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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. He wouldn't have known that Clark was going to leap like a fish with no one near him tbf. If he'd shouted KEEPERS BALL he'd have been a damn sight more sure that Clark would leave it?? If he'd thought that he was going to leap for a ball with no one near him he might have shouted. If there was an attacker behind Clark and he'd left it he'd have been shot with s***, he's always going for that unless the keeper shouts for it. There wasn't an attacker behind Clark, I think that's what caught Darlow out, plus the cross was low and quick so it happened very quickly. If it had been floated a bit more that's where you generally get the keeper calling. Yes but Clark didn't know that and didn't have time to look before making a decision on dealing with it. This is where he's relying on his keeper to give him a shout if he doesn't need to play it. If he'd had a shout and still gone for it it would have been his fault. If Darloe really isn't sure because as you say it was a low hard cross he could even play it safe and stay on his line whilst leaving it for Clark to deal with. Not coming for the ball without a shout is something he should have been learning in the under-11s
  2. He wouldn't have known that Clark was going to leap like a fish with no one near him tbf. If he'd shouted KEEPERS BALL he'd have been a damn sight more sure that Clark would leave it?? If he'd thought that he was going to leap for a ball with no one near him he might have shouted. If there was an attacker behind Clark and he'd left it he'd have been shot with shit, he's always going for that unless the keeper shouts for it.
  3. He wouldn't have known that Clark was going to leap like a fish with no one near him tbf. If he'd shouted KEEPERS BALL he'd have been a damn sight more sure that Clark would leave it??
  4. Hope he comes up with a better excuse than that when the fa charge arrives.
  5. If the keepers coming off his line for thst he's got to give a loud clear shout to the defence like. Schoolboy stuff.
  6. Bunch of lazy fucking cunts. "We go again"?!? If it's going to be like that don't fucking bother.
  7. Aye, that's what I thought. BBC doing some massive backtracking because they expected Ipswich to win against Lincoln. Imagine the uproar if the FA allowed the time and date of the Lincoln v Brighton game to be moved to allow for TV coverage with only a week and a half before the game. It would have been fucking hilarious after Brighton themselves insisted on potentially putting nufc fans in the same position.
  8. Used to call that 'SPOT'. Kingo we used to start in a circle with a tennis ball on the deck, between the legs was the goal, using feet as pinball flippers. First to concede was 'it' and had to hit the others with the ball. Rush keeper is a weird rule, since it's allowed in the game anyway. Can anybody else remember butterfly keeper? Basically nearest to the goal was keeper. We used to call it spot too. Aye, the subtle difference between rush keeper and "fog man back"- which sounds like your butterfly keeper- used to cause a few arguments if ground rules weren't established at the outset.
  9. McClaren spent about 80mill in 2 transfer windows didn't he? Tell your something mind, I'm a little worried about the phrase Ashley won't spend big on players until we're back in the premier league. If we fuck this up we could be here for a while.
  10. We were second best for all of the second half like. At the point Anita went off and Gouffran was limping but having to carry on and we were creaking I couldn't see us getting one point never mind three. But for once we hung on in there and showed some guts in somehow getting a win we had no right to as opposed to weakly folding which has been the recent standard when we've been up against it. I think a lot of the defensive issues we're seeing stem from the fullbacks' inability to cut crosses out at source, or not get regularly beaten by championship wingers which then stretches the rest of the defence. Yedlin can't defend for shit and Dummett is Dummett (interesting to see Steggy echoing the opinion of many on here). I'd have sympathy with Brentford for not having a penalty awarded for shirt tugging if that was the case (far end of the ground to us I think?)- we've seen to our cost how little attention is paid to that by referees in this division and it's frustrating because blatant shirt tugging is surely the easiest foul to spot. But I'd also point out that the corner Brentford scored from came from a clear foul with the attacker pushing our defender into the ball (and then it seemed to ricochet back off the striker anyway), so it wasn't all one way from the officials. Really enjoyed the pubs around the ground, found the Brentford fans to be a friendly bunch. I thought it'd be all posh with it being West London, but the overall impression I left with was a great little community with the club at the heart of it. I can see why they're building a new stadium with all the extra facilities it will entail but I miss proper grounds like Griffin Park and wish there were more still around.
  11. That number 40 up front for QPR is Ali Dia levels of shit
  12. Came across as one of the game's gentlemen. As Watford manager he laid into their fans for abusing shearer en masse during a game at Vicarage Rd (99/00??) He didn't have to do that, but he felt it was the right thing to say. A little unfortunate in qualification for USA 94 with the Koeman incident and Norway turning up out of nowhere with a blinding qualification campaign, but on the other hand he probably made his own luck with too much geoff thomas, carlton palmer, playing batty at full back etc
  13. Cheers Steggy. Are there any bars in particular for away fans to steer clear of?
  14. Won't make any difference mate. The only league game he will miss is Brentford, regardless of what we do in the cup he'd be back for brentford as he'd have missed 3 league games and 2 in the cup. the replay would be before brentford. Tbf, I thought this as well as they were fannying on confirming what would happen to Brentford if a replay was necessary and there was a suspicion it might not be played that weekend at all. Seems to have been confirmed that if either team needs a replay the game will now revert to the Saturday.
  15. 7.5 for me. I'm actually confident in our ability to get to the 90 points mark that would normally secure promotion (12 wins and 2 draws) but Leeds, Reading, Huddersfield just aren't dropping points at the moment and I could see us being pipped by one of them. Brighton will walk away with the title.
  16. Throw the cunt... unless they've agreed with brentford that if there's a replay the league game will be postponed - as opposed to moved to Saturday- in which case draw it and throw the replay which will complete Shelveys suspension and get ready to go in the league again vs Rotherham, hopefully with a new proper no. 10 in the team.
  17. Just fuck off and don't come back. Not just the foul for the free kick, but spent the whole game getting rings ran around him time and time again. By Blackburn fucking rovers. A fucking embarrassment. Anyone who thinks he'd be an acceptable option for even a mid-table championship team is either vastly under-estimating the league or used to go to school with him so thinks he's Ginola.
  18. I'm not going to start criticising Rafa, partly because I don't subscribe to this view that our squad is by far and away the best in this league. Imo we are where we are due to the manager and in spite of the squad, not the other way around. That said, we've conceded the first goal 7 times and lost every one. By anyone's standards that is woeful and something is wrong. The players would struggle to assemble a proper set of testicles between them but leaving subs to the last 10 minutes is pointless, might as well not bother.
  19. Were you at the game ? Ando and that opther guy made it sound dreadful despite the win, in fact only reason we got the three points according to Ando was because of the sending off. Was Ando just being his usual miserable self ? My mate at the game reckons we wouldn't have won without the red card. I would probably second this although it's debatable if we actually got any better after the red card, we were shit before it we were shit after it. Maybe they would have buckled anyway?? Special mention for Forest's antics though, appalling doesn't cut it. All sorts of gymnastics, and it won't ever be mentioned but while the whole fracas leading up to the red card being shown was happening Pereira had grabbed Gayle by the collar and was shoving him from behind towards the milburn touchline presumably to try to get a reaction so he could indulge in some dramatics and get him sent off. It's absolutely institutionalised cheating in what is a poor replica of a once proud club.
  20. I think the difference between yesterday and say wolves or blackburn are that Sheff Weds are one of the best teams in this division, they got to the playoff final last year, have one of the best managers and one of the best players in the league (Forestieri) and came into the game on a decent run of form. In short they were not the no-hopers cannon fodder many on here seem to have written them off as. They were always going to create chances and on the night did a number on us tactically, particularly down their left channel getting a man in between anita and lascelles leaving lascelles in no mans land. The goal was coming to say the least and this is my main gripe. It was obvious that our tactics weren't really working, and that we had a bit of a "rough patch" to ride out, and the response from the dugout and the players on the pitch was to put their head in the sand and carry on as we were until the inevitable happened. Tactics, subs etc are the managers department, obviously, but the players need to be able to judge when we're getting battered, roll their sleeves up, gee each other up and concentrate on riding out the storm without conceding, or if we do concede then have the belief that we will get back into the game. Call it bottle, guts, bollocks, gumption, nous whatever, we currently lack it on the pitch. This is borne out by a look at our stats, six defeats but only one draw (when should have won handsomely), turn three of them into draws (especially vs huddersfield and sheff wed) and we're looking at the table laughing. A draw yesterday wouldn't have been a disgrace, it's the kind of game the 09/10 team would have made sure they got something out of and it's one thing we'll need to learn to do if promotion is to be secured. Also I'd echo the numerous comments above about the manager leaving it too late in the day to change the personnel and formation when things aren't going well. Anyway, Friday is another day and a very winnable game.
  21. hes bound to be too slow behind someone and just half run into/ half jump on their back. just got 10/1 on him for first card with skybet. Printing money* * nailed on to be second player carded now, just to spite me.
  22. That first frame is one of his best ever. Or I'm drunk. Or both.
  23. It's a load of bollocks really. As much as I agree with anyone's right not to wear the poppy, and find the whole annual circus surrounding it tedious, I think if people want to wear it they also should be able to. I know anything can mean different things to different people, but the poppy as a political symbol is a world away from shitcunts like Argentina holding up banners in support of invading the Falklands before kick-off. The problem I'd imagine from FIFA's perspective is if you allow one, it's harder not to allow another and it would be a slippery slope. If we want the slightest chance of hosting a world cup in our lifetimes the best thing is to take the fine and not kick up a fuss.
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