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Infinitely Content

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Everything posted by Infinitely Content

  1. Parker seems far more astute than Lampard as a manager, which is a fair comparison to make I think.
  2. We as fans should be wondering why we haven't been seeing that kind of performance every week, Mike Ashley should be wondering why he is now paying two manager's wages.
  3. Cliche but that Everton team are too soft to kick on much further I reckon. They need more Allan's.
  4. Yeah, he was out right quite a lot with Almiron occupying the middle. And it was working. I was watching thinking....is, is...is this...tactics?
  5. This fucking lad man. I've said it before but we are so lucky to have him.
  6. First goal I've celebrated in months. Simply because I feel we actually deserve it.
  7. In a word he hasn't, no. Past 12 months he's been so underwhelming and indicative of our major issue - just no urgency, pace or nimbleness in midfield. Compare us to a team like Leicester and it's light and day. Christ, sounds like us & Jonjo Shelvey.
  8. Neil[/member], has Andre Gomes never fully recovered from that bad injury or does Ancelotti just not fancy him? He must be a better option than Sigurdsson in the middle... I always thought he looked good.
  9. Saint-Maximin standing by an energy drink advertising board reading "Unleash The Beast".
  10. Interesting shot there where both Jones and Bruce stood up to shout instructions at the same time and Bruce was the one to stop and take the backseat.
  11. Nothing to get too carried away about, but we look competitive and are asking questions of the opposition for once. Thought Almiron and Manquillo were really good there.
  12. Manquillo so much better than our other 47 right backs. Glad to see him back in. Dubravka next please Mr Jones, and we may start to recover that solidity at the back we became known for under the previous manager.
  13. Very good but also very light defensively. Doucoure being the only one but even he is more box to box than purely defensive. Also, I wish he would play Dubravka man ffs.
  14. Start him up top tomorrow as punishment.
  15. West Brom after him (AMN) also. God, if we are actually in for him (as we should be) and he chooses West Brom, I'm not sure another word needs to be said about where we are as a club right now.
  16. Definitely. Can't remember him having a great deal of pace. Can't actually remember the last time I saw him play mind.
  17. Opinions seem quite split on him, but I really like Maitland-Niles. Think he's way better than he's been able to show for Arsenal. I can see him as a bit of a Jay Dasilva type (the lad that ran the show from midfield for Brentford against us). I think he's capable of that or better.
  18. Tuchel comes across so well. Get the impression he's going to be a real success at Chelsea before they sack him in about 18 months.
  19. I think it's because Rafa didn't use his own money to buy us some players.
  20. Aye, you'd have thought Schar would've been straight at the ref if it was spit and they'd have checked it. He was on one. He loves it.
  21. Hard to tell, I did wonder why Schar jumped up so suddenly though. Just assumed something had been said.
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