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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. The team celebrations every time they get a decision from the ref man :lol: Swear Colback had two team-mates high five him for falling over halfway through that. Cardiff just look appalling mind- proper Sunday league.
  2. They'll win today, think it'll go down to the last day regarding survival.
  3. I know they've already wrapped up their league and all but Koln look overpriced at 11/8, away at lower mid-table Ingolstadt who are pretty much safe and with not a lot to play for themselves and who have a better away record than home. cheeky double with sheff Utd 13\10
  4. Fml. I thought this was a joke thread. Its not. can they not just release the man Utd away game on dvd instead?
  5. Genuinely beyond words. ?!?! The whole thread seems to have started from a post on a Liverpool message board about noise at the SOL during the minute's silence, and how this post must have been written by a shit-stirring mag as nothing of the sort happened. Only 3 days ago the same posters were all discussing a SAFC fan making noise from their south stand during the minute's silence and what a mong he was. It's like every night when RTG goes to sleep they collectively press the 'reset' button on any short-medium term memories and start again from fresh when they wake up. Would explain the usual thought process-"I know I'll call him a f**king mag- don't recall anyone using that insult here before."
  6. Half of the thick cunts probably think the photo is actually of our posters. And as for 'that fowerum is reyalley embarrassing leyk'- fuck me son. Probably not enough pointless swearing/threats of random violence for his taste?!?
  7. always wondered how it would play out if one of them ever called out 'Magcatcherhutch' on writing like a retard. Lots of swearing and non-specific threats of violence it seems- aka business as usual!!!
  8. Or, depending how you look at it, an opportunity for a long weekend away on the lash, in Bournemouth's case with the added attraction of a ground the vast majority won't have seen the toon play at before. Think glass half full You just know our away fixture would be one of the few selected for midweek. True. Or changed to Monday night at the last minute.
  9. In answer to the OP, in order of preference: Bournemouth would look like a good weekend away, I know some toon fans who live down there that I normally only see about once a season, and, importantly, would without doubt fill 1 of the relegation spots. Wigan is a decent day out on the lash with very cheap beer even if the match is normally dogshit. Never been to Forest so would be favourable towards them but imo they will struggle to make the play-offs anyway. Derby is not too far away and convenient being on the cross-country mainline, if not the most pleasant place/people. Probably wouldn't bother with Ipswich or QPR again personally, but might change my mind if they come up and I'm not working that weekend. And Reading/Brighton can fuck right off!!!
  10. Or, depending how you look at it, an opportunity for a long weekend away on the lash, in Bournemouth's case with the added attraction of a ground the vast majority won't have seen the toon play at before. Think glass half full
  11. boro is like sunderland with the nice bit(s??) taken out.
  12. sunderland have scored more goals at St James' Park in 2014 than Newcastle. It's April. This is actually amazing. Is there an ultimate prize from the Guinness book of Records? Pards is in with a shout. He'll be on for a lifetime achievement award at this rate. He fucking loves records for being shit does 'Pards.'
  13. Did this happen? Not trying to be contrary, just asking. Wasn't at the match tbf but was reported by nufc.com and I have personally never found them to be ones for overly-exaggerating. There was a definite change in the attitude of a lot of the strawberry corner on Saturday when santon went over to applaud at the end while Anita and Coloccini made half-arsed attempts at following/ watching and the rest sloped off to the tunnel. General swearing, shouting, flicking v's and wanker signs while he looked shocked and made apologetic gestures. Can sense patience wearing thin.
  14. FML. That would mean he has not inconsiderate stakes in Sports Direct, JJB AND JD?? Do we not have a monopolies and mergers commission to look into shit like this? Surely some anti-competition laws are being broken?
  15. I can see the tide starting to turn now. With fans openly abusing the players at Southampton and then again at the end of the last home game it can't be long before that abuse is transferred to the clown in charge himself.
  16. 'shop at JD sports' probably gonna hurt Ashley more than owt related to the football
  17. The challenge as I see it is with our fanbase being so fragmented it's hard to get agreement on anything. The problem is further compounded by certain egos who seem to see protests as a legitimate opportunity for shameless self-promotion. It's ok in theory everyone agreeing to follow every protest but then Wraith pipes up with 'lets have a mock funeral for the stadium. And I will be the priest.' And everyone goes no thanks mate think I'll leave that and the disagreements start again. Fwiw I think the open-top bus was a good idea and would have looked a lot better with just a few more bodies involved. On the other hand others found it cringey and you can't force people to join in. So in short I don't know what the answer is.
  18. Good. They don't deserve an incentive.
  19. I've got to say I've watched Newcastle about 15 times this season, and apart from Man U away, Fulham away (I think), and Man City at home in the cup, I've not been impressed at all. But Pardew must be doing something right your league position is something we Sunderland fans would kill for. I'd be careful coming out with pro-Pardew stuff like that, some folk on here (not me) take real offence. As said above Remy and to a lesser extent Cabaye dragged the rest through by the scruffs of their necks. And it really really really wouldn't have been Fulham away. Our best 2 performances Imo have been Liverpool and Chelsea at home. Guess which away game was sandwiched between those two...
  20. Yeah, if it's about time why let Arsenal attack? If he wants to be consistent blow when time is over then, don't wait until De Guzman receives the pass to blow. Could've easily blown 4-5 seconds earlier without problem. I didn't know he let Arsenal attack, I only saw the highlight of the counter. Who knows, maybe he decided to add another 30 seconds for some reason, but not 50. I don't believe it was a deliberate attempt to stop Swansea winning. Monk was saying there was 30 seconds left of the minimum when i saw it on SSN this morning. In fairness, Monk was applying the sort of 'white van man' logic that always pisses me off with 'there should be a full minute added onto extra time because we scored during it' which as far as I know is horseshit. Whichever way you look at it though it is dodgy as owt, wouldn't have happened the other way round and Swansea have been denied the chance of a crucial win by a referee who has in the past displayed shall we say a pro-Sunderland outlook on matters. Did anyone else think Osman was lucky to stay on after a bit of a two-footed lunge last night? Don't get the best view of that part of the pitch from my seat but looked a lot like what the same referee correctly sent Debuchy off for at West Brom.
  21. Sundo Relegato, Mr Poyoto? They should nickname Bardo 'Brigitte'
  22. They'd be up for it as long as it is played on paper. Imagine how personally they'd take the inevitable 'combined XI' thread! Its bad enough when they're discussing players who aren't themselves.
  23. To be fair, they did win the Southampton Cup game
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