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Everything posted by OCK

  1. I reckon Jose wants in on this trip to Butlins like.
  2. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/man-city-sheikh-mansour-newcastle-15234596
  3. What the fuck were the players even doing there in the first place man When your boss invites you all to a meal, I'm sure most of us would go regardless how we felt about said boss. On top of that if this was a meal to clear the air, I'm sure even the most jaded of players would have wanted to go to find answers. he will just be trying to spin his, stick with me til next summer then we will spend big line again. More than likely.
  4. OCK


    Quality. He can get away with it too as he's here on loan.
  5. What the fuck were the players even doing there in the first place man When your boss invites you all to a meal, I'm sure most of us would go regardless how we felt about said boss. On top of that if this was a meal to clear the air, I'm sure even the most jaded of players would have wanted to go to find answers.
  6. Ritchie is FUMING. Clearly didn't get the Chicken Nugget Happy Meal he asked for.
  7. Fairly certain that's the land that was in front of the training ground where the horses were kept that was once a lovely football pitch and is now new build houses.
  8. Sounds more like the players getting things off their chests with each other "You're not working hard enough to track back." "You're holding the ball too long." etc. The kind of shit that used to happen all the time at half-time and full-time between players in the dressing room.
  9. Have they mentioned that City have never won in the 4 games they've had this chap as a ref yet?
  10. Its really not worth thinking about who our next manager will be, as it'll only lead to hate, hate leads to suffering and before you know it you've slaughtered a bunch of Younglings and you wake up screaming NOOOOOOOOO.
  11. You should fix that before I report it to Lee Marshall on twitter.
  12. You've got me thinking of Keegan's return now and Gutierrez burning down the wing. That game was crazy.
  13. Just my hacking skills. There's no CSS safe from my bumbling ways.
  14. OCK


    Didn't seem to stop them when one Newcastle fan punched a horse. We were all horse punchers. Punching horses does help me with my depression tbh
  15. Wow, so we could have possibly been bought by the current owners of Man City if Mike Ashley and chums hadn't gotten into a drunken brawl.
  16. It could very well be legit, but I'm sure Ashley will move the goalposts and fuck about until the interest is gone. He's not going anywhere.
  17. Ah, and so begins the takeover again. I'm sure this one will fail sometime in Feb too.
  18. OCK

    The Magpie Group

    It'll work in the protest's favour having footage of the stewards removing them. Keep up the fight everyone!
  19. 1. This makes our defence look shite 2. He parries a lot, so I'm thankful that he's got great recovery saves too 3. I think there'll be a lot of back post tap ins from parries incoming at some point however if opposition pay attention 4. I still love him and his hair
  20. Everything about HBA's time here was something out of a movie - he arrives, looks amazing, has his leg broken, gives the thumbs up as he's carried off, comes has some stunning performances and then the manager decides every time the team loses its HBAs fault.
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