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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Much needed perspective. It's frustrating watching some pretty awful football the last couple of months, no doubt about it, but it's a strength of his that he knows his own mind and will stick to his methods. I would expect us to look a lot more fluid if he is still here next season and adds some much needed quality to key areas of the squad. Totally agree with both of these posts, Rafa is a master at game management, we would have lost at Norwich the other week if it wasnt for him. Was getting a coffee at work today and a lad from the office made a point of saying "your team are doing well at the moment." The football might not have been great recently but the results are still there and we'd have killed for that kind of form under the shite managers we've had recently. Rafa knows what he's doing!
  2. On the flipside, I think it's sad to see supposed football fans decrying a club for "getting too big for it's boots" every time a manager gets sacked. Sky have drilled their audience well into believing that some clubs are entitled to be successful and everyone else should know their place and stick to it. Sad! It's all a matter of opinion end of the day.
  3. It will be just before us, that's a very good point. Means they won't have so much of an advantage in terms of not playing midweek. Unless they pull a dick move and rest the whole team or summat.
  4. If anything I was slightly more annoyed with Sheff Wed winning and dragging themselves back into contention.
  5. I'm worried about huddersfield but I think we'll beat Reading. Everytime I've seen them they've been wank. It'll be two out of us, Brighton, huddersfield imo
  6. What were they singing? "Jonjo Shelvey, he hates p***s, makes me feel this way." Group of about 10, so a minority but it's just not f***ing on. It was even worse than that- the last line they were singing was actually "and the IRA". Like a game of right-wing, Ingerland-fans-abroad twat cliche bingo. Surprised they didn't try to shoe-horn some anti-semitism in somewhere. Was the finishing touch to a shit day out in what others have already alluded to is a proper shit tip. Thank god we actually won the match.
  7. They doubtlessly will be out to get a reaction from him but even he will be expecting it surely. He's just got to carry on with his job like a sensible human being without losing his rag that's all. It's probably easier said than done but he's a professional footballer and it's a pretty basic part of the job.
  8. Looks like that Ty fella had some bother with Chelsea fans on the weekend. Actually felt quite sorry for him seeing this: https://youtu.be/TQe0ST6t2Aw Why are people such dickheads man? I'm all for having a laugh but what entertainment do you get from doing that? It's just mob mentality I think? Saw a fuckload of Oxford fans carrying on like that at a couple Newcastle fans after the cup game the other week. No decent crack or witty songs, just repeated abuse because they're heavily outnumbering the opposition fans therefore they can. What a way to live your life.
  9. IF -and it's a big if- we go up I'd be quite happy with this scenario. Would like to have a crack at them next season, particularly if -and this is a bigger if- Rafa is backed in the summer and Defoe is given his wish of a transfer to London. Would feel a bit like a missed opportunity we go up and they come down. Firstly without Defoe they'd likely fill a a relegation place and also fuck knows we have some derby day scores to settle. Obviously if they did go down I wouldn't be shedding any tears mind.
  10. Had a couple of iffy moments tbf, stooping to head the ball to Ritchie when it was under knee height was one. Also the centrebacks between them didn't cover themselves in glory for Anyas and particularly Inces two chances late on. Having said that lascelles has been woeful himself lately. mbemba must have pissed in rafas porridge or something to be completely frozen put like he seems to have been.
  11. Iirc the party line was that Shearer was ok but not a patch on "sewpa-kev"
  12. Great player, only young, loads of potential, 17th best goals per minute record in Europe, 33rd best assists per minute record in the world, passion, desire, fight, hes got it all, need to give him a run, get his confidence up. etc etc You think Gayle will be briliant after bad injury.put some money he will score 3 goals next week?Give Mitro a break!When he was in good form,motivated..he was on bench..First time when he knew he will be starter he picked up injury.His morale now is close to 0....With all that in mind..he gave solid performance today.He assisted to Ritchie today...He dont smile,head is down..empty look in eyes.Give him some boost,we win today In fairness, I thought he did well today. Looked interested, decent link up play, took some pretty rough treatment from their defence and should have had the most blatant penalty for shirt pulling I've ever seen. If he puts a shift in like that every time he plays from now til the end of the season I'd be happy with that. It's when he's shuffling around the pitch looking like he's not bothered and wasting shitloads of one-on-ones (oxford being the most recent example) that he deserves the grief. Gayle's scored 20 goals already this season man, surely you can see why he's got to be first choice?
  13. There was a delay after Carson tried to separate perez at the kneecap
  14. Regardless of what was the right or wrong thing to do with the benefit of hindsight and screenshots from other angles than his own, he had every right to shoot from there. The decision-making and execution second time around were inexcusable mind. Was like when you're playing pro evo/fifa and press the wrong button by mistake.
  15. James linnington trolling the Brighton team with his shithousery
  16. My concerns are more centred around the competition's form. The old championship adage of "anyone can beat anyone in this league" doesn't seem to apply to Reading, Brighton, Huddersfield or Leeds at the minute. On 89 minutes when we were shooting ourselves in the foot yesterday Leeds were scoring the winner at Blackburn. A 4-point swing in a matter of seconds that we really could have done without. I also think our playing staff are mentally weak and without a healthy gap will crumble under the pressure whereas the aforementioned clubs are thriving on it. All opinions, but time will tell.
  17. Got to be Mbemba. Hanley spent the second half of the oxford game getting repeatedly skinned. Honestly, he makes lascelles look like 2006 cannavaro in comparison.
  18. Got a real tough run of fixtures coming up too. If (big if) we get to the end of February and we're still in the top two we'll go up. 7 for now.
  19. Yep, ineffective performance from Murphy tonight as good as he's been lately. I'd be tempted to start two strikers on Saturday (I know I know) and go for the throat from the off. Derby are in good form at the moment but from the little I've seen of them they struggle with a high tempo. we need to make sure we grasp the momentum and keep it.
  20. He wouldn't have known that Clark was going to leap like a fish with no one near him tbf. If he'd shouted KEEPERS BALL he'd have been a damn sight more sure that Clark would leave it?? If he'd thought that he was going to leap for a ball with no one near him he might have shouted. If there was an attacker behind Clark and he'd left it he'd have been shot with s***, he's always going for that unless the keeper shouts for it. There wasn't an attacker behind Clark, I think that's what caught Darlow out, plus the cross was low and quick so it happened very quickly. If it had been floated a bit more that's where you generally get the keeper calling. Yes but Clark didn't know that and didn't have time to look before making a decision on dealing with it. This is where he's relying on his keeper to give him a shout if he doesn't need to play it. If he'd had a shout and still gone for it it would have been his fault. If Darloe really isn't sure because as you say it was a low hard cross he could even play it safe and stay on his line whilst leaving it for Clark to deal with. Not coming for the ball without a shout is something he should have been learning in the under-11s He thought it was going over Clark's head obviously. He really had to leap to reach it and with there being no one near him it caught Darlow by surprise. And if he'd given Clark the shout it probably would have gone over his head cos he'd have left it for Darlow to claim. Anyway I think we've done this to death now feller and we're not going to agree :lol:
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