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Everything posted by Nattfare

  1. Rest in peace, Pavel. My thoughts goes to his family.
  2. What's with the dead beaver on his head though? Shouldn't it earn him a booking to bring that to the pitch?
  3. Confirmed: Lee Ryder can only count to two. I'm surprised he can count even that high.
  4. Wesołych Świąt - God Jul - Merry Christmas!
  5. Nattfare

    John Carver

    Considering how delusional this idiot is it wouldn't surprise me if it is real.
  6. Just too bad that the fantastic Mackem-Geordie Ginger-Pirlo is already regarded as such by most.
  7. To quote Big Helmet: http://33.media.tumblr.com/4d851c2aab60c46ed4548b09be3fc45e/tumblr_inline_nn2wmzAc3K1qhcx18_500.gif
  8. Why didn't the club punish Steve Harper for killing Leon Best too then?
  9. :lol: He could have killed somebody. You mean he hasn't already?
  10. You can see centre backs do that sometimes. It's like they have made up their mind to head the ball no matter what height it might be in when the ball eventually reaches them.
  11. I don't like the smug grin on the pink bag to the right.
  12. Nattfare

    Image of the week

    Who is the imaginary person he is embracing and kissing?
  13. http://i42.tinypic.com/23pith.jpg What.The.Hell.Is.That?
  14. Nattfare

    Paul Dummett

    Carroll and Distin amongst the quickest players too.
  15. Wouldn't surprise me if it is "Hello Tim Sherwood!" if we get "Bye bye Brolly Boy..."
  16. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php?topic=65634.0 So, 29 years now? He has probably marked his territory in the sick room so much over the years, that players only have to enter to get worse injuries even if he's not in there himself.
  17. Nattfare

    David Squires

    "Bet Loan Gamble Borrow Casino" on the advertisement board.
  18. Nattfare

    Image of the week

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