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Everything posted by Twinport53

  1. Referring to us being 14-1 for relegation - Mackem 1 "My grandad always used to say the bookies are seldom wrong" Mackem 2 "My Granda always used to say 'never drink in a pub with a flat roof'" Dunno why I found this so funny. I don't even understand
  2. Where did he except it to go when she was sat in the passenger seat? She was apparently in the back seat, no?
  3. He's a prat, but it's being made out like he's intentionally spat at a young lass when he blatantly hasn't. He's looking exclusively at the camera in the hand of the daft cunt videoing while driving.
  4. Twinport53

    Paul Dummett

    Many people could be 8 or 800, I never said it was a forum wide conforming
  5. Never going to Everton in a million years. It always surprises me that people who should understand local sentiment don't get this. Rafa strikes me as a very loyal sort as well, so it just wouldn't make sense. The fans here in Liverpool just wouldn't accept it like, despite HTT downplaying the rivalry. Some people I recently worked with for example, were women who didn't pay particular interest in football, but would comment on how they love Rafa for what he's done for the city / JFT96 etc and one lass even named her dog Rafa People started actively asking about NUFC as they knew where I was from and equally loved Rafa. It's similar to us, where even your nana or mam checks the football results or asks about the match despite not truly following the team. Liverpool fans hardcore or fair-weather would be absolutely livid at the possibility of Rafa managing Everton. And like Tron says, Rafa is sensible enough to appreciate that. I work a lot there and know people there on both sides of the divide. Liverpool fans absolutely adore Rafa while Evertonians respect him hugely. I think he could get away with managing Everton, of course it would bother a few Liverpool fans, but not to the point where he’d lose the respect of Liverpool fans to the point where they would hate him. I also think Rafa is tough enough and ruthless enough even to put others’ feelings aside if it meant he and his family had a good opportunity. Again I’m sure I’ve read him saying he wouldn’t have a problem managing the rival of a team he has had success at in the past and let’s face it, the rivalry between Liverpool and Everton is on a level with us and Middlesbrough for example. It’s true what you say about people of Liverpool being like the people here, even if they couldn’t name you a player, they want their club to do well and Rafa is idolised in Liverpool by all it seems. When I took the boys to the Luton FA Cup game in Jan one women on the bus said who are we playing? And then said well hopefully they will win for you boys when we got off. I imagine she couldn’t name a single player. I could see Everton being in for Rafa like and I’m certain it’s not a job he would just rule out just like that. I can’t see him going there though to be honest. Moreso as I think he may have bigger suitors should he leave us, especially abroad. I agreed with literally everything you say bar that bits I've put in bold. It's simply not true, sorry like
  6. I'm sure Carra is from Bootle. Spitting is similar to shaking hands round there.
  7. Never going to Everton in a million years. It always surprises me that people who should understand local sentiment don't get this. Rafa strikes me as a very loyal sort as well, so it just wouldn't make sense. The fans here in Liverpool just wouldn't accept it like, despite HTT downplaying the rivalry. Some people I recently worked with for example, were women who didn't pay particular interest in football, but would comment on how they love Rafa for what he's done for the city / JFT96 etc and one lass even named her dog Rafa People started actively asking about NUFC as they knew where I was from and equally loved Rafa. It's similar to us, where even your nana or mam checks the football results or asks about the match despite not truly following the team. Liverpool fans hardcore or fair-weather would be absolutely livid at the possibility of Rafa managing Everton. And like Tron says, Rafa is sensible enough to appreciate that.
  8. Can I take a moment to comment on how absurd it is that a picture of me from SEVEN years ago is still somebody's avatar This forum that day, evening, unreal Greg literally passed me by on the street and shouted out "oldtype?" Nobody will ever believe it. What a day. What a night. Where have our lives gone
  9. He made two excellent saves against Man United, the one right at the death, and the one on one with Martial. Made a class one against Bournemouth anarl.
  10. Twinport53

    Paul Dummett

    This might be an outrageous lack of awareness from my part. But I think Dummett has always been this good / bad. He has always been comfortable defending and loves a tackle, along with having decent pace once upto speed. Obviously his deficiencies have been attacking, particularly the dreaded hoof. I also find it strange he received this praise after Soton, who have been collectively branded as one of, if not the shittest team to grace the turf at St James' this season. After relegation many people agreed that had Dummett not been injured for a lengthy spell we most likely would have accrued the additional point to stay up. He's not pretty, but he's a reliable 6 or 7 / 10 most weeks. Roll on the next 4 years Pauly D.
  11. West Brom are gone. Soton have 1 win in 17 (apparently cba to check) and Stoke have horrific fixtures. I think even one more win for us could be enough
  12. Second bottom in the league despite being one of the bigger clubs in France. Unfortunately a bunch of idiots crossing onto the pitch & attacking players will mar what are probably a decent set of fans. How dare the fans of one of the bigger clubs in France demonstrate their displeasure of being 2nd bottom by entering the field of play. They should sit quietly and carry on paying. Also, much like West Ham i doubt results alone are the reason. Their owners are probably ISIS or something and league position was tipping point.
  13. I said exactly the same before his injury. Looked like he was scared of the ball and just hoofed it away. Looks a different player since he’s come back into the side. I was joking
  14. Can't be knocking the shine off the PL brand man, howay.
  15. I feel a bit for Pardew here! Guardiola or Mourinho would have struggled! Didn't realise Ian posted on the baggies boards.
  16. Should stress that Pardew also said he was going to keep fighting - unlike his players.
  17. Bless the daft little b******s who still have hope with 8 games left. You have lost 6 on the spin and have Pardew in charge
  18. He is like He can't help but drop in the "we've been shit all season" bit. Making sure he's not 100% liable.
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