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Everything posted by RobS

  1. I wonder how long it takes for them to reach a verdict then? Days? weeks?
  2. Yeah I caught that bit too, that a mistake or a deliberate slip?
  3. Yeah I assume your right there, Or to arbitrate that the KSA doesn't need to be down as a Director from the PL's point of view. So not to argue if they are or not, to argue that obviously they are but they don't need to be?
  4. he is Keith Pattinson estate agents, they were big a while back, not sure if they still are
  5. Becasue the PL love Man Utd and hate us?
  6. hah yes i thought that too, all gone very quiet on that front has't it!
  7. I'd legit be surprised if Gayle touches it before the end of the match.
  8. totally agree, i few people i know acting all happy they got tickets, and you can guarantee it will be as full as possibly allowed come match day. fucking idiots
  9. hate to like it, but I do. DJ Tammy tho hahah
  10. hate the orange/peach, looks gash. Good.
  11. Can see players handing in transfer requests - can you imagine someone like Harry Kane refusing to play for England due to playing for spurs?
  12. Haven't Bayern said no already?
  13. Hilarious story, but doesnt look true lol https://www.goal.com/en/news/james-rodriguez-date-return-from-injury-everton/17vqhr4pa0mfq1t6avob5xapaj
  14. hahahahaha what an utter joke, how disconnected from the sport and the fans are these fucking pundits man, they steal more money as bloody pundits than they did as footballers ffs
  15. Gutted to go down, but Watkins owner - so points, then turned to an OG, so lose the 7-8 points. We equalise but also spoils my CS from Martinez haha, like 15 points lost in FPL but 1 gained in real life :/
  16. Almost tempted to Captain Martinez, thats how convinced I am we won't score in this :/
  17. also good that the EPL cant hide it all, so the whole thing will have to be aired out, and they cant just bury it, hopefully that also will help with the fairness required.
  18. Fucking stupid cunt. Only 1 sub which you really need for ASM as he surely shouldn’t be playing the full 90 yet. Can see this finishing 5-3 with us down to 9 here.
  19. Yep expected the Arse to score so benched Martinez and brought in Pope, bet Brighton fuck me now ??
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