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Geordie Deb

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Everything posted by Geordie Deb

  1. He better get his ear plugs in and Tena type man pants on next week as it's gonna be toxic. If he was scared to come out the dug out yesterday, and having already experienced Cardiff, think he'll be having a few sleepless nights this week Makes me sick hearing the dross being spouted by the so called pundits. Thick as pig sh*t half of them and the rest in the old boys see no evil, speak no evil network. Even Tubbs must see he has to go. How come we inherited such a miserly bloody billionaire? He could pay Pardew and his cronies off from his loose change if he wanted to. Just do it and put us out of our bloody misery.
  2. Geordie Deb

    John Carver

    What a disgraceful old knacker. Completely unprofessional and in any other club with all his antics he should be long gone.
  3. Case of deja vu having been sacked at Southampton again. Howay Ashley man just press the goadda button
  4. Well what a surprise our defensive coaching maestro has them looking totally clueless
  5. John Carver knows he will be out on his arse as soon as the Fraud gets the chop. Completely useless. Hope our fans give it to him both barrels.
  6. Another Hul City site http://www.not606.com/forumdisplay.php/41-Hull-City
  7. Fantastic momentum building. The crowd is getting ready. The old grannies are there with their knitting, the gallows are ready but has the hangman got the stomach to go ahead with it?
  8. Stunning. All the evidence at your finger tips to convince even the most stupid of our supporters that he has to go. Outstanding effort by whoever is responsible.
  9. Long time lurker, new poster, but just wanted to put on record i definitely voted go. With the evidence available surely you would have to be clinically insane to want the turgid tosspot to stay. I'm a normally placid person but seeing his smug face or hearing his we woz freetenin drivel brings about a level of anger that has to be unhealthy towards someone I don't know personally. I despair what this club has become and how so many of our fans have allowed these muppets to reduce expectations to a level where we would be happy to accept bloody Tony Pulis as manager, so useless is that tw*t currently in charge. Pardew has to go. Thinking of getting a ticket for the Hull game to hopefully witness him not daring to come out of the dugout again and to hear the support for Ben Arfa. Shout out to you guys for the stunning job with the flags. The amount of exposure has been immense, and sure another little outing for the Hull game wont go amiss. The Nationals are waiting to see what happens, so it's imperative the campaign to get him out keeps ratcheting up, and Hull becomes a verbal battleground against the coward.
  10. Would be a disaster. Just at a base level no-one would be able to understand him. One of my favourite players, but his pathetic pro Ashley stance means even if he had the charisma (which he hasn't), the credentials (which he hasn't), managerial ability (which he hasn't) he should not be within a million miles of the mangagers job which means Jabba will appoint him.
  11. Can't blame any one them for wanting away from this madhouse. Can you imagine the torture everyday of having to listen to Pardew spouting his front foot playing philosophy and brain numbing tactics, while sharing his winning mentality and strutting around like the King? I don't blame him for wanting off at the earliest opportunity and hope he does well in the world cup. He did us a favour by helping expose the level of shitness of Pardew to the those who still worshipped at his feet.
  12. If this is true, there's our summer ruined. They just think a bit of pr spin in the week with Pardew looking remorseful, accepting some of the blame and sucking up to us with the promise of substantial funds to spend will have us saying righto we'll back off and wipe the slate clean ready for next season. Do they honestly think we are that stupid and gullible? I know we weren't born in Southampton so are clearly cerebrally challenged in the Padew way of thinking, but this crap should just make us intensify efforts to get shot of the useless smarmy creep. Bet they will start a cahrm offensive with the banned media to get them back on board and drop some of the negative reporting stuff. Hope the fans give him hell today so he dare not show his cowardly face to the public and hides in the dug out. Can't wait to see the banners and hear the chanting.
  13. What a monumental collapse from the bin dippers. Karma for those 4-3's we had to suffer. Palace fans a breath of fresh air in the Premiership loving the atmosphere they create. Listening to Carragher's whiney voice though jesus christ makes me want to throw something at the screen.
  14. What a game. Palace with nothing to play for coming from 3-0 down. Atmosphere brilliant. Bet Pardew's head was in a spin watching that. Would willingly take a straight swap Pardew for Pulis if he could go our lot playing like that.
  15. Hi Everyone - long time follower but new poster. Outstanding job with the 60 minute and Pardew protest campaign. Great to see him squirm. Look forward to contributing to the board. Can someone point me in the right direction for advice re setting up an aviator? cheers
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