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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. Agree, go down the constructive dismissal route like Keegan, on the back of Ashley's 'every penny' horseshit. He's a good manager and more importantly a thoroughly decent man, he deserves so much better than this utter s*** show. Got anymore takeover info Bingo? Genuine question btw, I’m not being a smart arse. No sadly, I wish I had but my mate has heard nothing more. Would be surprised if a takeover happens now, with our league position in all honesty.
  2. Agree, go down the constructive dismissal route like Keegan, on the back of Ashley's 'every penny' horseshit. He's a good manager and more importantly a thoroughly decent man, he deserves so much better than this utter shit show.
  3. It was called off because nobody bothered with the walk-in, and 45000 fans at SJP simply cannot be arsed to do anything against Ashley. Nothing to do with the 'takeover'. Even if 2000 people just didn’t turn up it’s going to make more of a difference than doing nothing at all. The TF group specifically said they were no longer boycotting because they’d been made aware of the takeover by certain sources. TF fanzine announced they were no longer backing a boycott for those reasons......The Magpie Group were left in awkard postion and followed suit......the reasons will come out in the wash eventually. The fact is, the walk-in had poor numbers involved, and some of those who took action were actually abused. A failed takeover/f*** all spent in January will hopefully see bigger numbers when the protests resume.....although I wouldn't hold my breath. At the end of the day, it shouldn't take a group to persuade people that the owner is taking the p*ss out of them.....cancel your direct debit and walk away. It really is that easy. That's why it won't ever have the impact it should, the vast majority who turn up at the ground don't want to know. You are made to feel like you are the problem rather than Ashley. The only good thing about these defeats is that he must be getting nervous. Relegation is the only thing which really hurts him, otherwise he isn't selling in a million years. Not only is he a reluctant seller, I would imagine any buyer isn't going to take a punt while we're in such a precarious position. Another incredibly depressing, yet completely avoidable Ashley fuck up.
  4. It was called off because nobody bothered with the walk-in, and 45000 fans at SJP simply cannot be arsed to do anything against Ashley. Nothing to do with the 'takeover'. Even if 2000 people just didn’t turn up it’s going to make more of a difference than doing nothing at all. The TF group specifically said they were no longer boycotting because they’d been made aware of the takeover by certain sources. TF fanzine announced they were no longer backing a boycott for those reasons......The Magpie Group were left in awkard postion and followed suit......the reasons will come out in the wash eventually. The fact is, the walk-in had poor numbers involved, and some of those who took action were actually abused. A failed takeover/fuck all spent in January will hopefully see bigger numbers when the protests resume.....although I wouldn't hold my breath. At the end of the day, it shouldn't take a group to persuade people that the owner is taking the piss out of them.....cancel your direct debit and walk away. It really is that easy.
  5. It was called off because nobody bothered with the walk-in, and 45000 fans at SJP simply cannot be arsed to do anything against Ashley. Nothing to do with the 'takeover'.
  6. 8/11 from the Champo plus 2x sub £5M players and a loan. Cheers Ashley, you absolute cunt.
  7. Quite like this team, but their fans are and always will be utter arseholes imho.
  8. UncleBingo

    Paul Dummett

    Good defender, limited footballer. There's a fair few places in the team need upgrading before his.
  9. UncleBingo


    As I said on the previous page, the makems went from 10,000 one week to 75,000 the next. Their record low that season was 3,000. Ah, the time they got 75000 in a ground that only held 60000. Didn't happen.
  10. The Magpie Group would have went ahead with it, though it would have been unsuccessful. The guy from TF is the one who pretty much stopped it, pretty much put TMG in an impossible position. Though I do think the boycott was too soon for some fans. It would have been an absolute shambles going by the support for it and the walk-in, and yeah as you say, it was about the rug being pulled from under TMG. Even then, the amount of times I read on twitter about how it was called off because Ashley said we were about to be sold is absolutely ridiculous, there's no link whatsoever and I can only assume it's a point that's made to make a wider point about our entire fanbase being gullible. But aye, complete fake news basically. Do not worry though, I’m calling out the TF guy on Twitter right now about it. The cunt even has the nerve to tweet about how Ashley should sell up and how Rafa’s being unsupported. He'll block you sharpish, the precious self-serving prick.
  11. Do us all a favour and fuck off will you? Sick of the same people waiting for the bad result to slag him off, all because he’s not like KK and doesn’t go all out attack and they can’t realise football has moved on since then. Why should we do that? We are entitled to our opinion. Fucking disgraceful lineup today. He’s part of the problem at times. Shit signings with the money he’s had. Get to fuck man, you cowardly fucking arsehole.
  12. We haven't been told anything, man Kenyon's done DD and is looking to bring people in after the sale goes through. No shit? I'm free to rip it as much as people are free to post their fluffy nothing info. UB has literally said it was at the pub, 6 pints in and to take it with a pinch of salt That Black Cloud has his "he's been reet before" crew. Turned out he was wrong and disappeared. I'm just posting something I've heard from people I trust. The stuff from somebody I don't particularly know, I said to take with a pinch of salt. Is there any need to be a dick about it? I'm not being a dick. You posted ZERO info and are stringing people along (with nothing pub talk) as if you're in the know...in a time when people are desperate for info. "I can't say anything more". More than nothing? What exactly have you told us? You're taking the piss. I'm taking the piss. Suck it up. Here man, wind your neck in will you. First off, I have not claimed at any point to be in the know. I clearly stated from the off I was passing on what I was told from people I trust. Nothing more. I most certainly have not tried to string people along, and I take issue with you saying that. I've told two people on here who I know personally (Paully & Big Geordie) more details about what I was told, as I trust them not to say anything on a public forum. Okay, so where have you read in the press that the deal is effectively done barring a few issues which is what I'm saying?
  13. We haven't been told anything, man Kenyon's done DD and is looking to bring people in after the sale goes through. No shit? I'm free to rip it as much as people are free to post their fluffy nothing info. UB has literally said it was at the pub, 6 pints in and to take it with a pinch of salt That Black Cloud has his "he's been reet before" crew. Turned out he was wrong and disappeared. I'm just posting something I've heard from people I trust. The stuff from somebody I don't particularly know, I said to take with a pinch of salt. Is there any need to be a dick about it?
  14. Okay, it's quite niche so I've got to be careful what I say.......but it was about Kenyon getting certain people onboard post sale, and looking to develop the club globally. It was literally six pint talk in the pub, so take with a large pinch of salt. Pint one or pint six though? It matters. Pint six. It was only 4.2% abv so I was fairly compos mentis......can't vouch for the other fella.
  15. Okay, it's quite niche so I've got to be careful what I say.......but it was about Kenyon getting certain people onboard post sale, and looking to develop the club globally. It was literally six pint talk in the pub, so take with a large pinch of salt.
  16. You ok mate? Yes, thanks. Just being sarcastic about people posting they have ITK stuff but don't want to say. It's full melt. It's like "I have a secret...but can't tell you!". So why bother saying I think Bingo was just reporting facts about what he’d heard and mentioned that he’d heard other stuff that he didn’t give as much credence to. Really don’t think he’s looking for attention and saying ‘I know a secret you don’t know’, he’s just simply stating what he’s heard from various people. I agree there are attention seeking ITKs about but UncleBingo isn’t one of them. Pretty much this. The lad who told me the stuff I've posted is one of my best mates, I'd literally trust him with my life. His info has come from someone he knows in legal circles in London, not from the NUFC side. The other stuff I was told was from someone I barely know, so interesting though it is, I'm not going to put my name to it.
  17. Cheers fella. I heard some other stuff as well but don't know the bloke that gave me the info that well, so not going to speculate.
  18. Probably. Let's face it, we've been here before. Can you say anything about the amount of the bid? No amounts were mentioned, but all the due dilligence/data room stuff has been done. A bid has been made, with certain issues raised, but people are waiting to act on it.
  19. Heard some pretty interesting stuff tonight with regards the takeover.....Without going into detail, barring a few minor issues, everything is done and the only thing they're waiting for is Ashley. Same as it ever was.
  20. UncleBingo


    Of course it was, West Ham fans had given him the same chants a couple of years previously when he was at Spurs, but barely anthing was said about it......also Boro had another Muslim fella playing that day IIRC, and there wasn't a single song aimed at him that day. Not our finest moment admittedly.
  21. That could be the biggest hurdle in all of this. If Kenyon's consortium or another investment group is buying a club as a business interest it has to make financial sense. If due diligence shows the club to be worth £100m less than Ashley is asking, due to the low value of playing staff, poor training facilities, stadium needing updating etc. that isn't a sound investment and a lower offer makes sense. Kenyon could hardly go back to his backers and recommend that they pay £300m for a club that is actually worth £200m. That could've been why Staveley walked away, maybe she was serious after all but pissed Ashley off because she proved he was overpricing the club. She wasn't serious. She was a big a player as Ashley. Sorry, but you're wrong.
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