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Everything posted by SSFC

  1. At university his coach said he ran a 4.25 40. Which would put him top 10 all time in American football for the scouting combine. For reference Bellerin broke Walcott's record at Arsenal with a 4.4. 4.25 is F U speed and then some.
  2. Im guessing Yedlin is fine to play considering he went on the field for like 5 minutes and not much happened. Not even sure if he made a run forward. You can tell he wasnt even gonna play but the RB who started had some cramping issues in the 83rd minute. Rondon went 32 minutes and scored twice against Panama. So maybe he could give us 60-65 minutes on the weekend? Unless Rafa doesnt want them to start cause they havent been in training and while I wish we had that luxury, I dont know if we do.
  3. SSFC


    Spain's 2nd goal was off. Saul made a play for the header from an offside position, that froze Pickford and Rodrigo with the easy goal. Edit: Actually now that I finally got another look from the backside angle, Saul actually got level with Maguire. So I take it back (leave my idiocy above for people to see though )
  4. Just logging in to say that. Thats 2 on the day I think. Swiss decimating Iceland.
  5. I suspect, since there are 25 players called for USMNT that Yedlin could sit out against Mexico. I believe we play Brazil first and I would assume that is the game he gets the start and the Levante kid goes against Mexico-Yedlin has played Mexico plenty and doesnt need the experience of it. There is a placeholder manager who is just trying to give as many looks to as many guys as possible and I was hoping he would leave Yedlin out but I guess he felt that he is the most senior player for the next generation of players.
  6. Yep. I figured it could be a Palace like season this year and Im sticking to it. Ridiculous first couple months worth of fixtures and then it will be time to get some steam. We actually havent been ran off the park so that has me still positive and up beat with what Rafa is doing. The Cardiff match is the only one that gets me mad and that should have been 3 points (even if we played terrible). Rondon looking good and the defense should continue to gel. We take our lumps now but we gotta scratch and claw then once the top 6 teams are out of the way then get things going.
  7. I like the formation actually...we dont have to be so negative when we arent mired in this ridiculous fixture list. Just want to get these first 7 weeks done with and then the schedule turns favorable. Go on a 17-18 Palace run after the first couple months. Definitely think its setting up that way.
  8. Class strike by Walker but disappointing to see 3 CB's turn away from the ball. I get that you dont want a deflection to go in but man I would rather that than have that get thru clean
  9. We havent been that far off the block. Had Kenedy not missed that pen (should have never been the one taking it), things would be looking way different in my eyes. Still this is a difficult start to the season for the first 7-8 weeks. Nevertheless we are in these games. Once the new guys are fully integrated, we will be just fine. Lets keep this going 2nd half. There is space wide and Rondon...someone give him something to last a full 90 minutes cause he is bossing it in his hold up play and that pass was everything.
  10. Think they removed it. Well crap...Ashley aint gonna pay for a 3D printer to get him a new one either.
  11. When does he come back from knee surgery?
  12. Disappointing to see everyone AWOL on the 2nd (and obviously the 3rd). Should have just take it to pens considering and packed it in. Alas Sterry way up field, Darlow pushing everyone forward. Schar bad on the 2nd. Nevertheless. The fixture list is not kind to start the season. Then we had to play arguably the best Championship side in terms of form right now (maybe 2nd best).....still its concerning. Opening the season against Spurs, Chelsea, City, and Arsenal in the first 5 matches was always gonna be difficult. One concern is the fact that no one looked like they could be bothered tonight except the youngsters. Gotta just weather this storm in the first 7 matches or so and hope we can scrape 36 points from 31 games as pathetic as it sounds. I think we will be alright but this could definitely capitulate. Really hope one of the attackers can get on form and help lift things. This weekend is gonna be gash.
  13. Less than that if that was supposed to be them playing well. Their lack of ambition after the red was as shocking as our performance today...maybe more so. Home team, next 6 games are all but lost already given they are playing 6 of last years top 7 in a row. Everything about this match was shocking.
  14. Agreed. Im gonna assume Yedlin is back at RB so I would give Fernandez a go instead of Clark, Ki over Diame, Rondon for Joselu. Probably stick with Ayoze but possibly put Muto in for Kenedy (assuming suspension but who knows). What is being used now isnt working right now.
  15. Um yeah, were gonna need a new list, and have that on my desk by Monday- Bill Lumbergh (Office Space)
  16. I really want to hear why Shelvey isnt taking that pen.
  17. Terrible. I guess thats deserved though. Shocking match from both sides.
  18. Surely next match Ki for Diame and Rondon for Joselu...surely
  19. Yedlin missing one match practically made him untouchable
  20. Wow harsh. A little high but maybe the missed Kenedy situation made that easier for Pawson cause refs
  21. Maybe not the correct place for this but just saw that KDB might have just had a serious injury in training much like his months long injury a couple years ago. Team is still littered with talent but that is a massive loss if true.
  22. I mean considering how it looked and was feared, it would be negligent not too sit him at least a week. Personally, lets say its is really short term, I would still probably let him sit the next two matches and then I think there is an international break, so that would give him almost a month off but only miss two games.
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