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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. UncleBingo


    Former Skunker & RTG regular Darren Wearmouth seems to be doing alright for himself nowadays, hanging out with celebrities in the States etc. the spawny little bastard.
  2. Jesus, Hoddle looked like his heart was just about to explode again there.
  3. This. Hate them both so much for different reasons, but ethically would still prefer Liverpool to win it. If only they hadn't been such utter bellends on and off the pitch on Saturday.
  4. I agree, but when people are dancing up and down, swearing at and openly goading the home fans, there doesn't really seem to be a lot of other options.
  5. Honestly, what a an absolute load of Daily Mail sanctimonious s****. Is it right? No of course not. Should we have all evolved where we can sit back like good citizens and 'let the authorities deal with in the appropriate way?' Probably. But that's not the way it is and those Liverpool fans who took their chances in the home end, they f***ing knew it's the way it is as well. if I sat in the Kop or in the Stretford End or with mackems in their own end, then I know how this works and would behave appropriately. Gan on like arseholes? Sorry but I hope every one of them got a clip. I'm not one bit pro violence in any shape or form. Having said that, if I'm sat in my club's home stadium with my bairns and a jumped up away fan who thinks he's clever getting into our home end starts trouble or unnecessary bollocks, you better bet I'm standing my ground and defending my own. I wouldn't wait for a f***ing steward. This. Was there with my 11 year old son in the East Stand and he'd never seen anything like that at a match before, felt a bit uncomfortable with him there to be quite honest......luckily we weren't right next to it. My Grandad who spent 30 years in the Army including WW2 always taught me 'to respect your hosts, wherever you are in the World' and it's something I've always lived by. Behave like that, and accept the consequences in my opinion, it hasn't even got anything to do with football. More pompous twaddle from HTT, I can only assume he wasn't actually there. So you would be happy to fill someone in at the match, even with your 11 year old next to you? Even though you said watching others do it was uncomfortable? Or are only accepting it when other people do it? I just don't get this giving people a kicking thing, no matter what. They should be hoyed out if they play up but people don't deserves having their head kicked in for being a bit of an idiot and celebrating in the home end. And people wonder why football fans are treated like s*** by the police. What are you talking about, I haven't mentioned 'filling anyone in' at all? It was a question because you said it was uncomfortable at first but then went on to condone the Liverpool fans getting filled in when you said they should accept the consequences. So I was a bit confused, and wondering if you meant you were happy to condone it when other people were giving it out or if you would do the same. Where did I 'condone them getting filled in' exactly? "Behave like that, and accept the consequences in my opinion" Where did I mention anyone getting 'filled in'? You were responding to, and agreeing with, a post about not waiting for stewards / officials / police etc. and dealing with it yourself in the context of a load of Liverpool fans getting a smack. He mentioned standing his ground, but that was it, you've filled in the blanks yourself. I'll say it again, act like that in a provocative manner and you should accept the consequences......whether that is you getting chucked out of the ground, arrested, or in verbal/physical confrontations with other fans. Fair enough until the last point, I just don't see how that fits with you being uncomfortable with it in front of your kids but then it also being totally acceptable to you. I found it acceptable when they were chucked out of the ground, which is one of the consequences I was talking about. Did you not feel the same? That's fine. You may not have intended to insinuate what you have. The only bit I can't get my head around is this view (not necessarily from you) from many that it is acceptable for people to get their heads kicked in if they have acted like a bit of dick. Obviously if a Liverpool fan starts a fight and someone is defending themselves that is slightly different but there seems to be a relatively widespread view that any Liverpool fans that celebrated a goal in the home end were fair game for a good kicking. They should be removed etc. but doesn't make violence acceptable. Fair enough. The behaviour of some of their fans, which in turn aggravated some of ours, spoiled what was otherwise (cheating aside) a great game of football. Shame my son had to see that side of the game but it's inevitable I guess.
  6. Honestly, what a an absolute load of Daily Mail sanctimonious s****. Is it right? No of course not. Should we have all evolved where we can sit back like good citizens and 'let the authorities deal with in the appropriate way?' Probably. But that's not the way it is and those Liverpool fans who took their chances in the home end, they f***ing knew it's the way it is as well. if I sat in the Kop or in the Stretford End or with mackems in their own end, then I know how this works and would behave appropriately. Gan on like arseholes? Sorry but I hope every one of them got a clip. I'm not one bit pro violence in any shape or form. Having said that, if I'm sat in my club's home stadium with my bairns and a jumped up away fan who thinks he's clever getting into our home end starts trouble or unnecessary bollocks, you better bet I'm standing my ground and defending my own. I wouldn't wait for a f***ing steward. This. Was there with my 11 year old son in the East Stand and he'd never seen anything like that at a match before, felt a bit uncomfortable with him there to be quite honest......luckily we weren't right next to it. My Grandad who spent 30 years in the Army including WW2 always taught me 'to respect your hosts, wherever you are in the World' and it's something I've always lived by. Behave like that, and accept the consequences in my opinion, it hasn't even got anything to do with football. More pompous twaddle from HTT, I can only assume he wasn't actually there. So you would be happy to fill someone in at the match, even with your 11 year old next to you? Even though you said watching others do it was uncomfortable? Or are only accepting it when other people do it? I just don't get this giving people a kicking thing, no matter what. They should be hoyed out if they play up but people don't deserves having their head kicked in for being a bit of an idiot and celebrating in the home end. And people wonder why football fans are treated like s*** by the police. What are you talking about, I haven't mentioned 'filling anyone in' at all? It was a question because you said it was uncomfortable at first but then went on to condone the Liverpool fans getting filled in when you said they should accept the consequences. So I was a bit confused, and wondering if you meant you were happy to condone it when other people were giving it out or if you would do the same. Where did I 'condone them getting filled in' exactly? "Behave like that, and accept the consequences in my opinion" Where did I mention anyone getting 'filled in'? You were responding to, and agreeing with, a post about not waiting for stewards / officials / police etc. and dealing with it yourself in the context of a load of Liverpool fans getting a smack. He mentioned standing his ground, but that was it, you've filled in the blanks yourself. I'll say it again, act like that in a provocative manner and you should accept the consequences......whether that is you getting chucked out of the ground, arrested, or in verbal/physical confrontations with other fans. Fair enough until the last point, I just don't see how that fits with you being uncomfortable with it in front of your kids but then it also being totally acceptable to you. I found it acceptable when they were chucked out of the ground, which is one of the consequences I was talking about. Did you not feel the same?
  7. Honestly, what a an absolute load of Daily Mail sanctimonious s****. Is it right? No of course not. Should we have all evolved where we can sit back like good citizens and 'let the authorities deal with in the appropriate way?' Probably. But that's not the way it is and those Liverpool fans who took their chances in the home end, they f***ing knew it's the way it is as well. if I sat in the Kop or in the Stretford End or with mackems in their own end, then I know how this works and would behave appropriately. Gan on like arseholes? Sorry but I hope every one of them got a clip. I'm not one bit pro violence in any shape or form. Having said that, if I'm sat in my club's home stadium with my bairns and a jumped up away fan who thinks he's clever getting into our home end starts trouble or unnecessary bollocks, you better bet I'm standing my ground and defending my own. I wouldn't wait for a f***ing steward. This. Was there with my 11 year old son in the East Stand and he'd never seen anything like that at a match before, felt a bit uncomfortable with him there to be quite honest......luckily we weren't right next to it. My Grandad who spent 30 years in the Army including WW2 always taught me 'to respect your hosts, wherever you are in the World' and it's something I've always lived by. Behave like that, and accept the consequences in my opinion, it hasn't even got anything to do with football. More pompous twaddle from HTT, I can only assume he wasn't actually there. So you would be happy to fill someone in at the match, even with your 11 year old next to you? Even though you said watching others do it was uncomfortable? Or are only accepting it when other people do it? I just don't get this giving people a kicking thing, no matter what. They should be hoyed out if they play up but people don't deserves having their head kicked in for being a bit of an idiot and celebrating in the home end. And people wonder why football fans are treated like s*** by the police. What are you talking about, I haven't mentioned 'filling anyone in' at all? It was a question because you said it was uncomfortable at first but then went on to condone the Liverpool fans getting filled in when you said they should accept the consequences. So I was a bit confused, and wondering if you meant you were happy to condone it when other people were giving it out or if you would do the same. Where did I 'condone them getting filled in' exactly? "Behave like that, and accept the consequences in my opinion" Where did I mention anyone getting 'filled in'? You were responding to, and agreeing with, a post about not waiting for stewards / officials / police etc. and dealing with it yourself in the context of a load of Liverpool fans getting a smack. He mentioned standing his ground, but that was it, you've filled in the blanks yourself. I'll say it again, act like that in a provocative manner and you should accept the consequences......whether that is you getting chucked out of the ground, arrested, or in verbal/physical confrontations with other fans.
  8. Honestly, what a an absolute load of Daily Mail sanctimonious s****. Is it right? No of course not. Should we have all evolved where we can sit back like good citizens and 'let the authorities deal with in the appropriate way?' Probably. But that's not the way it is and those Liverpool fans who took their chances in the home end, they f***ing knew it's the way it is as well. if I sat in the Kop or in the Stretford End or with mackems in their own end, then I know how this works and would behave appropriately. Gan on like arseholes? Sorry but I hope every one of them got a clip. I'm not one bit pro violence in any shape or form. Having said that, if I'm sat in my club's home stadium with my bairns and a jumped up away fan who thinks he's clever getting into our home end starts trouble or unnecessary bollocks, you better bet I'm standing my ground and defending my own. I wouldn't wait for a f***ing steward. This. Was there with my 11 year old son in the East Stand and he'd never seen anything like that at a match before, felt a bit uncomfortable with him there to be quite honest......luckily we weren't right next to it. My Grandad who spent 30 years in the Army including WW2 always taught me 'to respect your hosts, wherever you are in the World' and it's something I've always lived by. Behave like that, and accept the consequences in my opinion, it hasn't even got anything to do with football. More pompous twaddle from HTT, I can only assume he wasn't actually there. So you would be happy to fill someone in at the match, even with your 11 year old next to you? Even though you said watching others do it was uncomfortable? Or are only accepting it when other people do it? I just don't get this giving people a kicking thing, no matter what. They should be hoyed out if they play up but people don't deserves having their head kicked in for being a bit of an idiot and celebrating in the home end. And people wonder why football fans are treated like s*** by the police. What are you talking about, I haven't mentioned 'filling anyone in' at all? It was a question because you said it was uncomfortable at first but then went on to condone the Liverpool fans getting filled in when you said they should accept the consequences. So I was a bit confused, and wondering if you meant you were happy to condone it when other people were giving it out or if you would do the same. Where did I 'condone them getting filled in' exactly? "Behave like that, and accept the consequences in my opinion" Where did I mention anyone getting 'filled in'?
  9. Honestly, what a an absolute load of Daily Mail sanctimonious s****. Is it right? No of course not. Should we have all evolved where we can sit back like good citizens and 'let the authorities deal with in the appropriate way?' Probably. But that's not the way it is and those Liverpool fans who took their chances in the home end, they f***ing knew it's the way it is as well. if I sat in the Kop or in the Stretford End or with mackems in their own end, then I know how this works and would behave appropriately. Gan on like arseholes? Sorry but I hope every one of them got a clip. I'm not one bit pro violence in any shape or form. Having said that, if I'm sat in my club's home stadium with my bairns and a jumped up away fan who thinks he's clever getting into our home end starts trouble or unnecessary bollocks, you better bet I'm standing my ground and defending my own. I wouldn't wait for a f***ing steward. This. Was there with my 11 year old son in the East Stand and he'd never seen anything like that at a match before, felt a bit uncomfortable with him there to be quite honest......luckily we weren't right next to it. My Grandad who spent 30 years in the Army including WW2 always taught me 'to respect your hosts, wherever you are in the World' and it's something I've always lived by. Behave like that, and accept the consequences in my opinion, it hasn't even got anything to do with football. More pompous twaddle from HTT, I can only assume he wasn't actually there. So you would be happy to fill someone in at the match, even with your 11 year old next to you? Even though you said watching others do it was uncomfortable? Or are only accepting it when other people do it? I just don't get this giving people a kicking thing, no matter what. They should be hoyed out if they play up but people don't deserves having their head kicked in for being a bit of an idiot and celebrating in the home end. And people wonder why football fans are treated like s*** by the police. What are you talking about, I haven't mentioned 'filling anyone in' at all? It was a question because you said it was uncomfortable at first but then went on to condone the Liverpool fans getting filled in when you said they should accept the consequences. So I was a bit confused, and wondering if you meant you were happy to condone it when other people were giving it out or if you would do the same. Where did I 'condone them getting filled in' exactly?
  10. Honestly, what a an absolute load of Daily Mail sanctimonious s****. Is it right? No of course not. Should we have all evolved where we can sit back like good citizens and 'let the authorities deal with in the appropriate way?' Probably. But that's not the way it is and those Liverpool fans who took their chances in the home end, they f***ing knew it's the way it is as well. if I sat in the Kop or in the Stretford End or with mackems in their own end, then I know how this works and would behave appropriately. Gan on like arseholes? Sorry but I hope every one of them got a clip. I'm not one bit pro violence in any shape or form. Having said that, if I'm sat in my club's home stadium with my bairns and a jumped up away fan who thinks he's clever getting into our home end starts trouble or unnecessary bollocks, you better bet I'm standing my ground and defending my own. I wouldn't wait for a f***ing steward. This. Was there with my 11 year old son in the East Stand and he'd never seen anything like that at a match before, felt a bit uncomfortable with him there to be quite honest......luckily we weren't right next to it. My Grandad who spent 30 years in the Army including WW2 always taught me 'to respect your hosts, wherever you are in the World' and it's something I've always lived by. Behave like that, and accept the consequences in my opinion, it hasn't even got anything to do with football. More pompous twaddle from HTT, I can only assume he wasn't actually there. So you would be happy to fill someone in at the match, even with your 11 year old next to you? Even though you said watching others do it was uncomfortable? Or are only accepting it when other people do it? I just don't get this giving people a kicking thing, no matter what. They should be hoyed out if they play up but people don't deserves having their head kicked in for being a bit of an idiot and celebrating in the home end. And people wonder why football fans are treated like s*** by the police. What are you talking about, I haven't mentioned 'filling anyone in' at all? All I said was, that if you behave like that, it's inevitable that somebody will take offence and things like that will happen.
  11. Honestly, what a an absolute load of Daily Mail sanctimonious shite. Is it right? No of course not. Should we have all evolved where we can sit back like good citizens and 'let the authorities deal with in the appropriate way?' Probably. But that's not the way it is and those Liverpool fans who took their chances in the home end, they fucking knew it's the way it is as well. if I sat in the Kop or in the Stretford End or with mackems in their own end, then I know how this works and would behave appropriately. Gan on like arseholes? Sorry but I hope every one of them got a clip. I'm not one bit pro violence in any shape or form. Having said that, if I'm sat in my club's home stadium with my bairns and a jumped up away fan who thinks he's clever getting into our home end starts trouble or unnecessary bollocks, you better bet I'm standing my ground and defending my own. I wouldn't wait for a fucking steward. This. Was there with my 11 year old son in the East Stand and he'd never seen anything like that at a match before, felt a bit uncomfortable with him there to be quite honest......luckily we weren't right next to it. My Grandad who spent 30 years in the Army including WW2 always taught me 'to respect your hosts, wherever you are in the World' and it's something I've always lived by. Behave like that, and accept the consequences in my opinion, it hasn't even got anything to do with football. More pompous twaddle from HTT, I can only assume he wasn't actually there.
  12. Never had any grief at games I've been to at Anfield mind, Goodison was always a different story......saw a mate of mine get stabbed there in 85.
  13. As much as I was impressed with the size of it and all the work worflags do, I thought the imagery at the bottom isn't the best in my opinion......why Durham Cathedral and not our own? Why wasn't the Castle Keep on? Hadrian's Wall? It's all a bit Minecraft too. I chipped in so I'm entitled to have my say before someone pipes up.
  14. UncleBingo


    That cant be right surely? Off the top of my head I'd say Durham to Newcastle is approx 20 miles, Durham to Sunlun approx 15.
  15. Glad they got battered Come on man. To be fair, the Liverpool fans pushed and shoved Newcastle fans around them after they scored their goals. When told to stop they started throwing punches. Call me old-fashioned, but I’d say they deserve to be beaten. This. Go in the home end by all means, but start acting like a bellend and accept the consequences. Was in the East Stand near the Gallowgate tonight and a few of them getting chucked out were asking for it in my humble.
  16. UncleBingo


    Indeed. They'd convinced themselves that the Don, Charlie Meths & the new Fergie would have them romping the division this year, and we'd be playing them in the same league next season. Their loss at Wembo and our survival has seen the Fewmometer cranked up to a 9.5.......could literally blow the thing up if they manage to fuck up the play-offs and Beneathus signs a new contract. This really could be a quite special couple of weeks in our rivalry with them in all honesty.
  17. UncleBingo


    I'd heard some rewwwmers you were a Fleetwood Mag marra.
  18. Agreed. Complete overreaction and knicker-wetting by the usual suspects.
  19. UncleBingo


    Can't wait to hear The Don and Charlie Meths try and spin this one.
  20. Scored on his debut then sacked off after only 4 games IIRC. I went out with his cousin for a couple of years, who worked at Newcastle University........she said he was a right arrogant prick and couldn't stand him.
  21. Andersson was a weird one, I think Shearer even recommended him to Daggers as an ideal strike partner, played for Milan and cost reasonable money for the time (around 3.5m?). Missed Clarke and Rafferty, before my time. What about Shinton? Wasn't he top scorer one year with about 4? 80-81 season, which was about as grim as I've ever seen us, he finished top scorer with 7. I had a badge which I bought in the Kard Bar that said 'Bobby Shinton's more slippery than a frog's belly'. Great times. The great man himself used to come down my street every Wednesday in his sponsored Ford Escort, to drop his pools money off at the Littlewoods agent in our street. How times have changed.
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