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Everything posted by r0cafella

  1. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    This is a good post. A lot of people are overlooking the 20+ million spent in January and how it's been utilised on the pitch. I remember being over the moon when we got all them players in, I even foolishly thought we'd kick on and make it to mid table! Yep, I fell for it. I was prepared to give him time up to the Reading game. After that game was the first time I really turned against him. Then the rush of signings came in and results picked up a bit. We were progressing in the Europa League and I even thought the tactics at home to Benfica were what were needed. Sunderland and then Liverpool was what did it for me though. No turning back after that. He needs results and us in and around 6th-8th after 6 or so games for me to potentially give him a chance. The Chelsea game showed what we're capable of on our day. Even the games against Arsenal and Man U away we showed some really good signs even though we lost with big numbers. Couldn't agree more, we always look better when we push up and press. Remember the how aggressive we were against united when we beat them 3-0?
  2. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    This is a good post. A lot of people are overlooking the 20+ million spent in January and how it's been utilised on the pitch. I remember being over the moon when we got all them players in, I even foolishly thought we'd kick on and make it to mid table!
  3. Funnily enough I'm pretty happy with that, relatively speaking. Shola's w*** but he's all we've got in terms of holding the ball up. Which is frankly a disgrace. I hope it takes more than 10 minutes for us to revert to this: Krul Debuchy Colo Mbiwa Santon Anita Moussa Cisse Marv HBA Shola
  4. Probably go something like this: *Walks in room, handshake and such* JK: Were interested in *Player* (says name wrong), and we are prepared to make this offer. President: But that is 50% less then the market value. JK: But it is a respectable offer, that we feel is correct for player. (says name wrong again, but differently then before) P: I sorry, but this is a top international, we are going to have to refuse the offer. JK: You're a c***. *Storms out room, just as he's leaving turns * JK: Keep us updated if anything changes in the players situation. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/08/21/article-2398876-1B656BE3000005DC-214_306x620.jpg
  5. Has his head been turned or knocked off? Also why do we get the "sources within the club" why don't we just come out and say he's not for sale and he has to get on with it. 2 or 3 players before the end of the transfer window? Believe it when i see it lol
  6. That one step penalty. I remember wanting to emulate Paolo Montero
  7. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Yes he said that yesterday.
  8. I've always wondered what our commercial team did to be honest. The fact we went for a knock about in Portugal this summer instead of flying to Asia astounded me.
  9. Bimpy mate, Your forgetting the most important factor! The transfer market can't move until Bale, Rooney & Suarez move
  10. Brett is right here its clear Pardew pulled him from the team. His head was turned is the biggest load of crap ever. Rooney who is one of the biggest sulkers in the league managed to play. Shocked at how people have turned on Cabaye to be honest
  11. Good post Ian. I think a big part of our problem is we just become too stubborn in the transfer market. We want to put ourselves above the brinksmanship other clubs play when trying to buy players but it's really frustrating missing out on a target for the sake of a couple of million or a couple of grand a week.
  12. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    More words. Blah blah blah Guessing there isn't a line to dissect in this interview to slate him for and since it's positive it's ‘blah blah blah’. If he's negative, it's an excuse, if he's positive he's talking s***. Just ignore his quotes in the press if you’re just going to slate them everyday. On the contrary Brett. Words are hollow without actions after them. Proof is in the pudding and if the window slams shut with no incomings then I'll cast my judgement on Pardews words
  13. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    3 in by saturday. It's christmas eve lads cheer up.
  14. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    And to those saying we have a poor/overrated team lets have a look at a potential first team: Krul Debuchy Colo Mbiwa Santon Anita Cabaye Moussa Ben Arfa Remy Cisse Subs: Elliot Taylor Dummett Tiote Marveux Gouffran Jonas. That's a top 10 team at the very worse.
  15. Most newcastle fans will blame him sadly and totally overlook the factors in him wanting to leave.
  16. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Pardew saying their is money to spend: http://www.shieldsgazette.com/sport/football/newcastle-united/pardew-i-will-splash-cash-even-if-cabaye-stays-1-5978685
  17. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    You find it insane to suggest Pardew "would do better" (your words) if he could buy his own players, really? Last summer he asked for a full back and got a dimunitive defensive midfield player unsuited to his preferred style of play and who he clearly still doesn't rate or trust. This summer he has asked for Premiership experience and has mentioned specific names: Carroll, Bent and Downing. All players who were available and have transfered from one club to another. The Bent saga specifically suggest we were never seriously in for him. The club is deliberately ignoring his requests and going for what they perceive as bargains regardless of position and fit to the manager's style of play. Under these conditions, how can you be surprised the manager fails? If it was the other way around, i.e. we had Laudrup as manager but only bought Stoke type players, I'm pretty certain you would see the point I'm trying to make.. He's got his fullback in January and he's made him into one of the worst full backs in the premier league. The facts just don't bear it out sadly the man is full of shit.
  18. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Exactly with the squad we have I'd expect a top 10 finish personally
  19. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    It's like last seasons dross, a season long dross is not his fault at all. He must Wine and dine Douglas, Edwards and Ryder every night. Well i don't really remember one journo or tv pundit saying it as it is. And surely the way we play football is what their supposed to be talking about. Yea, I'm quite shocked how little press attention our terrible football gets actually. I almost pissed myself when I heard Neville and Carragher say we were going to "go for it" on monday night.
  20. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    It's like last seasons dross, a season long dross is not his fault at all. He must Wine and dine Douglas, Edwards and Ryder every night.
  21. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Luke Edwards on Talksport http://talksport.com/football/edwards-newcastle%E2%80%99s-lack-transfer-activity-13082256836? According to him Pardew can't be judged unless he gets the players he asks for
  22. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Are these the quotes which are meant to get us all in a twist? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2400221/Yohan-Cabaye-stay-Newcastle-unless-receive-25m-says-Alan-Pardew.html?ito=feeds-newsxml Not Shields Gazette Thank you kindly sir
  23. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Are these the quotes which are meant to get us all in a twist?
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