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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. This is it, nothing too outrageous (pen call was 50-50 in my opinion), but quite content to let the Leicester fans referee for him and to not go spoiling their "fairytale story" or anything daft like that.
  2. linesman had his flag out for a corner- didn't even cross the line man!! We need to sort out this whole panicking-in-the-opposition box bullshit like, schoolboy stuff.
  3. The only undeserved victory was the last one. I don't know which planet you have been watching from for the last 3 seasons. The only other one I can think of was when Cisse had his equaliser chalked off for no good reason when we were well on top. But, tbf, they turned up at sjp that day and knocked in three screamers, sometimes you just have to take your hat off and say well played. Both games last season they were no better than us throughout the matches, but they managed to pull through both times. Not pretty or particularly deserved (the easter derby, both teams deserved to lose imo) but fair play they got the result both times. The second 3-0 was the worst of the bunch imo. I am 100% sure they "declared" at 3 and went soft on us, pretty much the most embarrassed I can remember being as a Newcastle fan.
  4. Jesus wept. I feel sorry for some of their support like. The ones like Stray whose reaction has been spot on. End of the day the club has acted appallingly and they now should recognise that and take what's coming on the chin. In the grand scheme of things they're not the first club to do something horrible and as long as there's so much money in the game they sure as owt won't be the last. I really don't get the mentality of the idiots who are desperate to cling to some sort of moral high ground, still trying to defend the club and I'd imagine reading shit like this above must make it ten times as bad for the decent ones.
  5. You've more patience than me!!!
  6. 'Which one of you is Hope?' 'Well it's not f***ing you, Steve'. As for Craig Hope, after his brilliant piece on Pav and now this he is fast becoming one of my favourite journalists.
  7. As negative as it was, I also didn't think we were that bad under the circumstances where a clean sheet and at least a draw would have been a good result. I don't like setting up for nil nil draws though, the whole point of the game is to try and score at least 1 more goal than the opposition and we carried zero threat of doing so. Which is fair enough if you achieve the point you set out to get a la Stoke at SJP. On the other hand when it doesn't work you can't exactly grumble about it and you especially can't whinge that the opposition keeper saved your only meaningful shot so you deserved a point.
  8. This is what makes their conduct so much worse, that she was an actual fan of the club and ST holder ffs. Utter contempt, the likes of which you'd expect from the pieces of s*** who own and run us but I honestly wouldn't expect it of any other club. If this happened NUFC under Shepherd we'd have probably thrown money at the problem and tried to buy the victim's silence. Our current owner would probably look at how he could exploit the situation for personal gain and maybe slap in a bid to acquire the naming rights to the Chinese takeaway on the cheap. Joking aside though, it is mental everything coming out, properly vile. And every time Sunderland try to cover their tracks by fibbing someone else pops up to contradict them. Never mind blaming it on Byrne, they'd have been better off blaming it on the boogie than this shambles of a PR exercise. Charnley will probably offer the victim and her family ST for life to garner some good PR. "As if the poor lass hasn't suffered enough" etc etc
  9. This is what makes their conduct so much worse, that she was an actual fan of the club and ST holder ffs. Utter contempt, the likes of which you'd expect from the pieces of s*** who own and run us but I honestly wouldn't expect it of any other club. If this happened NUFC under Shepherd we'd have probably thrown money at the problem and tried to buy the victim's silence. Our current owner would probably look at how he could exploit the situation for personal gain and maybe slap in a bid to acquire the naming rights to the Chinese takeaway on the cheap. Joking aside though, it is mental everything coming out, properly vile. And every time Sunderland try to cover their tracks by fibbing someone else pops up to contradict them. Never mind blaming it on Byrne, they'd have been better off blaming it on the boogie than this shambles of a PR exercise.
  10. Exactly. But no one has capitalised so City becomes a freebie sort of. Aye, we could really let our hair down
  11. That's my point, why are they such short odds to go down and we're not. They might not be a particularly exciting or talented set of players, but they've got bottle and something approaching a backbone which is more than you could say for our squad.
  12. Didn't see much of yesterdays game but find it unbelievable that the bookies have us at slight odds against to go down while they're as short as 1/2.
  13. Merson today man, had to turn the TV off. Started off ridiculing the west ham fans for wanting to see good football then launches into the most ludicrous defence of allardyce. Was along the lines of the style if play wasnt his fault- he played football to suit the strengths of the players he had available to utilise at the time (aye, he signed them all dickhead.) If it wasn't for allardyce then west ham wouldn't have the likes of payet and lanzini at the club now (why? Bilic signed them when he was overhauling the s*** yet expensive squad allardyce left behind, these aren't players SA would look at signing in a month of Sundays.) And I'll tell you another thing, if noocarsell hadn't got rid of him they'd never have been rele... Ah f*** off man where's the remote. Bilic has shown up allardyce this season, he's shown that west ham fans were right to be critical of allardyces football and he's shown that they didn't need to be "careful what they wished for" as they were being patronised left, right and centre. And all of allardyces cronies hate it and bitterly resent that they have been proven so wrong. Someone far less ranty and probably far more intelligent than me has written a similar thing here, if you prefer your football writing vaguely comprehensible http://www.football365.com/news/west-ham-smashing-the-glass-ceiling-sam-allardyce-built
  14. Merson today man, had to turn the TV off. Started off ridiculing the west ham fans for wanting to see good football then launches into the most ludicrous defence of allardyce. Was along the lines of the style if play wasnt his fault- he played football to suit the strengths of the players he had available to utilise at the time (aye, he signed them all dickhead.) If it wasn't for allardyce then west ham wouldn't have the likes of payet and lanzini at the club now (why? Bilic signed them when he was overhauling the shit yet expensive squad allardyce left behind, these aren't players SA would look at signing in a month of Sundays.) And I'll tell you another thing, if noocarsell hadn't got rid of him they'd never have been rele... Ah fuck off man where's the remote. Bilic has shown up allardyce this season, he's shown that west ham fans were right to be critical of allardyces football and he's shown that they didn't need to be "careful what they wished for" as they were being patronised left, right and centre. And all of allardyces cronies hate it and bitterly resent that they have been proven so wrong.
  15. What a cry baby. God knows how he progressed from grassroots football to be a professional ref. I used to get worse dissent than that reffing under 13s in the coast colts league man
  16. Stoke to win 3-0, McClaren to say how tremendous we were taking into account the travelling the lads have done recently. And something about a reaction-either needing one or having got one, but he will probably wait to see the "attempted crosses" stats before deciding which.
  17. Things not worked out with that 24/7 PA he was after then??
  18. That is some impressive knowledge of paedo-related trivia
  19. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/just-burst-out-laughing.1200837/page-3 Imagine 'digitally penetrating' a child because sunderland.... One drunken man punches a horse and it's all over the TV and we are all slated as horse punchers. A few years earlier YouTube footage showed a load of them ransacking a riot van, no media coverage and no one speaks of it. One of those things doesn't happen very often and is a living thing. Was also a bit of a case of "wrong place wrong time" in that it was right in front of a camera that hoyed it on all the next day's front pages. Was watching a fly-on-the-wall police thing based in Manchester and on one of their episodes two horses got smacked outside the derby at Old Trafford. We've since also seen two newspaper reports posted on here of horses being assaulted in Sunderland of all places. Unfortunately however a picture paints a thousand words, and Barry McCuntface with his scarf wrapped round his head like some sort of failed jihadi squaring up to a horse like a drunk boxer got sent around the world so, you know jawdees, horse punchaz teeheehee etc.
  20. Why? To which part? Why would you want Rodgers over Moyes. Moyes is in a rut, he was laughed out of Spain, laughed out of Manchester.. he found a comfort zone at Everton, who despite being mediocre have always been a far more stable club than us. I don't dislike the guy but that's no reason to want him in as a manager. Rodgers went a bit flat at Liverpool but was he really doing any worse than Klopp is now? I don't particularly like Rodgers but I reckon his ideas may get more enthusiasm from our bunch, the rotten wasters.. Our club responds to having a larger than life personality at the helm, now neither Rodgers or Moyes fall into that category.. Rafa would be far superior but ultimately not realistic as Ashley wouldn't throw that kind of cash at something sensible.. Didn't Moyes survive a couple of close shaves with relegation in his first few years at Everton before he sorted them out eventually? Not convinced he'd bring the short term boost we probably need right now. It's all academic. Can't see charnley ever hiring someone who actually knows about football because he'd be shown up and his position undermined in a matter of days.
  21. Lee Clarke likes this but only when they loose. Chris Houghton thinks they shouldn't of lost.
  22. They actually ban people on there?!?
  23. If we go down as I am expecting I sincerely hope these stay up. If nothing else, I am fucking sick of playing them, and a league with us, them and villa would be tough to get out of.
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