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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. geordiesteve710

    John Carver

    I am absolutely astonished. Carver's reads like he wrote it on the back of a tab packet behind the bikeshed while wagging off a lesson (probably for a uefa badge on how to properly coach football players??) Woodman's is actually an insult. I cannot see how that was ever supposed to read anything other than 'sorry I got grassed up for wot I did innit.' And to think Bendy Wendy couldn't have edited /created anything better?? Bloody hell man
  2. If I was him, and assuming he is just clinging on for his pay-off now, I would just go and take a shitload of class A's at 2.30pm so come kick off I could pretend I was in a different, happier place. It's gonna be inhumane and if he wasn't such a cunt I would probably feel sorry for him.
  3. First goal from one of our players too, given that the first (harshly imo) was ruled an og at Coventry. This team has to include georgiadis imo. Fucking turbo-shit. Laughable to think panathanaikos were so gutted he left them. Garry Brady has a shout for the title of ultimate forgettable waste of oxygen surely!!
  4. Freydim iv speych, marra innit.
  5. Fuck off man. If that one isn't actually a club insider I'd be astonished.
  6. When does this rancid fucking pissflap next get wheeled out in front of the media to explain/justify himself anyway?? Fucking international break.
  7. Absolutely mental this. As if we're paying one of our best defenders to play elsewhere. Fucking club man. Even if he'd gone to a Burnley or a Hull for 6 months, I wouldn't agree but could see the sense in that it would give him PL experience and toughen him up for us. This is just pardcunt kicking him out the door never to return isn't it
  8. The main lesson from this quote being: Kids- Don't Do Drugs!! Guys fuckin insane man. Still trying to make sense of that.
  9. The teenage smokebomb brigade were indeed out in force again. Stood outside the Doug Ellis stand before the match, a group of about 6 or 7 lads walked past, arms up in the air, giving it 'we support our local team.' Then it became obvious they were following and staring at group of about 15 mainly young orientals, all decked out in villa scarves with bags from the club shop etc. They went out of their way to follow this group past the away end to the entrance they were using halfway along the stand. I felt physically sick and it put me in a bad mood for the match. They may have been a group of tourists, might have been born and bred locals, having lived in Birmingham myself for a few years I know how many overseas students particularly from the far east the city attracts. Ironically, they may well have been 'supporting their local team.' Regardless though nobody deserves to take shit like that from a group of knobheads just because of their ethnicity. Thing is, none of them looked particularly hard or hooligany. They all looked scrawny and soft as shite, try that shit at other grounds and they will all get the clip they richly deserve.
  10. geordiesteve710

    Loïc Remy

    I would happily swallow what little pride we have left and take him for the benefit of the goals he would bring to the team. But... the important condition to me would be no release clauses (which he seems to like, so probably no deal then.) We've seen before with Ba the destabilising effect, with Pardew picking the team & formation to appease 1 player in the hope of him not leaving. And after all that, all it takes is for a CL club to show a little interest and the player is fucking off with all the loyalty of a female rabbit on her first heat a few hours before we've got a game leaving us up shit creek. Plus the ensuing circus every transfer window would do my head in. Really not worth the bother and would rather look elsewhere than accept a release clause.
  11. I did like that when he did pop up and deign to offer his hand towards his subjects, about half of our fans booed until he sat down. This was immediately followed by everyone pointedly belting out ben arfa's name. Rinse and repeat. I'd like to think the 'give us a wave' brigade were trolling him and also instigated the booing but I'm probably being far too generous there Deffo smelt smoke from something- didn't see what or where- just after kick-off. I know Hillsborough wasn't a fire-related incident but strikes me as a particularly moronic thing to bring to that stand in that ground. Also, it must be time to retire the 'Shola from Fenham' song in light of recent events. Imagine how Liam or Johns family would feel hearing it sang, ironically alongside songs honouring their memories.
  12. I was there yesterday. Thought the first hour or so was pretty decent especially being the first game. But like often happens in friendlies it degenerated after both teams made multiple substitutions (Oldhams was like an ice hockey line change with 6 subs lined up to come on at once ) Bit worrying that de Jong, the only first teamer not to have been coached by Pardew, stood out to the extent he did, but the team that starts vs man city will be very different to last nights. Is everything going to go perfect and we'll give city a hiding? No. Is Pardew an incompetent baboon? Undoubtedly yes. But I can't bring myself to get all negative or upset about a friendly- I've got the next 9 months for that!!! Did De Jong stand out other than the goal? Any other notable performances? I thought he did, just with his general awareness, running into the right areas, finding space in the box etc. The worry is once Pardew and Carver get hold of him they'll knock it out of him and just have him running back to his own goal/ have him stood trying to beat 6'+ centrebacks to Willo's punts. Gouff had a good 45 and looked threatening before being subbed, and Abeid looks to have grown in confidence from his loan. Colback was tidy which is all we can realistically expect from him. Dummett was shite like, and Alnwick will never make it as a prem keeper. After all the subs everyone was shite.
  13. I was there yesterday. Thought the first hour or so was pretty decent especially being the first game. But like often happens in friendlies it degenerated after both teams made multiple substitutions (Oldhams was like an ice hockey line change with 6 subs lined up to come on at once ) Bit worrying that de Jong, the only first teamer not to have been coached by Pardew, stood out to the extent he did, but the team that starts vs man city will be very different to last nights. Is everything going to go perfect and we'll give city a hiding? No. Is Pardew an incompetent baboon? Undoubtedly yes. But I can't bring myself to get all negative or upset about a friendly- I've got the next 9 months for that!!!
  14. Anyone else going to this? Or know anything decent to go/do/see/drink at in Oldham for a couple hours before the match? I asked a lad I work with who is originally from Rochdale just up the road what's worth doing in Oldham? He just laughed and said 'getting the tram to Manchester.'
  15. geordiesteve710

    Loïc Remy

    I hope you're not trying to suggest that we're using this Remy link to play for time until the inevitable 'couldn't get him over the line, no time to look at other targets' piece?!? For what it's worth if there was any chance of it happening I think we should be looking to break the bank/burn the pay structure to get this lad in quickly. A striker who has proven he can score goals in this team with these tactics is worth his weight in gold and then some Imo.
  16. You see much worse gamesmanship most times a penno is given during open play, when the whole team gets involved. Seems de rigeur for south American teams.
  17. Ah man. No. who the fuck are these people? Honestly.
  18. Different kind of football book and might be Giggs, but for an insight into the boardroom politics/corporate culture of the club Denis Cassidy's The day the promises had to stop. Its not exactly full of unpredictable twists (i.e. It was all just as big a shambles as we all assumed) and there is a little inherent bias but interesting to get a view from the inside nonetheless.
  19. Nice. No, Dijon. To be fair he's got nothing Toulouse. Bordeauxing on a ban, that. Lets hope the ban isn't toulon. With another player off the wage bill, Ashley will probably get some Cannes in to celebrate.
  20. Stay classy Uruguay Which is exactly why, of course, the whole squad were proclaiming his innocence, saying the pictures were misleading etc in the build-up to the hearing... More faces than a pack of dice these fuckers!! Between this and the Dummett death threats thing, and the way all the media, public in the country seems to blindly swallow everything their paranoid FA says as gospel, I do wonder what sort of country Uruguay must be to live in.
  21. £15 freebet went on Belgium win btts 7/2. If I'd known about the Ghana situation I would have added Portugal too- should be nailed on now.
  22. geordiesteve710


    Given that these fake solicitors shenanigans were ended over 4 years ago, I'd say the revelation doesn't make them any more or less suitable to sponsor us now. Still a shabby shambles of a company mind- not surprising Ashley sees something in them he likes. Must be like looking in a big fucking mirror.
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