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Everything posted by Twinport53

  1. Sure I seen Juve were interested in Praet after he picked up some form playing in a midfield 3, rather than a #10.
  2. I'm sure the top half of his sleeve is WWII planes. B17s etc.
  3. Exactly Pathetic cunts man.
  4. Well that's put all their minds at rest. Their made up Wolves supporting friend has posted the following in response to the well respected throughout football comment: "Too right pal. I know most Wolves supporters respect Sunderland fans for their passion and knowledge of the game. Geordies in general are just big headed twats who Bully managed to score 4 goals against on their manor. " That is so clearly a Sunderland fan pretending, it is word for word what they are regularly saying about themselves... Their sadness knows no bounds. I honestly can't get my head around why anyone would pretend to be a fan of another team and then come on and say nice things. It's so weird. I'm sure he's probably real, pandering to the fools on there though to curry some favour. Honestly we are not missing out a great deal if a Wolves fan thinks that way about the "passionate" (10k at max ) Mackems. So Steve Bull scored 4 against us once, 30 years ago, big freaking deal. He's real if you ignore the coincidental nature of an opposing fan joining RTG and magically having the same agenda as a mackem. And also ignore the fact we never get fans who come on this board and immediately start comparing NUFC to SAFC despite said fan having no allegiance to either. When Groo signed up as a Swansea supporter, imagine if instead of joining discussion about an upcoming match between us, he just started stamping SMB, fizzy pop, cheesey chips and hot dog sausage in a burger bun in this thread It just doesn't fucking happen.
  5. *Thinly veiled* I have loads of disposable income
  6. Would be canny if both us and Brighton beat them like.
  7. Losing to Brighton, Swansea and Burnley during the past 6 games has killed them like.
  8. Looking at fixtures, if Stoke lose the next two against Spurs and Arsenal, they are effectively gone for me. They'd need 10 points from 5 games just to reach 37. Likewise if Soton lose against West Ham, they will have 7 games left, of which 5 are away from home. I can't see them getting 3 wins even if they beat West Ham. And West hams easiest remaining fixtures are against both Soton and Stoke. They can't all win.
  9. Apparently 15k was just for the plane. No doubt Ashley wanted them to kip on the beach rather than a hotel.
  10. He's dedicated to a disgraceful level like. Love him.
  11. Why do they all "like" it, when it's blatantly a mackem? Why did Groo, Leffe or Neil etc not make a "Come in peace" thread when they joined NO as an opposing fan?
  12. My post was merely an extension of thought revolving around the irony of an NUFC fan calling other teams "nothing clubs" when we are 10+ years deep in copious amounts of shit.
  13. We are equally as shit, a nothing club, and just exist to maintain the status quo and keep on the Premier League gravy train?
  14. If you exclude our 5th season it probably averages better than 7 of our last PL seasons. I can't remember the last time we finished comfortably around 50 points in multiple seasons. Also that 8th or 10th place finish for Brom will be the time we blew a 3-0 lead to a Tchoyi hattrick.
  15. Yep, and? Were you happy with draws at home to those 3? Once again shows that its possible to fight for a European spot with a good manager and the right backing. We are a newly promoted team, man. I'm not overjoyed we drew but I wouldn't go as far as "hugely disappointing". Like, what was the Huddersfield loss for you? End of the world? We are on 32 points with 8 games to go. Would of been nice to win even one of those draws, aye. But we didn't and we go again. It's not like we are on 26 points and are really ruing those missed opportunities. Well not yet anyway
  16. My mate sent me this to laugh at the kid, but 2:30 - 9:30 is literally match clips for the whole game from his seat. It's dead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMqXxJ6wZ68
  17. I seen a clip before and you can hear the echo from isolated clapping / shouting. It's literally a library.
  18. Whats this bollocks about Amanda Staveley being at their last few games
  19. Think I read yesterday that Huddersfield have collected roughly 10 points away from home and only scored 7. I'd be disappointed if they done the double over us like.
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