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Everything posted by samptime29

  1. Both our goals were decent like and we created chances. Maybe could have won that, but we take the point and move on. State of their 2nd goal man FFS
  2. Next 2 home games are huge, we need 6 points there. Would set us up nicely, for the big away games. Huddersfield/Reading playing soon. Our goal difference is like an extra point. A big plus.
  3. Good point imo. We really need to deliver in the 2 home games, win those, and we'll be in a great position.
  4. A true legend. Happy birthday King Kev!
  5. I defended Colback a little bit at times last season, but totally agree he has been poor this season. He needs to go in Summer. I don't hate the lad, just he's not good enough for us. I thought he would be better than he's been in Championship.
  6. Difficult game. Norwich much stronger at home, in good form. A draw here not the worst result as long we beat Villa at home.
  7. Leicester man. No zest or fight. If Swansea win this, it's 4 wins from 6 games under their new Gaffer. Super form, think they'll be safe.
  8. Had a cheeky £5 on Roma, Sion, Torino treble, to win £11. Checked last result at 60 mins, Torino were 5-0 up, checked 20 mins later was 5-3.
  9. Our away form is the huge positive for me. 11 wins and only 8 conceded is very strong form. I think our formation works better away. Keep our shape, hit the counter attack, focus on limiting any mistakes. And tbh 2 of those games we lost away were snide as f***. Forest for all the joke decisions, and Blackburn, we created a lot of chances. The next four away games are vital (Norwich, Brighton. Huddersfield, Reading). 7-12 points from those games and I think we are looking in great shape.
  10. Defence was absolutely class there. Grinding out a 1-0 away win. Really happy with that.
  11. Sunderland have been classy with this bairn like. Pic of the little lad asleep on Defoe is heartwarming.
  12. Would take a scrappy, narrow win all day long. From what I've seen of Wolves, they'll either turn up and play well or play poorly.
  13. Kick in the balls at the end there, but still a very good weekend for the Toon.
  14. Excellent weekend for us, as long as Brighton don't comeback.
  15. The Mackems and Hull results have blown the relegation race wide open!
  16. thought they would get tonked today Same. Football is just crazy sometimes.
  17. That Mackems scoreline is one of the most shocking HT scores ever. Wow.
  18. Lucas Perez not even on bench? IMO he should have more playing time, looked pretty decent everytime I've watched him this season.
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