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Claudia Winkleman
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Everything posted by Cf

  1. Thought that should have been a clear yellow for Antony.
  2. They really need to give Palmer his how not to be a twat training.
  3. Nice to know we don't have the worst keeper in the league.
  4. Cf

    Anthony Gordon

    Fuck this guy. Get him out of the club asap.
  5. We're now 4th in Expected Points on Understat: https://understat.com/league/EPL CL confirmed! Man Utd 14th. The one thing they've got going for them in finishing 6th is they've somehow already got points on the board. But this current incarnation are a solidly mid-table team. They're by no means a shoe in for 6th.
  6. Never mind the game he's kept them in the league.
  7. Cf

    Eddie Howe

    Our injury crisis suddenly makes perfect sense.
  8. I view you lot away as being comparable to any other mid table away match. It's only when you get to Spurs and above that I'd be thinking happy with a point here. We should be going for all 3 against you.
  9. Cf

    Jacob Murphy

    Murphy is similar to Almiron in that he can put a shift in and produce some good stuff but overall is below the standard required to be at the top. Like Almiron it's hard not to like him so long as he isn't getting too many minutes at which point we'll start to be sick of the sight of him. For a current example see Sean Longstaff.
  10. Cf

    Eddie Howe

    I mean jesus christ people are going on like west ham battered us and we were lucky to get anything from the game. We were clearly the better team and were good value for our win. There's obvious defensive issues but it's mainly showing how much worse our number 2 keeper is from our first choice. We could change our entire system around this but it won't magically mean we are better. And still... We got knocked out of the CL via corruption (whilst admittedly being battered but the players gave it their all). We got knocked out of LC via freak individual error. We got knocked out of FAC via drawing Man City away (and lord the way people went on about losing to the best team in the world). And despite all the injuries and everything else we've endured this season we are still very much in contention for top 6. Not where we really want to be but given we've gone basically all season with an entire 11 out injured I find it pretty fucking impressive. You'd think we were battling for relegation the way some people are going on.
  11. Cf

    Eddie Howe

    I know why the forum doesn't have a dislike button but still I have to ask: why don't we have a dislike button?
  12. Cf

    Anthony Gordon

    The confusion was gold tbf. When they said Gordon's coming off my first thought was hang on we've used all our subs, then onto he better not fucking be injured, and then finally we worked out it was a red card. As some others have said despite being one of our best players I'm not overly upset with him having a rest.
  13. Cf

    Alexander Isak

    Wood His goal yesterday was lovely in fairness.
  14. It's like there's some competition going to see who can make the worst decision. It's another example where VAR really hurts the game. In the no VAR world the penalty stands, we debate it a bit, and conclude the ref got it wrong whilst accepting mistakes happen and it's impossible for a ref to get everything right. And the world moves on. (With the caveat that a ref making too many of these sorts or errors probably isn't up to standard). But the presence of VAR turns these decisions into major controversies because they're still getting it wrong even with video evidence. They've lost the not getting it right in real time defence. How VAR didn't intervene for this or the Everton penalty is beyond me. Yet they did for Gordon's which I don't even think was a penalty. Think it even split us 50/50 on here and we're biased.
  15. And because it was only a yellow they have no ability to appeal it do they? It was a truly awful decision.
  16. That was a stone wall penalty for Everton. How that's not given is baffling.
  17. Feel for this 3-3 being so far down the running order here.
  18. Management should be stamping that sort of shit out.
  19. Also based on his goal celebrations I hate Cole Palmer.
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