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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Sometimes refusing to apply the laws of the game consistently is known as "sensible refereeing." PFMs love a bit of "sensible refereeing", doesn't "ruin the game as a spectacle" see- can't be doing with holding the players responsible for their own behaviour- sometimes its their mate. Prime example being the tussle between mitro and olsson in the recent game vs norwich. Mitro, fresh on as a sub, was straight in the book, then the ref spent about 10 seconds studying his book presumably to see if olsson was one of the many players already in it before seeing he wasn't then calling him back across to give him a yellow.
  2. This article has no details, context or nuance. Or depth. Regardless of your take on what has transpired, the left continues to use these types of events to expound its narratives that make up the pyramid of victimhood it worships. And I'm a leftie. Stopped reading there. Of what consequence is that to the whole thing? He committed hotel-key-fraud, clearly he must be a wrong un?!? I have every sympathy with the lass for what she's been through the last few years, but that is just scraping the barrel. Didn't bother with the rest of the article.
  3. Did he look like a spaceman? Images of someone in full on astronaut kit walking out of the match looking despondent
  4. Really pleased for him. Missed a few early on and I was worried his head might go down, but it didn't and he got his reward
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2016/sep/27/sam-allardyce-arrogant-clot-england-manager Heard a very strong rumour along these lines from.a board member of a league club about 10 years ago. Ever since I've always had a rye smile when I see a sub coming on on 92 minutes with the result already decided, be it the manager I was told or a completely different one. You've got to wonder sometimes.
  6. Always been that way at Villa, at least since away fans were moved to the doug ellis stand
  7. Quite possibly west mids police being west mids police. Always been a bunch of bellends.
  8. It's just an unoriginal, lazy chant that was probably funny in 2005, the sort of thing that is (ironically) the hallmark of shit support. Not just our fans, I think the same when it gets aired at SJP every other week by whichever set of away fans is enjoying their big day out that day. Well done lads, haven't heard that one before!! Tbf to the Villa fans yesterday, they roused their team for the last 25 minutes when they were down and that spurred their team on to up their game.
  9. Sorry but our fans are just as bad. Singing about how s*** they were when only 1-0 up, great way to get their fans riled and actually change the atmosphere in their favour. We barely even produced an atmosphere in the ground yesterday. Was s***. This is correct, was better than the total silence from our fans at the same ground in May but still quiet for long periods. Add in old favourites such as "your support is fucking shit", songs about winning the league and booing during the 17th minute cos Villa didn't join in and it was a proper cringe-fest.
  10. Insolence! I think what you meant to say was that all people from the Birmingham area are c***s, remembering to simultaneously take offence at anyone suggesting Newcastle fans hate anyone that isn't a Geordie. Sort yourself out.
  11. It doesn't help at all*. It might be an attempt at a bit of light-heartedness, and will most definitelyhelp sell a few papers to local mongs who love their "banter", but if someone gets twatted outside the ground because a knuckledragger has been whipped into a frenzy by reading it and goes too far it's not such a good idea at all. The whole thing is absolute bollocks imo. Some Villa fans seem to think they're big and clever for whatever reason, all I see is a damning indictment of the demise of a club that was once champions of Europe. As for our lot, look man they're doing it to get a reaction out of us because they know we're good for one. Stop giving them the reaction and they'll fuck off and annoy someone else!! No sodding clown masks this time I hope. * I ain't clicking on that, but pretty damn sure I get the gist, have heard it all before and there won't be any original material or independent thought in the article.
  12. What's love got to do with it? I'm very very sorry.
  13. Every fucking year we play sunderland away on or around my wife's birthday (25th October) and I get an ear-bashing for basically her having to fit her celebrations around me going to the match. Thought at least that wouldn't be a problem this season. Well, I can see what's going to fucking happen here!!
  14. I think by now it's time to get over the whole The Guv thing. Bit confused by our fetish for goslkeepers at the minute. I get why you'd want the likes of Elliott as a solid 3rd choice given that we've had to do things like play jak alnwick vs the mackems in recent seasons, but not on such a long contract when woodmans coming through as well. Also indicates to me that we've written Krul off which seems a little premature/odd to me. Maybe he has an agreement with the club that he can have a transfer for a certain price next summer hence why his extension was just for one year? Just speculating like but I know who I'd have wanted to tie down long term out of the two of them!!
  15. Bear in mind, people are constantly being fed a media line that the premier league is the biggest and bestest league in the world and being in it is the be all and end all. Combine that with the bizarre hero-worship dished out by the likes of Merson towards the likes of pulis, allardyce, pardew who always finish just above the relegation zone and, if you're an armchair fan, that's the frame of reference that you'll see football through?? Therefore anything that contradicts that must be wrong. Also, I'd bear in mind that while it's all fun and games now, hypothetically if in 3 years we are still in this league and rafa is still here (I said hypothetically!) then I imagine there would be a fair few who would re-visit that preference!
  16. absolute fiction from start to finish that, man!!
  17. The fact they regularly have 10 threads about us, state we don't matter because we are lower league and they paid for a plane to fly over our landfill, yet they claim it's us that's obsessed. We are the deluded ones yet they are predicting upper mid-table with that squad and believing fully in Moyes, yet Rafa relegated us and is clearly a s*** manager. Claiming Anichibe is a class signing while proclaiming every one of our signings s***. Loving Yedlin then claiming he's s*** because he signed for us, but Manquilla and Ndong are class. Ludicrous small bitter obsessed club madness Wouldn't let it wind you up. Self-awareness is not, and never has been the forte of sunderland fans. I admire the front every time I hear them.accusing NUFC of being "obsessed" without a hint of irony. It's like a five year old with a new insult he learnt off the older lads- no idea what it means but damned if he's not going to run around shouting it at everyone else!
  18. The irony is that if we'd been displaying the kind of behaviour they expected, being gutted, low season ticket renewals etc then the RTG narrative would be along the lines of fickle mags have been found out, the myth that newcastle fans are loyal has been shattered etc. And they'd mean it just as sincerely And why is it always about "the rest of the country" with them? There seems to be an unhealthy concern about making sure all other football fans in England hate us and love them. Why?
  19. Why would they include that in there? Anywhere else: 'Urgh, don't spit on the pavement you bamp'. sunderland: 'Urgh, she's got spit in her hair'. Why do sunderland girls have spit in their hair? Often enough to use it as a quote for context in their dictionary? Must be a nonce thing.... It's not spit mate...
  20. Presumably this is a reference to him not being picked for England. Some of us are quite pleased he's not in the England squad. After years of seeing players from the 'top clubs' being picked, regardless of form, I gave up watching my national team. If Defoe played for Man U and Rashford was playing for us, Jermain would be with England and Rashford would be on his jollies. This has been what's wrong with the England squad for years. Back when there were more English players at the top clubs, you could pretty much judge how an england squad would change from season to season based on who had been bought or sold from man utd or Liverpool. I wouldn't mind if it had been a successful policy aka Spain picking predominantly from two teams, and sweeping the board but it's been quite the opposite.
  21. By the end they were pretty good defensively, only lost 4 times since the turn of the year. Kone was an excellent buy Were they, or was it just a case of more bodies back gives the impression? I think any team could "look good defensively" playing 7-2-0-1 We didn't at times under McClaren, Pardew or Carver. We got loads of men behind the ball but they just looked disinterested. Allardyce at least got their lot running about, chasing in packs, tackling and that's ultimately what made them hard to beat and kept them up. Our lot just meandered about watching with colback tripping people who had run past him being the sum total of any effort until rafa arrived.
  22. Comments on articles sometimes make me want to go and live in a cave. Some mad c*** there ranting about how we have pre-season plans before we've done anything in the transfer market. Comments sections are the worst form of social media. How would you even go about trying to debate or argue with someone that stupid??
  23. Jesus, the comments section on that man. I didn't think they still went on and on about the fairs cup not being a proper trophy. Well I was very fucking wrong wasn't I!! Surely when you're still ranting on against prevailing opinion 45 years later you'd hit a point where you think fuck it, I'll not bother anymore.
  24. The reason why the Welsh teams are allowed in us because there isn't a professional league in Wales, or the conditions for a financially viable professional league structure to exist. There is in Scotland so any move to bring the Old Firm in would fall foul of FIFA rules.
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