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Claudia Winkleman
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Everything posted by Cf

  1. Why are TV broadcasts always so slow at bringing score updates? Just announced the arsenal goal a good 10 minutes after the fact. Either do it as it happens or don't bother?
  2. My thinking was he might have thought the defenders blocked it because he couldn't see right. In all likelihood it's probably just a brain fart though. I've got a lot more time for it than I do when it's getting it wrong having watched a replay.
  3. I don't think you need to be either of those things to just not really have the motivation when you're on that much money and it's locked in. @Froggy was saying earlier too how he thinks his social media persona isn't accurate to real life. Not something I've looked into in any depth myself.
  4. He's on £325,000 per week until 2028. He's set for life in a team that's clearly going nowhere.
  5. It won't hold but decent results for us so far this weekend.
  6. Hilarious watching teams try and fail to play out from the back.
  7. Cf

    Tino Livramento

    Livramento destroyed him all game. One of them is in the England squad. The other is not.
  8. Sort of an entertaining game this in that it's quite end to end because each team keeps passing it to the other in dangerous spots.
  9. I mean I assume the ref is capable of asking for the angles so I'm not having that absolve him.
  10. Someone else posted the sigh of relief they felt when they saw the replay. I was exactly the same. At first I thought proximity might be what saves us because I thought it went straight into the arm.
  11. That's what unnatural position is there to cover. So you can't just have your arm out wide and claim ball to hand etc. There's a subjectiveness to it sure. But so is there in determining whether it's deliberate or not.
  12. But a defenders job is to block crosses. That's why we have them. We could just not defend I guess. That way we don't need to worry about balls being blasted at defenders from a few feet away resulting in penalties.
  13. Cf

    Eddie Howe

    Yeah that was my thinking too even though Isak could barely move. Maybe put Dummet in for him as an extra man back there but what does that do to our shape? He was just in a no-win situation with the state of our bench.
  14. No. The rules say either "deliberate" or "making your body unnaturally bigger". The ball was fired at Livramento in a split second from close range. His arm was slightly in front of him because he was running forwards and he has arms. So it was neither deliberate or unnatural. The only possible reason for awarding that penalty is "I fucked up and caved under the pressure".
  15. If that gets given on field then we have a bit of a whinge but we accept it and move on. The fact that it's given after the footage has been reviewed is just awful.
  16. I mean on the face of it it's an excellent result and more than we could have hoped for given we had no bench away to PSG. And really with the amount of chances they had they really should have had the win. We gave it our all and really rode our luck so can't fault the effort at all. But we were lucky. But that all said we were 1-0 up at 106 minutes and to lose it like that is just sickening. FFS man.
  17. Are Pope's kick out a tactic? It feels like they must be at times.
  18. Actually fuck it. We're playing with 10 here. Isak is just standing there.
  19. Potentially Hall on the left and Gordon up top? But I'd be tempted to just leave them to it tbh.
  20. I can't decide if Isak and Miley aren't on the same wave length or if Isak is goosed/saving his energy.
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