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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Yeah there will be metros and an escort. Just NP playing silly buggers to try and shit everyone up. Mate in the police reckons nexus tried to refuse to run the special metros for SAFC fans the year after they smashed a metro up, NP were having none of it and got their way!! Tbh I've often thought that if the coppers disappeared the Danny dyer wannabes and other "interested onlookers" would also disappear with the guarantee of their safety gone. The attraction would also be gone for the many mongs who just seem to turn up on derby day to get pissed and fight the police. Would still be carnage on like and far too much of a risk to take.
  2. http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/29558089 Had forgotten about those old school FA cup draws. Bert Millichip on the home teams and Gordon McKeag on the aways iirc. Graham Kelly looking like he was trying to stare out the cameraman at the end while waiting for it to cut back to the studio of whichever channel it was on. Whole thing was like a funeral.
  3. Done out of a £2.50 fourfold for £31 profit yesterday. An 89th minute goal in the last game, by a player called... Success. Couldn't make it up.
  4. Aye, he's not really stood out so far. It's pretty worrying in all honesty.
  5. Tbf, dealing with problems of the making of others (players underperforming or getting suspended, referees, chairmen, "injury gods") is a large part of the job description of a football manager, and he's not very good at it. Also I'd argue he's had many problems of his own making. He spent last November/December touting Cabaye around whenever he got the chance to speak in public like a desparate pimp with an ugly hooker then whinged on until after the start of this season when he was sold. Already started with Sissoko this week as well.
  6. Hopefully he doesn't and can play against Spurs. I can't see him play against both Arsenal and Spurs without getting a yellow, so i would much rather have him ready for the derby. Done really well this season. Needs to keep his nose clean vs Arsenal and Spurs, would be a massive miss for either of them, as it's probably the only position we really don't have anything in the way of cover for.* * really don't see Anita as a fullback, I know others will disagree.
  7. Toldo went for a pretty penny around the same time as Buffon, iirc?? I actually agree with the point that it's generally not a lucrative position to cash in on, especially when you think of the amount of points having a top notch keeper vs a decent one will win you over a season. However I don't believe Ashley would have sanctioned the Darlow signing unless he's already decided to sell and let's face it, Elliott ain't going anywhere. Not beyond the realms of possibility Krul put in a transfer request in the summer and they came to a deal to sell him next summer a la Cabaye.
  8. Its a wild guess this but i think we signed Darlow so we can sell Krull next summer. Nailed on.
  9. Very sorry to say I didn't..... Got 6/1 in betfred mind Gonna give it all back on the horses today I'd imagine
  10. yeah but that's cos NP have the day sewn up and well organised, take the police away and there would be hell on. Tbf, I'm pretty sure the reason most of the knackers turn out on derby day is just to fight the police. Horses and all in one cunts case. I'd hate to be a copper on derby day. Like sitting ducks in the middle while charvers from both side hoy shit at you in the knowledge you can only fight back to a certain extent.
  11. All gone by 10:14 when I got online to try and get one for the odd one out of our group.
  12. If anyone's short on time, allow me to summarise: "Midfielder for sale!!" ... and 2015's running excuse is sorted.
  13. Sound's f***ing confusing: Dafuq? So it's saying effectively the 'repechage'/second chance tournament will be played before the actual qualifiers?!? Don't really get the 'divisions' malarkey either, just seems a way to needlessly make football more complicated than it needs to be. Probably just a way to get more guaranteed fixtures between the 'top' nations in the top division to appeal to sponsors and TV companies. Can see it getting worse than tedious after a while- the same teams playing each other if not in the 'top division group stage' then in the semi's/final every 2 years. Not of course factoring in the actual Euro's tournament itself- which is further devalued by this crap btw- and the prospect of top European teams coming up against each other at the world cup which often happens. At least FIFA has a logic behind it's modus operandi- screw as much cash as possible out of everyone for their own personal gain- that everyone can understand. This lot (UEFA) just seem to pull random words on bits of paper out of a hat to come up with their initiatives. 'Week...of...football', 'League ...of...Nations.' Just stop fucking with football man.
  14. Well, no-one has said it didn't, and we all know how much the club love to release statements whenever there's a hint of mistruth. At very best, TheGuv has put a wildly inaccurate account of the conversation out there for the evil agenda he obviously holds, and Elliott doesn't even care enough to dispute it or put the record straight. Whatever sand you want to put your head in really. For me, everytime I see him let a soft as s*** goal in down the centre of his goal I just can't get away from the idea that he thinks he's only playing for Newcastle and it's not important. I know that's a bit unfair, but he's let the suggestion get out there and I can't shift it. Eh I'm not sure if I read the same thing- is there a link? What I read said he thought we should be a top 8/9 team... Which pretty much is what we should be surely with this lack of investment , surely he was being a realist... Do you have a link to the bit that you mean? "His argument was that the Newcastle fans think they deserve to be in the Champions League by rights and we need to know our level. I disagreed. ‘Where should we be then?’ he asked. I replied that just a bit of fight, belief and trying to play games with attacking intent could secure a higher PL finish than we’ll ever achieve with cowardly football and tactics. ‘Na’, he says. ‘8th or 9th is our level." (copied and pasted, so for the record I have correctly used quotation marks this time!) In isolation I wouldn't disagree that 8th or 9th is our level with this squad. However, to paraphrase Chris Rock It's the context in which it is said which is important. The context being that this is on the back of an appalling run of form which has seen us plummet from a very positive position of 5th to around 10th by getting beat lots to nil every week. The context that the person saying this is a professional footballer in the team, who it seems has decided to use an insulting old-hat cliche about fans expectations to absolve himself and his horrible manager of any responsibility and imply that such a run of results is fine because it's only Newcastle. I'd expect a player of the club to want do do as well as possible, finish as high as they can etc. That's why I find it hard to stomach. By all means feel free to go to the match singing 'Rob Elliotts black and white army', but I won't be joining in.
  15. Yep. Because it happened. Although the quotations marks from a previous post definitely weren't said Sorry, for legal reasons I really need to stress that I was paraphrasing the point that I took from that part of the article, and maybe using a little bit of stroppy poetic licence for effect. I was never a big fan of the Harvard referencing system, in case you hadn't guessed!!!
  16. Well, no-one has said it didn't, and we all know how much the club love to release statements whenever there's a hint of mistruth. At very best, TheGuv has put a wildly inaccurate account of the conversation out there for the evil agenda he obviously holds, and Elliott doesn't even care enough to dispute it or put the record straight. Whatever sand you want to put your head in really. For me, everytime I see him let a soft as shit goal in down the centre of his goal I just can't get away from the idea that he thinks he's only playing for Newcastle and it's not important. I know that's a bit unfair, but he's let the suggestion get out there and I can't shift it.
  17. I don't actually have too much hate for most of our players, even the likes of Gouff I don't think he's to blame for his current ineptitude. Steven Taylor is a bit 'funny' (not of the haha variety) and Colback seems to be a bit of a cunt. This lad though- fucking hell, I absolutely despise Rob Elliott. I really don't get how anyone can reconcile themselves with 'getting behind' a bloke who earlier this very year said to all intents and purposes "It doesn't matter if we play shit, it's only Newcastle United" whilst getting thousands of pounds a week for the privilege. I don't have much in the way of expectations when it comes to the team or club in general but bloody hell man we deserve and should demand better than that. How low would your self esteem have to get for you to be happy to brush that under the carpet and 'get behind' him.
  18. Are we sure the '#pride tm' awards don't exclude people who are obviously straight, thus leaving Ryder as the only man standing? Not trying to be homophobic, just wondered if that had narrowed it down. Seems odd for Lee Ryder to win anything
  19. Still find it hard to stomach a goalkeeper winning ballon d'or but I see where you're coming from. However, got to be Ronaldo surely. Yet again he's just been ridiculous. Why is that, out of interest? No-one seemed to argue with cannavaro in 2006, and I'd say a keeper as dominant in his position as Neuer, and capable of making outrageously spectacular saves is just as worthy and also probably more value in entertainment terms (if that's your criteria) than a centre back defending well and demonstrating extreme leadership skills. Not kicking off or owt, just wondering
  20. They are owned by different people/organisations. ... From different countries!!!
  21. Fuck my life what is all that about. Only got halfway through due to stabbing pains in the eyeballs, but to sum up: if a club wins trophies its fans will be happier with the way it operates than if they don't win trophies. No shit Sherlock
  22. If I understand correctly, until Rangers get back into Europe and improve their co-efficient we would go in at their expense regardless of who qualified for which competition, as due to being English and 2012-13 we have a higher co-efficient. By that time Ashley will be long gone I'd imagine.
  23. This. Poyet's game plan and style of football is obviously particularly well-suited and effective against a team set up to play with Pardews conservatism. Not to mention the players will have John b****** Carver in their faces all week before the game giving it the big one and generally filling them full of nerves. We'll tire ourselves out chasing after the ball for long periods again before tiring and meekly fading away the longer the game goes on.
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