by adding on the charity bit is just beyond me.
  10. I noticed that Saturday. We all had a bit snigger when the "official" attendance of 51,800-odd was announced
  11. The footage of his "apology" a reporter asks him if he understands why what he said was wrong. He says yes. The confused look on his face shows he hasn't got a fucking clue!!
  12. It's outrageous and people are rightly giving them loads of shit. £37.50 for Ipswich on Easter Monday isn't much better either mind and no-one seems bothered for some reason?
  13. We gave him a knighthood.
  14. One of the worst parts of social media is the distortion of 'left' and 'right' that it has created now all those gobshites effectively 'have a voice' and shriek hysterically about what is 'liberal' and what is 'fascist/right wing/bigoted'. Don't bother with any form of SM now, you waste your life reading stupid things from stupid people.
  15. He scored multiple goals against Newcastle in their recent run in the derbies. I think people downplay how important that is to a lot of their fans. Same thing goes for a few pages back where it was expressed that there should be sympathy that Ellis Short has somehow held them back over the last few years by subsidising their PL existence. For us the recent derby run has been a bit shit and symptomatic of Newcastle being shit in general.For that lot, to have had 10 years uninterrupted in the top flight and beating us 6 times in a row? These are their golden years man!!
  16. geordiesteve710


    Heard a rumour it's going to be VW. No idea how true the rumour is. True story.
  17. Not sure it was an actual foul, but having given the penalty, and given there was no attempt at playing the ball how is that not a red card?
  18. "Completely different scenario" apparently. Looked a carbon copy to me like
  19. Hope he runs into the back of someone, that's my favourite Colback foul. I'm partial to the needless and blatant shirt tug on a winger whose stood facing the corner flag with no support and is struggling to keep the ball under control. So brainless.
  20. Either way, if Lascelles wants to be a premier league centre back he should be getting there and making that header. Which he could have done if he wasn't stood there with his arm in the air claiming the offside. Play to the whistle man.
  21. Was our man if the match in my opinion, because he was the only one at the races in the first half. Final ball not great and got worse as he tired but beat his man time and time again. In general the game was a little scrappy but fair play to bristol city for having a go and not just shutting up shop like a lot of teams have, they had a go and left some gaps at the back in doing so. Special mention to the ref for bottling the most clear foul/red card you'd ever see for that push on mitro with a completely clear view. Prick.
  22. Definitely agree with this. It's exactly the sort of game we tend to trip up in. First choice xi and fully up for it please. Remember when we made all those changes against blackburn ahead of the away games at hull and forest and it all went tits up anyway? Got to take the "easy" points when they're there and worry about the harder stuff when it comes. So, start Ritchie, tell him to watch his backchat and no stupid sliding tackles across fullbacks clearing the ball -it's not that hard surely- and if we go 2 or 3 up, then look at bringing him and shelvey off. Also, probably an unpopular opinion but assuming it's Mitro as striker I'd play Perez ahead of Diame. He's looked better recently, and for some reason him and mitro both seem to look better when they're played together.
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