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Claudia Winkleman
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Everything posted by Cf

  1. Wtf are VAR doing? Complete stone wall penalty. How is it not being given not a clear and obvious error? And how is the referee not giving it? He's looking straight at it. Such a mess. It's beyond embarrassing now.
  2. Does the window slam shut today?
  3. Been watching this game and could swear it's 1-0 to us.
  4. Just tried the pause and resume trick to make the recap button go away. I now have no score or timer on my screen.
  5. The thing with that red card is whilst it's questionable whether he was the last man or not he just pulled him down as he was through on goal. And I can't help but think a red in that situation is fine. Wouldn't mind "tactical fouls" being taken out of the game. The penalty on the other hand was bullshit. Defender is pulling out of it and Rashford makes sure that there is contact. If there's any doubt of "he played for that" they shouldn't be given.
  6. They could have tried defending like. Just stood there and let him cross the ball.
  7. Cf

    Lewis Hall

    Glad we got this over the line. I was done with the club if it wasn't announced today.
  8. Yeah and the annoying way it darkens the screen. Why would I want to be watching a recap over the lice action FFS?
  9. In this instance where it wasn't even a foul I agree.
  10. It's one of those that's hard to argue against really as the keeper is late but the striker has played for that. He's just sprinted in to prod the ball away and then intentionally made sure the keeper catches him.
  11. Cf

    Mason Greenwood

    Citizen's of the UK don't get to choose whether to "press charges" or not. If the police suspect a crime has been committed they will investigate. If the CPS having seen the results of this investigation wish to prosecute they will do so. There's a certain overlap in a sense in that in this case she has said she won't be a witness for the prosecution. But this isn't the same thing as her not wanting to press charges anymore. Had the prosecution had sufficient evidence without her they would have done so.
  12. Cf

    Mason Greenwood

    Because there are scenarios where you can explain away the pictures and audio. Any half decent defence lawyer would do so. The jury would have to find him guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. Without a witness to the events that's just not happening.
  13. I'm quietly confident. Hardest game on the calendar and I don't think we could have chose a better time for it.
  14. Cf

    Mason Greenwood

    The CPS can't force people to testify. If their case relies on her testimony and cooperation and they don't have it then they won't prosecute. Cases only go to trial when the prosecution think there's a realistic chance of conviction. If they did prosecute in these circumstances he'd likely be found innocent. In some ways it's worse for him this way around. He can't claim he was found innocent, just that he wasn't charged, but we've all heard the tape. Everyone "knows he's guilty" and he doesn't really have a counter to that.
  15. VAR Official looks at decision and asks the question "has he potentially got that wrong"? If yes clips go to 3 officials who aren't watching the game so don't know the on field decision and are just asked "is that a penalty?", "Is that a red or a yellow?". Majority decision stands. Easy.
  16. This new tablet they're making Carragher hold makes him look really awkward. He can't decide if he's looking at it or the main screen.
  17. I mean Wolves would obviously have missed based on how they simply couldn't score but the point is valid
  18. I'll be surprised if they top that one like. Still, 37 rounds to go.
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