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Everything posted by Twinport53

  1. A draw. If we lose neither really pull away. If we draw it stays the same. If we win, we go above both.
  2. Probably the onset of dementia.
  3. From what i've read and watched, the march was agreed by many groups for the 10th. However one of the lead groups met Brady and one of either Sullivan or gold, can't remember which. Basically, much like with Ashley, nothing ever comes of these meetings. However this meeting was apparently "different". This leading group claimed the board were listening and will make changes, starting with making the Olympic stadium "feel like the Boleyn ground". They came out on social media and claimed the board are going to make changes like put flags up and plan to have the seats at the Olympic stadium moved forward to make it more like a football stadium, not a multipurpose arena. However most fans were under the impression this march was specifically against the board and getting them to sell up, not get a few claret and blue flags etc. Many fans think this lead group have been paid off by the West Ham board. Which is the reason they want nobody to march in 3 days time, despite 90% of fans wanting it.
  4. Spoke to my man at the club and he reckons he should be back for Huddersfield. Still a hell of along time missing. Rafa must be positively jovial.
  5. It is shit craic based on an ironic uneducated insult, aye. But some people love jumping on their high horse to be offended or embarrassed on behalf of somebody else who either doesn't care or is unaware. If a load of scousers started chanting "ANDDDDD Thatcher shut your pits, yes thatcher shut your pits, etc etc" would you REALLY be that bothered. Knar, you'd think "Fucking daftys" and you'd get on with your day
  6. I hated getting on a bus from Haymarket after a late kick off and it's full of 14 year old radjees chanting shit songs, or having a group of young lads flicking the Vs or swearing because their mother isn't there to give them a clip. So for me it's more than just the away following they ruin
  7. Whilst most of this may be accurate. I live in Liverpool and there has been literally f*** all mentioned about our politically ironic chants. I feel although it is abit sad and cringey, it's some of our snowflake support that have brought this into the limelight on social media, particularity twitter. It's certainly not LFC fans complaining, or atleast not to the degree some of our fans are.
  8. How are we better than these? Looking at the two teams which are going to line up, I'd be struggling to see where we are significantly better in any area. Complete point in case here. Defeatist attitude from top to bottom. We are at home. We should be beating teams around us at home. It's not a hard concept. These are on an awful run and we should be getting three points at home against crap like this I'm not questioning that we are at home or that we should be looking to beat them, what I was questioning was where you were getting this idea that " we are better than these", because I don't see it. I think if anything, they have probably got better players so it's hardly going to be a given that we'll win because we are at home. The "better players" point doesn't align over the last 30 games, otherwise Soton wouldn't be in this position. We are pretty much equal on the pitch this season, with the exception of having a better manager and a squad playing above it's ability, while theirs plays well below. On paper their squad is better than ours in almost every area, but this isn't FIFA so the point is redundant. Soton are this seasons "To good to go down" cliche. Their fans also hate their GKs, don't like their CM options, want Boufal starting over Sims and play strikers that don't score... whilst playing 4-5-1 looking for draws. They didn't expect this relegation battle, we did. Pressure is on them more than us IMO. And yes it's not a guaranteed win just because it's at St James', but i'd rather be the team over achieving coming into this, than the "better" team flapping on the way down.
  9. It just wasn't a sustainable way to win games. And Lascelles isn't Sergio Ramos so it wasn't going to be a regular thing anyway
  10. Fair I'd personally wait til after Soton, maybe even the Sunday night so there is time for abit of post match for people who come on later. I feel like some of the Liverpool aftermath and the Sunday matches were none existent despite watching them. Without NO in the background it feels weird as you have less opinions during the game etc. I'd say go for it before Soton if you were confident it would be back up before then. Without that assurance it's the flip of a coin. Your call
  11. How broken we talking? Days again? It got to a point yesterday when even my lass wished NO was online
  12. Photoshopped, no carrier bags floating around... That's a better effort than our boycott Spurs
  13. Love that Soton forum Opening few posts - "Sold 1600 for this which is decent. Should be a good weekend, ruined by the result obviously." "They have a far, far, far better manager then us. If roles were reversed, we'd be 10th and they'd be 20 point adrift." "Another 6-pointer that we will set up to get a point from." "I'm predicting another fantastic winning draw against an in form top team!" "He will (amazingly) start with exactly the same cautious set up he has for his last 29 PL games, and the result will be the same. 1-1." They fucking love Pellegrino
  14. My biggest praise for him during the last 2 games is holding the ball. He uses his body very well to shield before playing a pass. Doesn't panic, waits for the right time instead of hoofing or knocking it out of play. Well compared to Atsu and Murphy etc
  15. I love Mitro, but Rafa has done f*** all wrong. We need a striker who is not only a presence up top, but a defender on the front line. Mitro will never close down space, harass CBs or chase lost causes for 90 minutes. I also doubt he has the intelligence to know when to press or hold a position. We are a counter attacking team that defend from the front and look to break with pace. Mitro can't / won't defend from the front, or not how Rafa wants, and he has zero pace to play on the counter. Again, I love the lad but Fulhams style of play is to control and attack, not defend and counter.
  16. What a commendable accolade
  17. GD makes me believe Huddersfield will get dragged and kept down aswell. Particularly if they don't get 2 wins from the next 4 games. Tough run in. Likewise Palace have a few more bad games, and Woy himself reckons they'll be in the bottom 3, but easier fixtures will see them climb back out in the last 5 games. It's hectic but i'm glad there isn't this "mini league of 3" bollocks, like last time. We don't have the nerve for it.
  18. He might have 5 goals but he'll have 83 yellow cards to match.
  19. Where, were and we're. Learn how to use them please. Their easily confused, your being too harsh.
  20. I actually think Alexis lost the ball into triple figures. Every dribble or pass was gifting away possession.
  21. It's probs Crumpy, North shields postcode etc
  22. Was looking rough until Matic hit that Especially after Brighton beat Arsene FC.
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