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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Two last-second winners!! Missed 4 goals in the exeter game after you told me to switch over
  2. Exeter-Carlisle is fucking rancid btw, just in case anyone was wondering
  3. Premier League is a completely separate entity to the Football League since the top clubs broke away in 92. Fwiw I still call the Championship Division Two. Illogical I know, but it's the second tier of football in England and shouldn't be glamourised/hyped as if it's anything more than that imo.
  4. Look North reckoned that sunderland had given away 20,000 tickets. Did I hear Dawn right ? Think she was talking about the Swansea game last weekend no?
  5. Don't understand how that wasn't a pen for huddersfield like
  6. Actually haven't seen much from them on this, what's being said? Couple of bits on twitter along the lines of "typical nufc fans showing their lack of class, flying a plane mocking a boy with cancer whilst he's in the stadium below." Despite the problems with the banner, everyone knows that's not the case. But suggesting that it is is only likely to cause unnecessary offence and upset, all in the name of having a pop at Newcastle fans.
  7. The banner is obviously stupid on every conceivable level. Mind you, the sunderland fans making the banner out to be something it's not just to score points against Newcastle fans is just as offensive!!
  8. Well defined contribution to the thread newsted
  9. The two Barnsley fans I spoke to were actually appalled by the fans that were celebrating the Brighton goal. Said the ones letting the smokebomb off were a bunch of out of control kids. I think we can relate to that element amongst our support like. Looking from the gallowgate up to the away section it seemed to be a minority that were jumping up and down in celebration.
  10. West Ham Chelsea is pretty nasty tbf. I think it's the ethnic make-up of spurs fanbase which gives the spurs game an extra "edge" for a lot of west hams more right-leaning support.
  11. When we got relegated at Villa and they stayed up. Tannoy guy at their place announced we were down and that picture shows the celebrations. On a day when which started with either team getting relegated. The scenes would have been the same had we stayed up and they had gone down. Surprised me this, my recollection of the day was that it was either us or hull and they were either already safe or it would have been a mathematical miracle. But no, just checked the table from that season. If we'd won at Villa we'd not only have stopped up but would have finished a point above them, winning the prestigious golden comb for the best bald man into the bargain.
  12. Not having Hayden alongside him had a lot to do with that aswell though I reckon Yep. Also, the lack of movement ahead of him didn't help. This was caused largely by absences of Gayle and to an extent Yedlin but also the rest of the team seemed more nervous second half of the season with some players happy to "hide" from the ball. Shelveys a good passer but he's not a magician and if the players ahead of him are stood still behind a marker he's gonna struggle to open the defence up. As for the poll, Ritchie for me as he's dragged us over the line in the last few months. Second vote for Gayle- 20 goals by January, can't really argue with that!
  13. Would depend on what other issues are still to be decided. Depends on this week's results but likely to be the games involving Birmingham and Blackburn for the last relegation spot?!? Or if Leeds win this week and one of the teams just above them loses then they could still sneak a playoff spot.
  14. Patrick Berger was sensational for them that day too. In terms of goalkeeping I couldn't look past Schmeicel in March 96. Won them the league that night.
  15. CM - Mark Kerr vs Arsenal FA Cup 2002 Do you mean Brian Kerr? Or Jamie McClen even.
  16. Please say thats a different Alan Smith on the bench Alan Smith can crop up anywhere! Apart from on the scoresheet?!?
  17. BBC Radio Leeds far from convinced by the award of the penalty!
  18. Can't believe we're rigging* a Notts county poll. Honestly, some people are so immature. Voted from phone and laptop. * in fairness, shola's goal is the best of the bunch like
  19. Everyone claiming responsibility. 'And, though the movement may be a near anagram of Vurnon Anita, no they are not relatives​ of United's Dutch midfielder.' :lol:
  20. This. His legs seem to have gone. Wonder if he's 29 in Obafemi Martins years??
  21. It's not an excuse, we lost because we were shit and deserved to get beat. But the referee did give them a helping hand on the way.
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