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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Ankle (injured during goal celebration and made worse after fulltime when treating my seat like a springboard) just about feeling right now, not in pain when I walk. Voice took a few days to come back too. Still, what a bloody great day out!!!
  2. I would rather not get to a final than lose one, for them to lose one and get relegated in the same season would just be greed on our part. Nah, them being knocked out by Man U is perfect, don't even want the c***s to get a day at Wembley. It's exactly the kind of thing they'd try to hold over us too in some sort of 'wembley-defeat-one-upmanship' way. 'We've been to the new Wembley, haven't ever seen many mags there.' Don't believe me? wait until they get to the play-off final next season!
  3. Was still our fault though: Stoke fans call them on their shite: Blame the mags marra, it woz them, norruz lyk
  4. Might be Giggs, but at the match I get wound up by the tv's on the concourse at half time, showing highlights over and over about 19 times but from different angles. Even worse when there hasn't been much goalmouth action in the first half, looks like an insight to the editing process for a 'throw-in of the season' DVD ffs. Would rather they show any major highlights/controversies 2 or 3 times then stick Soccer Saturday on so I can see how my bets are doing.
  5. You f***ing what? Are we talking about the same flare throwing, bus bricking, pitch invading, coin chucking, keeper punching rabid apes? Talk about selective memory. :lol: The amount of schizophrenia in that thread :lol:. To paraphrase: 'We always behave brilliantly on derby day, the mags are a disgrace'... Closely followed by 'We always beat the shit out of the mags on derby day, because we are much bigger and badder and more violent.' or is it 'all mags punch horses' or is it 'we smashed up their metro, but its allowed cos the metro was a mag- gerrin' Culminating in some hilariously made-up story about their fans who left the 5-1 early being attacked by 'mag hoolies', but being saved by some other heroic mackems who weren't at the match, but just happened to be in Newcastle while it was going on (doubtlessly behaving themselves impeccably at the time) but this was allowed because giving mags 'a good kicking' is good behaviour anyway marra. Classic macktracking :cheesy:
  6. Aye, not sure what the solution would be mind. Unfortunately a large proportion of our support seem to love causing needless crushes at every opportunity for this fixture. Doesn't happen at other games and as well as being fucking pointless is a bit on the homo-erotic side for my liking.
  7. that would be my solution- check tickets at the station before boarding metros. Tricky for the police to do that when they're being overrun, barriers pushed over etc in the rush to get to the platform like we saw Sunday. Maybe have a checkpoint set up at the side station entrance we use, so tickets can be checked before people get in an enclosed space so they cant manufacture a crush in order to get past without tickets???
  8. was a fucking shambles, the whole stewarding through the game. They're still incapable of hosting this game without the risk of people getting hurt. Hopefully they go down and end up with more manageable 20k crowds. That said the brainless bunch of 20 lads who caused the crush outside turnstile 71 allegedly to try and rush the turn styles because some of them didn't have tickets want to take a long look at themselves too.
  9. Nah, that's a whole new level altogether. Imagine Aulas' face if we indicate we want Gomis for free. i.e. January 1st when we wave the lucrative pre-contract deal in front of him en route to Bafetembi's agent, while offering that "if he's nice" we might just be willing to 'do a Sissoko' and give him 1.5m to take the player 6 months early. Assuming we're not bottom of the table in the meantime with 5 goals scored gonna be a long 6 months lads
  10. geordiesteve710


    When Nolan scored in the 1-1 Gyan last minute game - I picked up a big heavy chair and flung it off a wall However it was a pretty thin wall and the chair went straight through Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=773628&page=7#ixzz2QHWCf360 ;D We have a winner.
  11. I think you did well out of him and the other officials, but probably not as well as you are used to being the 'Man Utd' of your league.
  12. geordiesteve710


    Spent 2 hours logged in on my ID as ST holder not being able to change the '0' to a '1', logged in on my lass's membership (she's just a member without a ST), worked first time.
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