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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Also first real do-or-die night for my group forecasts acca need Croatia and probably Spain to win.
  2. £10 freebet from 888sports stuck on Holland, Croatia, spain-Chile total goals over 2.5. Returns £25 without stake, obviously.
  3. I took that up and stuck a fiver on Argentina -0.5 goals, at 11/2. Just hope there's nowt against that in the small print as couldn't be arsed to read it all. It's the Iran game where we'll really cash in mind. The Persian bus might disappoint you. http://images.forum-auto.com/mesimages/510049/Renault%2016%20Borat%20_06_.jpg http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d191/Koulis/misc/dacia.jpg bring it!!
  4. He's made a total arse of himself there. Embarrassing. Nearly as bad as his complete surprise at a red card being shown to palacios moments after the second yellow. Them's the rules, feller...
  5. I took that up and stuck a fiver on Argentina -0.5 goals, at 11/2. Just hope there's nowt against that in the small print as couldn't be arsed to read it all. It's the Iran game where we'll really cash in mind.
  6. bit disappointed couldn't get in play odds on player (palacios) to be sent off, but that's probably why- he was walking a tightrope. took 4-0 benzema first goal 40/1, it's on now.
  7. Yep. The old guard of Gerrard etc. weren't good enough in their prime but they're doing a nurturing job and like you say 2016 onwards should be even better. If this squad is being thrown together for 2016/2018 in mind then Gerrard shouldn't be in the squad. You would run the risk of ruining the young uns without an experienced nucleus guiding them. It's why Lampard is there. And it's why Ashley Cole should've been there. Also, Cole wouldn't have been done up like a kipper for the second goal
  8. I wouldn't mind those hosting again tbh, their fans were great last time to be fair. I'd rather they got it than Australia or the US. England would always be my first choice though. It's a crime that they haven't held one since 66 ffs. Definitely a country that'd be ready to hold it tomorrow if they had to. Its never going to come here for a very long time, if Sepp Blatter stays in power th WC will be going to countries where stadiums need built and can be changed easily... I think France, Turkey, and Italy will all host a world cup before England gets a chance again. Assuming that 2022 stays in Qatar, and again assuming FIFA stand by their "principle" (I know, I know) that no confederation gets it twice in a row, I'd be gobsmacked if 2030 goes anywhere other than China.
  9. Done and paid. Ended up with the same semi finals as Italia 90. Didn't like the look of that so backtracked and started again. Basically pinned everything on holland, russia and colombia not making the second round.
  10. the opposition will be quavering in their boots...
  11. geordiesteve710

    Joey Barton

    using the old 'some of our best mates are black' defence...
  12. I think they'll sell the club, from a player perspective, along the lines of..............join us for a couple of years and look where you could end up..........Carroll went to Liverpool on over £100k per week, Cabaye to PSG for big dollar...............these guys are living the dream based on a couple of good seasons for us. We'll move you up a level and won't stand in your way should a big bid come in. Effectively, we're a shop window, and in the fickle world of footballers some are probably very grateful for the increase in wages, profile and to get the chance for their big move. Sad times. This. It's not just how we sell ourselves to players though, its our operating principle. Constantly gambling on these unproven cheap players being good enough & committed enough to keep us out of the shit for another year before they move on and another unknown quantity comes in. To compound the risk involved we're doing this with a manager who has no track record for developing& improving players. I'm not sure what the gambling analogy would be, maybe betting on a horse then tying it's tail to a nearby pardew-shaped plank of wood?!?. But one day it's going to all end in tears when we fill the squad with shit players who are actually just happy to sit here picking up wages for 3 years while we go crashing through the divisions ignoring Pardew whose tactics/coaching still consists of telling them to run around lots, get in their faces etc.
  13. As funny as it was to see Shola sent off, I do wonder how many times he has been in that exact same situation with a Rooney or a Gerrard who won't stop screaming at him, and backed down without a wimper.
  14. Load of guff that. They lost to Chelsea at home and drew with a team in brilliant form away on the back of a crazy amount of wins. The big bottle that history should remember is Fergie gifting it to Citeh when seven points ahead (same games played) with seven games to go. Ferk, they were even 4-2 up against Everton with ten minutes to go when it all started going pear-shaped. It doesn't fit the big Fergie narrative though, so all we get is Keegan and possibly from next season Brendan Rogers. Lets brand them losers instead. Just as a parallel, Clarence Seedorf may have won the CL four times, but he was also in the Milan side that threw the game away in Instanbul. s*** can happen to anyone. Yep. He threw it away to Arsenal in 1998 as well. 13 points too wasn't it. Anyway, last night reminded me of something but I just can't put my finger on it. Away fans who haven't seen their team win the league in decades devastated having just chucked away crucial points being taunted by home fans who are nowhere near the title race. Shit now I remember- it was Anfield in 1996. Suck it up bitches.
  15. I saw that from a distance, loads of stewards were coming up from elsewhere in the ground to have a go at him. The daft thing is he is completely harmless he just likes to do silly things and have a bit of an audience for the ensuing mock argument with the stewards. He always goes without a fight and reasonably politely with a smile on his face. Putting hands on him when he was walking out peacefully from a professional security point of view was just moronic. Especially in such a charged atmosphere. Didn't see it fully myself but was this the guy who as being lead out started doing one armed press ups?... My friends who saw it said it was hilarious... That's the one
  16. I saw that from a distance, loads of stewards were coming up from elsewhere in the ground to have a go at him. The daft thing is he is completely harmless he just likes to do silly things and have a bit of an audience for the ensuing mock argument with the stewards. He always goes without a fight and reasonably politely with a smile on his face. Putting hands on him when he was walking out peacefully from a professional security point of view was just moronic. Especially in such a charged atmosphere.
  17. Lad a few rows back from me, known for being a bit of a 'character' in the Gallowgate. Stood up and walked off on 60 mins. Less than 5 mins later there's a bit of a commotion in the Milburn and lo and behold the daft bastard has somehow managed make his way round and is stood next to the fence 20 or so seats from Ashley making 'fat bastard' gestures etc before being led away by 2 stewards (who he is lecturing about something with grandiose gestures etc) we were crying with laughter then at the SW corner 1 of them swung at him causing a ruckus with fans who were on the way out for the second walkout jumping in on the stewards to look after him. He might not be back next season!!!
  18. Safc contacted Bilbao about 15 years ago and told them of the supposed link. Bilbao knew nothing about it Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/who-based-their-kit-on-sunderland-in-spain.912377/#ixzz30T7wFxLP What a brilliant phone call that must have been, hopefully made by the mackem kinnear. 'Eyer fernandew it's peyter from sun'land. We're your best marra's ye knaa, can wey have a pre-seyson friendly or sumat.' 'Who are you?' 'Yewer long lost brothers on weyerside, send us a teym pennant will yer?' 'Leave us alone and don't call again. Crazy engleesh.'
  19. Pardew's interview on SSN Sat there smirking throughout. Bell-end. 'He trained with a different group to that which I trained with.' Just talk properly you prick. 'It's not about Hatem, it's not about me.' Bullshit. It is always about you.
  20. I think it's also to do with one being a PL club and one being a FL club. On paper the two organisations have different and separate rules and regulations. In practice, the FL has in the past docked points for fielding ineligible players and applies this consistently. On the other hand after the West Ham fiasco in 2007 I don't see how the PL will ever be able to dock points for fielding ineligible players, especially in this case with it being a much less serious offence.
  21. That was a very long advantage to bring back for a pen. Three seconds max, no? (plus, it was outside the box anyway) Still a red either way mind- you can wait until the ball goes out before giving a red if you see fit, similar to when refs wave play on then come back to book a player a minute later. And a horrendous piece of defending all round.
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