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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. Getting relegated is, at this moment in time, THE most viable way to get rid of Ashley. I'd think Rafa will leave at the end of the season regardless. We need to be relegated and more importantly - not be promoted. (If getting rid of Ashley is the number 1 requisite.) Sorry, but that's complete bollocks imho. We have been approached 5-6 times by parties willing to buy us, and not one of those was when we were in the Championship.
  2. If you're there today, please get pictures of any areas of broken facilities/decay/grime etc. and upload them to @MaintainSjp on Twitter. Cheers
  3. UncleBingo

    Athletico Mince

    Grew up watching Big Night Out after a night in the boozer and I've always been a massive Reeves & Mortimer fan.......Athletico Mince is right up my street.......British Managers Club and Barry Homeowner are my favourites.
  4. i think this is our biggest hope for a sale myself, that whole side of things drags him down to the point he just wants no other bother especially if TMG etc. keep going for his businesses Agreed, his greed could most definitely be his downfall.......and that's why the pressure must be kept up and then intensified.
  5. This Eddie Rutherford fella seems a few sandwiches short of a picnic to me rather than a Bishop PR merchant. Not happy with the journalist either, will be having words with him in due course.
  6. Yep. They'll whitewash the facts, but not the stadium. Cunts.
  7. That Musgrove fella ran the story in the Chron, used my pictures but didn't use my statement.......just loads of blather from the stadium manager. The whole article is an absolute heap of shite. Check out @IfRafaGoesWeGo’s Tweet:
  8. Aye I kna. Listened to a bit of it again earlier to make sure I didn't sound a tit haha. Anyone else thinking of going tomorrow? I bought myself a share but work commitments & location means I can't attend. My godson works in central London, so I think he's going to go along.
  9. Also beating Chelsea 4-2 in 1994. Just watching the YouTube highlights that are linked, Jesus, no way we'll ever get a pen that soft ever again. I was at that game. That little weasel Dennis Wise was having words with Rob Lee(?) as he was about to take that penalty. I’m not sure if that’s when we started hating Wise but i remember he got loads of abuse for the rest of the game and every match after that. Hate for Wise goes back further than that. The little scrote chased Mirandinha at the final whistle after a Wimbledon cup (?) game. Thought better of it after a crowd surge in the Stawberry corner and a certain young (now very, very...ahem...sensible and not so young) fan jumping the fence with every intention of chinning him. To be fair, Mirandinha did ask for it by booting Beasant up the arse when he wasn't looking after the final whistle. Funny as fuck watching him get chased by half a dozen Wimbledon players.
  10. The deal he did meant he didn't have to pay any debts so some of the suppliers have lost out massively and are in a stand off. Also website being down means you xant browse or click and collect or whatever. Yeah but 90% drop in trade in store? Even if the lass was exaggerating that doesn't make sense. I think there's a bit of poetic licence with the 90% figure on her part, but she said it was desperate. If you're a punter, why would you buy something at a shop where there's a possibility of it closing down, meaning you wouldn't get your money back if the goods were faulty......I know I wouldn't, I'd take my business elsewhere. Maybe being bought by Ashley really has cheapened the store in the minds of others, we hate him obviously, but he doesn't really have a good reputation anywhere as far as I can see.
  11. Was talking to one of my old neighbours this morning, she works at one of the cosmetics concessions at HoF in the MetroCente. She reckons it's absolute chaos, loads of the suppliers are refusing to supply any more stock, as they haven't been paid, nobody knows who to ask questions to, and more importantly, she says that trade has fallen by about 90%, there's literally noone in the shop never mind buying stuff. Most of the staff there are looking for alternative jobs already, as they feel the writing is on the wall. It would be a real shame if the fat cunt has bitten off more than he can chew this time, a real shame.
  12. UncleBingo


    How many of them were sent down while a Newcastle player?
  13. He looks like a Bulgarian grave digger.
  14. UncleBingo


    This. He was fucking diabolical for about 80% of the time he was here too.
  15. There's a Twitter account @MaintainSjp asking for any photos to be uploaded there.
  16. Spoke to Andrew Musgrove at the Chronicle today, as he was the reporter who contacted me after my post on Twitter about the clip of SJP. He'd visited the ground this week and when I asked him how the visit had gone, all he said was there was some good people work there. I said I was aware of that, but that's not the question I asked, I also said that Lee Marshall's claim that this was about 'point scoring on the internet' was utter bollocks. I asked him about what he thought of the state of the stadium, and he avoided the question again, saying that 'he'd stated the concerns I had, and had received some honest answers - story will run soon. I asked when the story would run and got no reply. Doesn't sound like it's going to be particular hard hitting unfortunately. He needs to work on his manners as well.
  17. They absolutely hate the fact that our support is far more pro active than theirs is. They just sat back and watched their club disappear into obscurity whearas we are fighting for ours and it really sticks in their throats. We’ve done the square root of fuck all for the best part of ten years ... we are no better than the Mackems in that regard . Most football fans are passive schmucks who willingly let owners walk all over them We've done certain things but I'll agree not enough. The demonstrations before and after the Hull game after Keegan was sacked. The boycott v Spurs The walkout and general hostility v Cardiff Ashley out Pardew Out Demonstrations outside SD Demonstrations outside SJP Maybe not enough but plenty more than them down the road capable of, which annoys them. Would be interested to hear what the Little Waster has done to oust Ashley in the last 10 years? I have an idea in my mind, but let's see.
  18. They absolutely hate the fact that our support is far more pro active than theirs is. They just sat back and watched their club disappear into obscurity whearas we are fighting for ours and it really sticks in their throats. Yep. Seen a few of them on RTG seemingly happy that it took League One football for their owner to walk. They were happy scrambling around with their derby wins. Had they acted sooner then they mightn’t have had to set their club back about 5 years to get rid of Short. not sure what it would do to them if rafa stayed on and got reasonable backing/a new owner...it would fucking end them i reckon It would definitely end crumpy.
  19. I think the general consensus was that there probably will be protests in the ground at some point. In the meantime, keep backing the manager and players during the games, as they're giving it their all. However, if there are to he protest at the game, they need to be at televised matches, and maybe include things like delaying kick off times which would disrupt the TV schedules and doing something in the ground that the cameras cant ignore (eg the Charlton tennis ball protest).
  20. If anyone wants an update, there's a 10 page plus running commentary thread on RTG.....I kid you not. Good meeting, a couple of absolute melts there ( It's a public meeting after all) but there was a lot of sense talked, and plenty of passionate and intligent people in the room. Good to put a face to a few names too.
  21. Okay fella, will see you there.
  22. I'm going to head to Bar Loco first for a pint if anyone fancies one in there?
  23. So who is there tomorrow?
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