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Claudia Winkleman
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Everything posted by Cf

  1. Cf

    Eddie Howe

    I know why the forum doesn't have a dislike button but still I have to ask: why don't we have a dislike button?
  2. Cf

    Anthony Gordon

    The confusion was gold tbf. When they said Gordon's coming off my first thought was hang on we've used all our subs, then onto he better not fucking be injured, and then finally we worked out it was a red card. As some others have said despite being one of our best players I'm not overly upset with him having a rest.
  3. Cf

    Alexander Isak

    Wood His goal yesterday was lovely in fairness.
  4. It's like there's some competition going to see who can make the worst decision. It's another example where VAR really hurts the game. In the no VAR world the penalty stands, we debate it a bit, and conclude the ref got it wrong whilst accepting mistakes happen and it's impossible for a ref to get everything right. And the world moves on. (With the caveat that a ref making too many of these sorts or errors probably isn't up to standard). But the presence of VAR turns these decisions into major controversies because they're still getting it wrong even with video evidence. They've lost the not getting it right in real time defence. How VAR didn't intervene for this or the Everton penalty is beyond me. Yet they did for Gordon's which I don't even think was a penalty. Think it even split us 50/50 on here and we're biased.
  5. And because it was only a yellow they have no ability to appeal it do they? It was a truly awful decision.
  6. That was a stone wall penalty for Everton. How that's not given is baffling.
  7. Feel for this 3-3 being so far down the running order here.
  8. Management should be stamping that sort of shit out.
  9. Also based on his goal celebrations I hate Cole Palmer.
  10. Cf

    Lewis Hall

    At least Eddie realised it wasn't right and rectified it. Bit harsh subbing a sub but he did it when needed.
  11. Cf

    Lewis Hall

    I think we're all in agreement he needs a run in the team at this point. Hopefully the time on the training field means when he comes in he's going to hit the ground running. It's been a bit of a weird one but I'm going to assume Howe knows better than I do but the difference with him and Barnes on the left was night and day and surely can't be ignored.
  12. I'd not be happy if that was given against us I don't think.
  13. Don't think we've been that bad tbh. Certainly had the chances. They've not had much but scored from what they've had.
  14. Almiron probably coming off in protest tbh after the finishes from the two chances he created.
  15. Just from a sporting point of view you don't take the quick free kick with a player down?
  16. Cf

    Eddie Howe

    Given the season we're having I'm surprised they've got time for stuff like that. They should be spending more time on the training pitch sorting Botman's knee out.
  17. Yeah agreed. There's certainly a way to articulate it and it wasn't that.
  18. There's a certain merit in it though. Stats aren't everything of course but at the same time they do help paint a picture of where things could be had the dice settled differently. You can do all the right things but still lose on the day. It's the nature of the game. People say it's a results game and it is but at times you need to be able to look past the results and stick with a manager when things aren't going too well if you think the underlying job is good. This works the other way round too. Think of us every time we thought Pardew was under pressure and he'd pull out a series of wins. And that fluke 5th season. He deserves a certain amount of credit for it but we could all see it was a statistical anomaly for us to end where we did. See also West Ham and Moyes. The European win was great for them in terms of a trophy but they've been naff beyond that for some time but it's hard to bin a manager when he's won you something. West Ham are one of this seasons over performers in terms of xPTS. To claim they "should be 4th" is obviously silly. The league isn't going to end with everyone where they "should" be and would be boring if it was. Understat has them 6th fwiw. And us at 5th. Biggest over performers are Man Utd who should be 11th. If they were actually down there ETH would be gone by now. And arguably he should be already but their current league position is masking where they are.
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